Good Morning

Ice cream

Well-Known Member
I currently using a solar flare 220 which i think is enough for one plant. I have a Platinum p300 laying around. My question is should i use both lights?

My auto is on Day 39 from sprout and is a beast!


*This post is not advice - many growers will disagree with some of my methods, so just sayin'*

If that were my plant I would actually cut off that tall middle stem to a node just below canopy level
If you have space, LST the side branches slightly maybe 60° or so
Then, yeah, I'd chuck both lamps on it to cover the extra area
*This post is not advice - many growers will disagree with some of my methods, so just sayin'*

If that were my plant I would actually cut off that tall middle stem to a node just below canopy level
If you have space, LST the side branches slightly maybe 60° or so
Then, yeah, I'd chuck both lamps on it to cover the extra area
Nothing wrong with sound advice :thumb:
I'd spread her out for sure and absolutely use both lights asap.
Keep upping the feed aswell Ice cream. ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good Morning All

Today she was fed 4 grams of MegaCrop. She is drinking heavily and so i may need to feed everyday instead of every other day @Roy Growin @Bill284 @bluter @Hafta @Rolling Green

You can see the darker green color now light green and still stretching to the toon of 30”


Your in coco right?
2x a day in flower is common.
But every day to run off in coco.
You using calmag?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
@Roy Growin i used Bud Explosion and it burned my leaves. I used cal mag in the first 2 weeks
Powerful stuff even at 0.4g/L - I can see that being easy to overdo

They recommend CaMg with every watering
Hi @Bill284 . Yes i am in coco. Looks like water everyday
No water ever.
Always Calmag then full strength nutrients then set ph then feed every day.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Good Morning All

Today my little lady is on Day 42 from sprout and is doing great. I upped her feed to 4.5 grams of MegaCrop and 1/4 teaspoon of cal mag. She is 36” tall and she needs to stop stretching 😎

Let me know what you folks think.




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