Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Hello growers.

I've got nothing but a family pic of the photos.

Left Rear: Critical Kush
R Rear: Double Chocolate
L Front: Cheese
R Front: Grand Daddy Purple
M: Strawberry Banana Grape

Photo Fam day 56.JPG

They are on day 56 and I am maintaining my composure! This is a milestone for me. I've only grown a few photos and I've always been in a hurry to flip them. With this set, I've calmed down and am determined to let these go at least 65 days before flip. My true goal is 70 days, but I'm taking baby steps. :Rasta:

I've been having great fun reading the posts of other members! There are so many different things happening on the forum.

420 Love. (That might be backwards to some, but the meanings the same either way!)

Thanks for stopping by.

You have a lovely looking family GDB! I can't see any reason to rush the flip with all that room.
Thanks, Shed.

I do have a lot of room. The 5x5 tent is more spacious than I imagined it would be and I'm not yet that confident about judging how much space a photo will take up.

I'll get it stuffed one of these days! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I've got nothing but a family pic of the photos.

Left Rear: Critical Kush
R Rear: Double Chocolate
L Front: Cheese
R Front: Grand Daddy Purple
M: Strawberry Banana Grape

Photo Fam day 56.JPG

They are on day 56 and I am maintaining my composure! This is a milestone for me. I've only grown a few photos and I've always been in a hurry to flip them. With this set, I've calmed down and am determined to let these go at least 65 days before flip. My true goal is 70 days, but I'm taking baby steps. :Rasta:

I've been having great fun reading the posts of other members! There are so many different things happening on the forum.

420 Love. (That might be backwards to some, but the meanings the same either way!)

Thanks for stopping by.

Patience is a virtue GDB. I like to wait like you're doing now. Nice!
All caught up here GDB.. your plants look stellar as always. A nextlight mega at your door?! Lucky guy! I’ll eventually have a 5x5 to put mine in as well. I’ll bet your plants are droopy just getting acclimated to the power of the new light. In a few days I’ll bet they’re perkier than they ever were before. I see you’re hard switching to photos in a sort of two flowering tent style... that’s a recipe for a whole crap ton of bud.. in fact I think DJshort wrote up a system for harvesting 1 lb every month with two tents of that size. I doubt you’re trying to push your yields to the max, but your setups got serious potential.

That’s too funny you found a strain with your exact name... and the make up of it is nothing to sneeze at! Tons of people love both of those parent genetics.

what size pots are these new photos in? For a 70 day veg and 25 square feet of space you might want to think about going for 7 gallon pots... lugging them around is basically impossible, but you could always go the saucer route... just something to ponder.

anyway that’s my 2 cents. Sorry it took so long for me to come back around! I’ll try not to wait so long before the next time.
All caught up here GDB.. your plants look stellar as always. A nextlight mega at your door?! Lucky guy! I’ll eventually have a 5x5 to put mine in as well. I’ll bet your plants are droopy just getting acclimated to the power of the new light. In a few days I’ll bet they’re perkier than they ever were before. I see you’re hard switching to photos in a sort of two flowering tent style... that’s a recipe for a whole crap ton of bud.. in fact I think DJshort wrote up a system for harvesting 1 lb every month with two tents of that size. I doubt you’re trying to push your yields to the max, but your setups got serious potential.

That’s too funny you found a strain with your exact name... and the make up of it is nothing to sneeze at! Tons of people love both of those parent genetics.

what size pots are these new photos in? For a 70 day veg and 25 square feet of space you might want to think about going for 7 gallon pots... lugging them around is basically impossible, but you could always go the saucer route... just something to ponder.

anyway that’s my 2 cents. Sorry it took so long for me to come back around! I’ll try not to wait so long before the next time.
Thanks for stopping by, Chef.

I am very lucky, indeed. My setups are pretty solid now with the addition of the new light. I recognize the potential for large recurring yields, but I am limited in how much I can produce when I consider the need to dry and store what I produce. (I'm already at the point where I have to vacuum seal my older stash to clear up mason jars for new stuff.)

And it was yet another stroke of luck to find a strain that shares my moniker! And yeah, it "sounds" like some killer weed! Can't wait to find out. :Rasta:

The photos are in 5 gallon pots. I doubt that I will go larger unless some scientific genius invents a new type of water that weighs about 1/2 as much as what we use now. :laughtwo: In fact, I've got saucers on the way for use with these 5 gallon pots because I'm tired of lugging them around! (I am also considering getting some sort of automatic watering system.)

