Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

That would be a bit scary for a beginner to work out who can't read plants ,just a little vague from the company 🤣🤣
Seems you have it sorted looking good mate 👍
I agree Abs.

I suggested to them that they include some additional info. in their online feeding schedule. I got the canned response, "Thanks. We'll look into it." I'm not hopeful.

I had the same conversation with another nutrient company over 6 months ago. Their online schedule made no reference to one of their recently added products (which I had purchased). On that occasion I was told that they were currently revising their online schedule. I check their site every now and then and nothing has been changed. :straightface:
I agree Abs.

I suggested to them that they include some additional info. in their online feeding schedule. I got the canned response, "Thanks. We'll look into it." I'm not hopeful.

I had the same conversation with another nutrient company over 6 months ago. Their online schedule made no reference to one of their recently added products (which I had purchased). On that occasion I was told that they were currently revising their online schedule. I check their site every now and then and nothing has been changed. :straightface:
Some companies pay to get this sort of information and then you have those that aren't even grateful or even consider trying or using the information given.
Its really strange how some of these companies operate.
Some companies pay to get this sort of information and then you have those that aren't even grateful or even consider trying or using the information given.
Its really strange how some of these companies operate.
Some of them might be run by stoners! 🙂
If things sound Iffy then people would look at it as they really have no idea other than some Schedule to keep life in there / then the buying power would change there mine for purchasing .
Perhaps they depend on folks like me who buy the product first and then start asking questions! 🤪
Hello all.

It's Flip + 59 for Copy & Paste and somethings they are a'changing.

The upper leaves on both plants are beginning to fade to yellow. I expect to see such a fade beginning at the bottom of the plant so I'm a tiny bit concerned. A few of the yellowing leaves are also showing increased hints of purple so they may all be headed in that direction, which would be nice, I guess.

The Strive Part A provides all of the P&K. (There's none in Part B.) On their next feed tomorrow, I may up the dosage of the Part A just a bit to see if that makes a difference. I'll need to sleep on it in order to decide whether to do that.

If I decide to increase Part A I'll increase it in both the regular Strive dose and Shed's dose to keep things equal, since I know everyone is on pins and needles about my little experiment! 😁
FFc 1-24-24 F59 tent (3).JPG

Thanks for stopping by.

Good morning all and Happy Sunday!

It's Flip + 56 for Copy & Paste.

I remain convinced that Paste is further along, maturity-wise, than Copy. It's frustrating though, because I'm unable to really highlight the difference in pics. I just don't have the photo skills to pull it off.

Anyway, I'll keep trying. Here are some bud pics from this morning:

Copy bud 1-21-24 F56.jpg

Paste bud 1-21-24 F56.jpg

Hmm. Not so sure these pics do very much to support my contention. :straightface:

Thanks con. FTFY! 🙂

Thanks for the clarification Carcass.

If today's pics change your mind then change your vote. Remember, this democracy is fluid! 🙂

No way, no how Schnookie!

Even I care more about a better PM treatment than I do about which of my plants got fed what!

(BTW, you could have voted since you were here! 🙂)


Thanks for looking in and have yourselves a refreshing & relaxing Sunday!

Looks like Paste will be harvested first to my eyes. Maybe a couple days or less.
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 60 for Copy & Paste.

After sleeping on whether to increase the Part 2 of the Strive nutrients I decided against doing it. I'm going to just sit back and observe.

Just a few solo shots today as I slowly start to countdown the weeks... 🙂

Copy 1-25-24 F60 solo (2).JPG

Copy 1-25-24 F60 solo (1).JPG

Copy 1-25-24 F60 bud.jpg

Paste 1-25-24 F60 solo (1).JPG

Paste 1-25-24 F60 solo (2).JPG

Paste 1-25-24 f60 bud1.jpg


I baked some infused chocolate chip cookies last night. Unfortunately, I nodded off while doing so and they stayed in the oven a bit too long.

I noticed when I took them out that they were kinda' dark brown. I didn't think much of it because they were still soft. (Duh. They were hot Sherlock! 🤓)

By the time I got around to trying one today I damn near dislocated my jaw trying to bite it. Hard as a rock!

Luckily, it can still be broken down by hand. And if I put a small enough piece in my mouth and suck on it for a while it'll soften to the point of being chewable. And it's a potent cookie. And I won't be able to sell any of them. And I'll prolly have to eat them all myself. And I'll soldier through this! :Rasta:

Thanks for your time.

Hello growers.

It's Flip + 60 for Copy & Paste.

After sleeping on whether to increase the Part 2 of the Strive nutrients I decided against doing it. I'm going to just sit back and observe.

Just a few solo shots today as I slowly start to countdown the weeks... 🙂

Copy 1-25-24 F60 solo (2).JPG

Copy 1-25-24 F60 solo (1).JPG

Copy 1-25-24 F60 bud.jpg

Paste 1-25-24 F60 solo (1).JPG

Paste 1-25-24 F60 solo (2).JPG

Paste 1-25-24 f60 bud1.jpg


I baked some infused chocolate chip cookies last night. Unfortunately, I nodded off while doing so and they stayed in the oven a bit too long.

I noticed when I took them out that they were kinda' dark brown. I didn't think much of it because they were still soft. (Duh. They were hot Sherlock! 🤓)

By the time I got around to trying one today I damn near dislocated my jaw trying to bite it. Hard as a rock!

Luckily, it can still be broken down by hand. And if I put a small enough piece in my mouth and suck on it for a while it'll soften to the point of being chewable. And it's a potent cookie. And I won't be able to sell any of them. And I'll prolly have to eat them all myself. And I'll soldier through this! :Rasta:

Thanks for your time.

both plants are looking goooood! to bad about the cookies you could cut them into chunks & say they're chocolate flavored hard candy
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 60 for Copy & Paste.

After sleeping on whether to increase the Part 2 of the Strive nutrients I decided against doing it. I'm going to just sit back and observe.

Just a few solo shots today as I slowly start to countdown the weeks... 🙂

Copy 1-25-24 F60 solo (2).JPG

Copy 1-25-24 F60 solo (1).JPG

Copy 1-25-24 F60 bud.jpg

Paste 1-25-24 F60 solo (1).JPG

Paste 1-25-24 F60 solo (2).JPG

Paste 1-25-24 f60 bud1.jpg


I baked some infused chocolate chip cookies last night. Unfortunately, I nodded off while doing so and they stayed in the oven a bit too long.

I noticed when I took them out that they were kinda' dark brown. I didn't think much of it because they were still soft. (Duh. They were hot Sherlock! 🤓)

By the time I got around to trying one today I damn near dislocated my jaw trying to bite it. Hard as a rock!

Luckily, it can still be broken down by hand. And if I put a small enough piece in my mouth and suck on it for a while it'll soften to the point of being chewable. And it's a potent cookie. And I won't be able to sell any of them. And I'll prolly have to eat them all myself. And I'll soldier through this! :Rasta:

Thanks for your time.

Beautiful buds you have going there:goodjob:

What a shame you have to eat them all 🤣
I'm going out on one of those limbs again to say I think they both look equally great and from what I can tell, any difference between the two feed schedules isn't statistically significant!
I'll join you on that limb. It looks sturdy enough to hold us both. :Rasta:
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