Trimmed quite a few yellowed and dying leaves off both girls. Looked under the loupe and some tiny trichomes near the buds on top of plant 1. Not so much under plant 2.
I was going to give them a very light feeding but I'm beginning to think they're as close to being done as possible. I will post pics tomorrow night but many of the pistils are browning. I'd say close to 60-80%. Hard to tell if the trichomes have changed any colors.
I'm wondering if it makes sense to keep going much longer with these two. Can't harvest this weekend so most likely the following weekend. They haven't really grown or changed much (besides losing leaves) in the past 2 weeks.
Appreciate the help from those following along. While this isn't the most amazing beginner grow, I am more knowledgeable thanks to this web site.
I would really start flushing them ASAP. The plants look awesome and is hate for you to get to your smoke and it be super harsh as the flowers still have nutes in them. When you smoke the flower should turn a grey color and not a black color when lit on fire.
First grow is not about creating amazing grows that blow people's mind it's about the experience. Not that you've got a grow under your belt you can try different things to create that mind blowing grow!