The girls are 4 weeks old as of yesterday. Looking pretty good today. It's been two full days under the revised lighting with the LED. They're getting 18/6. Here are some pics of the set up.
The first picture was before I did some light training by hiding some of the fan leaves behind what appear to be bud sites. Not exactly sure if bud sites always show up in the same place or you eventually identify them, but I think I'm starting to figure where the bud sites are on these.
Still rotating the plants around both in circles and switching places. You can see some spots on a few fan leaves. I'm not getting too worked up over them since they look really random and only in a couple of isolated spots.
I'm making some assumptions. Based on the fact that I see pistils growing on both plants, and because the seeds supposedly "In just 8 weeks, you will have a rich, potent, mostly Indica smoke" - that I must be close to a halfway point and flowering is starting.
One of my biggest challenges for me is patience. Another reason why auto flower is better for me - at least for the first time. I can remember just a couple weeks ago wishing my plants looked bigger. After looking at these pictures today I realized how big they're getting. I'm chomping at the bit to see how these ladies turn out. The stems on these ladies looks like they're mini weight lifters!
Today 'before' shot
Both plants from above
Close up of training some fan leaves on plant 2
Back tucked into bed with fans leaves tucked in as well for both ladies