GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

Day 16 flower

Girls went one day longer than normal on feeding because I have always watered in the evening which worked when I was on 18/6 but I hadn't changed my routine. Lights go out at 6pm and it's hard to get to the garden by then some days. Blah blah blah. Better to water when the lights come on anyhows!

5ml Bloom/5ml CalMg/5ml Floracious/5ml molasses- 4 gallons- 5.9-6.0 ph

Ladies looking gorgeous!! Ewwwww that smell!!!





The last post was day 18, not 16. Back off, I'm a stoner.

Day 19 of flower

70°/46%rh - jacked up my intake to halfway on variable speed controller and I'll be damned that my temp/rh are considerably lower. Again, makes sense, back off, I'm a stoner. I am going to begin experimenting with the temps because it won't be long that I will be needing them a little lower.

Agemon!!! It has taken almost 4 months but I finally took some good pics!!! I think I got it figured out!!!

I didn't label them, but my last post was all exclusively BJOG. I am really pleased with how those 2 ladies turned around. They were looking so sullen and downtrodden at the beginning of flower and now they are busting out!! I think it it was a combo of very poor defol and there was way took much undergrowth that was never getting any light and was just wearing out the plant. That's the feeling I got. After I damn near stripped them clean a couple weeks ago they have looked amazing. Anyways.

Today's pics are all OG Kush. All 3 look so good. They hardly stretched at all. I would say the BJOG stretched 2:1 over the OGK.

Everyone have a phenomenal day. Do one nice thing today for a stranger. Feels so good!




So is the school of thought to remove all the little flowers from the bottom of each main stem, top, cola, not sure of the proper nomenclature.

Should I not feel bad clipping of flowers from down below? Should I remove everything after 4 nodes? 5? Or just leave them be?

I think the OGK's are ok but the BJOG has quite a bit of lower little growth.

Agemon, you mention in your journal yesterday I think that you were cutting off smaller buds that weren't going to amount to anything. You're much further along than I so I should probably do the same.
Its a preference thing. The way i see it those little popcorns arent going to be much and likely require more time on the plant to mature. I can clip them now and dry them for edibles. They've got higher THC than just sugar leaves and more nutes and bud stuff will get up to the mains. Its a win win! As far as lollipoping goes, i think it depends on light penetration but you can find lots of videos about it. The idea is to grow single cola big buds and eliminate smaller under growth which detracts from your big cola. Remember less is more, you can take more tomorrow.
This is what i do. Before
and after

I not far from this. In fact, I'm pretty comfortable with where they are at. There are definitely some shoots that should have been eliminated way before now but scratch em up to lesson learned, notes and pics documented, and we move on. These girls are about to be stackin'!!
GivenToFly's Soil - OG Kush & Black Jesus OG - Mars Hydro 1200

Day 24 of flower
Watered 4 gal, with just 5ml Floricious and 5ml CalMag 5.9-6.1

Jesus take the wheel! My heart can't take this!! I just sit and stare at them in amazement. This is day 24 of 60!!! I am going to mention the smell EVERY post until this ends!! It's different today, it's added something but I didn't have time to figure it out but its intoxicating.

Black Jesus OG



OG Kush with our first red hair sighting!!




I'll leave with 2 questions

- should I use that Bloom additive every watering or only when I feed?

- I'm stoned and don't remember the 2nd question!

Day 26 of flower

AC has been shut down due to the temps
Being low which is going to kill my humidity.
The nights have become unseasonably cooler and look to be that way for a bit so hopefully that will help. Im going to see how I can draw in some cool night air for the babies!

I don't remember but have I mentioned the smell?! Good god! My entire basement smells wonderful when I am finished in the tent! It's intense, foe sho!

So let's discuss flushing. How many times do you( anyone, but let's be real, Agemon) flush? 2 or 3 times??

So as I look at the calendar I have approximately 28-33 days until harvest. That equates to 6 more waterings, if I maintain watering every 5th day. See where I am going?


Black Jesus OG- Day 26- stunning


OG Kush




Put a few DVD's underneath the 3 OGK to get the canopy level for the back 9! Girls should be done stretching. It's a pretty advanced technique using the DVD's. High level shit. Take note.



Noticed the first leaf discoloration in the garden on the BJOG. Not super concerned. Will monitor.


Bought 23 qt mason jars(wishful thinking). One case was missing one and the kid gave me $2 off the case. Score.

Ordered a 10 pk of 62% Bovedas.

Got to get some trays and fiskars.

Also going to be propagating round #2 very soon!

I still can't believe it is real. It's amazing how much I have learned and still can't wrap my head around trimming, jarring, and smoking it. Good times!!!

Peace ✌️
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