Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello all.

I knew I had another milk crate around here, but I had been unable to find it. Luckily, on yesterday Mrs. GDB was able to show me where it was.

So I elevated the Black Domina clone (front right in the pic below) even more. I removed the beverage carrier I had put on top of the crate in use and stacked the found crate on top of the in-use crate. This moved the BD another 6.5 inches closer to the light. Put another way, over the last few days she's been moved 11 inches closer to the light.

I took the beverage carrier and stacked it on top of the 2 carriers that the untrained Black Cherry Punch was sitting on. So she got raised 4.5 inches closer to the light.

Now all the plants (at this rather late stage) are about equally distanced from the @Mars Hydro TS3000.

Clones 8-4-22 F55.jpg

Now to see if the BD's appetite for liquids picks back up!

Thanks for looking in.

It really is amazing how much larger the dot fed clones got. They all look great.
It really is amazing how much larger the dot fed clones got. They all look great.
Thanks BudMan. I know I've been impressed. The Dots got them to blast off! :)
Hello all.

It's Flip + 58 for the clones and still there are no hiccups to report!

Got a pic through the side door this morning before lights-out. The buds on the Kera Bubblegum (back left) are getting obese!
Dotted clones 8-6-22 F58.jpg

This grow has been pleasantly uneventful! :Rasta:

Thanks for you attention.

Hello all.

It's Flip + 58 for the clones and still there are no hiccups to report!

Got a pic through the side door this morning before lights-out. The buds on the Kera Bubblegum (back left) are getting obese!
Dotted clones 8-6-22 F58.jpg

This grow has been pleasantly uneventful! :Rasta:

Thanks for you attention.

Beautiful grow. It’s too bad ya can’t smell photos. lol
Hello all.

It's Flip + 58 for the clones and still there are no hiccups to report!

Got a pic through the side door this morning before lights-out. The buds on the Kera Bubblegum (back left) are getting obese!
Dotted clones 8-6-22 F58.jpg

This grow has been pleasantly uneventful! :Rasta:

Thanks for you attention.

How can you say uneventful? those buds are a main event if I ever saw one. :bravo:
Hope everything is going well my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hello growers.

Just a little share of some personal thoughts today.

A few days back, @MrSauga hit the like button in one of my journals. I believe it may have been this one.

He didn't say anything. Just hit "like" and, I guess, went back to sleep.

Ever since I've been wondering what he was really up to.

I've put a piece of tape over the cam on my laptop. :straightface:
Hello growers.

Just a little share of some personal thoughts today.

A few days back, @MrSauga hit the like button in one of my journals. I believe it may have been this one.

He didn't say anything. Just hit "like" and, I guess, went back to sleep.

Ever since I've been wondering what he was really up to.

I've put a piece of tape over the cam on my laptop. :straightface:
Sorry, I was in the wrong thread when I hit the Like button. I turned left towards the amusement park instead of turning right towards the library.
I still drop by to see how you're doing. :love:
Sorry, I was in the wrong thread when I hit the Like button. I turned left towards the amusement park instead of turning right towards the library.
I still drop by to see how you're doing. :love:
You're too funny! :laughtwo:

Good to hear from you man.
Hello growers.

Still nothing major to report on Flip + 60 for the Clones.

I took a lights-out, flash pic this morning. I was hoping to reveal some colors that may be hidden under the glare of the @Mars Hydro TS3000 (ala @Carcass and his GSC plant).

It worked! Now you can see a more distinct contrast between the green and yellow leaves. :straightface:
Clones 8-9-22 F60.JPG

BTW, @InTheShed's advice about giving the MC-fed plant a little magnesium nitrate was spot on. The Black Domina clone (front right) now has the fewest yellowing leaves in the tent!

Thanks for looking in.

Hello growers.

Still nothing major to report on Flip + 60 for the Clones.

I took a lights-out, flash pic this morning. I was hoping to reveal some colors that may be hidden under the glare of the @Mars Hydro TS3000 (ala @Carcass and his GSC plant).

It worked! Now you can see a more distinct contrast between the green and yellow leaves. :straightface:
Clones 8-9-22 F60.JPG

BTW, @InTheShed's advice about giving the MC-fed plant a little magnesium nitrate was spot on. The Black Domina clone (front right) now has the fewest yellowing leaves in the tent!

Thanks for looking in.

Still nothing major to report is usually good. :thumb:
Those buds are so heavy they are almost hitting the pot.:rofl:
You better get the crane in there.:drool:
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill.

There are some "heavies" in there. And there is an intricate web of ties trying to hold them upright. Seems to be working thus far. :Rasta:
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