Is your concern about the 5 gallon pot with a 70-day veg period related to the possibility that they might get root-bound before the end? (Please say yes, and give me an excuse to flip them on day 60! :Rasta:)

One more time, Chef, thank you for nudging me towards photos. They are a lot less mysterious than autos and also allow for much more creativity and produce much less stress (for the grower).

Hello growers and Happy Hump Day!

Still not much to report here. I'm mostly just watching and watering with a little training thrown in here and there.

Here's a family pic of the autos:

Fam Pic Autos Jan 27.JPG

The Lemon Haze (front left) is on day 38. Every time I look at her I mentally give myself a swift kick in the ass.
Had I not decapitated her early on she would have been huge. As is, she still is towering over her tent-mates..

The Chocolate Kush (also day 38) is behind the LH. She is quietly chugging along.

Back right is the Blue Dream'atic (day 38). She has been a pleasant surprise since her beginning as a teeny, tiny seedling.

All three of these plants are getting 4.5g of MC and nothing else.

Front Right is the Dark Devil (day 38). She jumped into flower super early and hasn't grown a bit since throwing out pistils. I've been experimenting on her to try and get any kind of reaction. Her last feed consisted of 2.8L of 4.5g of MC, 1L of carb load (molasses) and a touch of Calmag (for her discolored leaves). She also got a dose of Real Growers Recharge within the last few weeks. She won't budge. It's like the movie "Groundhog Day." Every morning she looks just like she did the previous day. :laughtwo:

Front middle is the Northern Lights x Pakistani Chitral Kush. She's on day 31. She's in concentrated super soil and got a carb load on her last feed.

Rear middle is the Blue Lights (Northern Lights x Blueberry), also in super soil. She too is on day 31 and she too got a carb load on her last feed. She'll be getting bent and tied down today.

That's the current state of the auto family.

Thanks to @Patient Puffer for his guidance on using molasses.

Thanks to you for stopping by!

you got it GDB. Don’t forget photos have far great potential for amazing buds! And when you get to that point, you can also clone your photos and then make seeds with the clones and save yourself a truckload of money on seeds. (You can do the same with autos it’s just more tricky)

you can always store inside 5 gallon buckets with tight fitting lids if you’re producing that much.

some strains are definitely capable of getting rootbound in a 5 gallon pot in 70 days, but less likely with a fabric pot.. I just mean cause of the size of plant you’re looking for now. With all that space a 7 gallon pot will support the amount of canopy you’re trying to produce much better. It’s kind of crazy actually, to see the jump in girth and overall size from 5 to 7.
I had the faux-auto Glue Gelato out for watering today. She's on day 31 post-flip and took 3 liters @ MC 5.7.
Wait... that's not 5.7 g MC in 3l water, which would be 1.9g/l, or...?

All three of these plants are getting 4.5g of MC and nothing else.
Is that 4.5g/gallon, or 1.2g/l?

BTW, I assume all growers measurements in gallons are US gallons @3.8l, not UK gallons @ 4.5l?

I'm curious about this as I feel my way there with MC. For the first 3 weeks they get nothing (the soil has NPK enough for that), then I start with 0.5g/l, as they get a few nodes the youngsters get ca. 1g/l, and then I ramp up to reach 1.5g/l as they're in flower, and maybe up to 1.6g in late flower. No burns or definciencies spotted so far - I think they can take a little more(?), but then I also like to give them a little Epsom salt and banana water in flowering, hoping for a little of the Apoc effect.
you got it GDB. Don’t forget photos have far great potential for amazing buds! And when you get to that point, you can also clone your photos and then make seeds with the clones and save yourself a truckload of money on seeds. (You can do the same with autos it’s just more tricky)

you can always store inside 5 gallon buckets with tight fitting lids if you’re producing that much.

some strains are definitely capable of getting rootbound in a 5 gallon pot in 70 days, but less likely with a fabric pot.. I just mean cause of the size of plant you’re looking for now. With all that space a 7 gallon pot will support the amount of canopy you’re trying to produce much better. It’s kind of crazy actually, to see the jump in girth and overall size from 5 to 7.
I get it about plant size relating to pot size, Chef. I just don't think I want to go there. I enjoy growing several plants in 5 gallon pots. Not so sure I'd "enjoy" doing several in 7 gallon pots. I'm lazy and must grow within my laziness parameters. :Rasta:

One thing I might try at some point is getting a 10 gallon pot and trying to grow a single large plant in my 4x4. The 4x4 is 6.5 feet tall, enough room for a big'un!
@NorthernCosmos, all of my MC references are per gallon of water. So I meant 5.7g of MC per gallon of water. The plant itself took 3 liters (quarts) of that.

I start my MC dosing a bit earlier than you do. When my plants get their first two sets of leaves I start them out on 1.5g. That's typically less than 14 days after the seedling emerges. I then increase that amount by .5g over time and try to get to at least 3g before flowering begins. From there, I rely on the plants to guide me as far as how much MC to provide.

It's nice when they all send the same signals and the dosage can remain consistent for all the plants. However, sometimes certain plants will ask for more at the same time others are signaling leave my dosage where it is. With MC, it's more of a visual thing for me than a pre-set thing.

I'm curious to see how my plant that is getting Geoflora nutrients turns out. The Geoflora seems to remove the need to "read" the plants. You set the dosage amount once, based on the size of your pot. And it only has to be applied every 2 weeks. It seems utopian for a lazy grower like me!
Wow all caught up here now brother.... very very nice things happening and I’m in for the show. Chur brother
Welcome, Bionic! There are plenty good seats left and I'll be here all week! :Rasta:
I start my MC dosing a bit earlier than you do. When my plants get their first two sets of leaves I start them out on 1.5g. That's typically less than 14 days after the seedling emerges. I then increase that amount by .5g over time and try to get to at least 3g before flowering begins. From there, I rely on the plants to guide me as far as how much MC to provide.
That is quite the dose, 3g/l. Greenleaf mentions topping out at 1.6g/l in flower. I shall try with a little (lots?) more here then, upping the dose the next feeds and watch for signs of burns.

I'm curious to see how my plant that is getting Geoflora nutrients turns out. The Geoflora seems to remove the need to "read" the plants. You set the dosage amount once, based on the size of your pot. And it only has to be applied every 2 weeks. It seems utopian for a lazy grower like me!
That's interesting - even easier than MC!? I have to say the MC is doing very well here, my plants now stay a fresh green, whereas they used to get a bit of yellowing earlier on when I was on AN pH Perfect (probably me screwing up the mix some). Of course, having bought and split a 10kg bag of MC with a friend, we have nutes for up to a couple of years each, so can't follow you guys into Geoflora land quite yet...
That is quite the dose, 3g/l. Greenleaf mentions topping out at 1.6g/l in flower. I shall try with a little (lots?) more here then, upping the dose the next feeds and watch for signs of burns.

That's interesting - even easier than MC!? I have to say the MC is doing very well here, my plants now stay a fresh green, whereas they used to get a bit of yellowing earlier on when I was on AN pH Perfect (probably me screwing up the mix some). Of course, having bought and split a 10kg bag of MC with a friend, we have nutes for up to a couple of years each, so can't follow you guys into Geoflora land quite yet...
Of course, having bought and split a 10kg bag of MC with a friend, we have nutes for up to a couple of years each, so can't follow you guys into Geoflora land quite yet...
LOL. You really loaded up!

I have quite a bit of MC too (though not as much as you). Luckily I have 2 tents. I can use one for MC grows and the other for Geoflora grows. Though I'll be schlepping lots of water for each, the Geoflora tent should be a stroll in the park compared to the MC tent. :Rasta:

This assumes that I will be pleased with the outcome of my current Geoflora grow. The plant looks fine now, can't see any difference between her and the MC plants. But I haven't gotten to the flowering stage yet and have yet to switch to the Geoflora Bloom nutes. So there's a ways to go before I can really rave about the Geoflora.
7 gallon pots... lugging them around is basically impossible
What what? :laugh:
(I am also considering getting some sort of automatic watering system.)
Let me know if you can use one of these. Might even fit in the mailbox!
One thing I might try at some point is getting a 10 gallon pot and trying to grow a single large plant in my 4x4. The 4x4 is 6.5 feet tall, enough room for a big'un!
That would be killer! Last 10 gallon plant I grew was the It's It Punch in the summer of 2019 (and yes, I could still carry a 10 gallon wet pot back then!). Indoors it easily could have filled a 4x4 with a longer veg.
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