GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

:thumb:! sounds great Goose.
I will be around so I will not miss it!
How do you think this years are doing compared to lasts at this time?

:thumb:! sounds great Goose.
I will be around so I will not miss it!
How do you think this years are doing compared to lasts at this time?


The GDP looks to be flowering faster and fuller than this same time last year. This has been the hottest August on record up here and about the only positive thing about that is the amount of vegging all of our garden plants have been doing. Much higher pepper and tomato yields than last year as well, but we are on pins and needles right now with regards to the extreme fire danger.

We definitely don't want to end up like Northern Cal right now with that HUGE fire they are dealing with as we speak. So far, we have been spared any local thunder storms and the dry lightning that comes with them, but September and October are the two most dangerous months for fires up here.

Keeping our fingers crossed that we dodge the bullet again this year. ;)
Big Photo Update!
Outdoor Grow and GDP Seed Project

Here are the latest progress photos of everything growing here. We will begin with all the outdoor grow plants and finish with a few shots of the GDP female that was pollenated by the Purple Rhino Male.












Grandpa Larry OG (Medicinal Organics Nursery)


Blue Cheese


GDP Seed Project


So there ya have the latest progress shots. As you can see, everything is in heavy flower mode at this point and we are on track for an early October harvest.

We will post our next update in a couple of weeks as we get closer to harvest time. :thanks::Namaste:

GG7, looking good as usual :thumb: I like the new additions to your garden and I am curious to your thoughts about them after harvest time comes for them.
I sure hope your eclipse last years numbers and by the looks of them you should be doing just fine :)

Still here and watching your fantastic show. Been a bit ill, but still here ogling everything. You the man Brother. :peace:

Nothing serious I hope?

Thanks for sticking around for my last harvest for awhile! I have decided that I'm going to take a break next year and not grow a Cannabis crop. Based on my early yield estimates for this year, and how much bud I still have from last year, I am totally stocked for a good period of time. At least through the 2013 growing season.

It has been really tough to stay on top of all of these crops this year, and I am just not able to handle all the work involved. A vacation from growing sounds good to me right now, so that is what I am going to do.

I will end up with some good seeds for whenever I decide to plant a new crop. :)
GG7, looking good as usual :thumb: I like the new additions to your garden and I am curious to your thoughts about them after harvest time comes for them.
I sure hope your eclipse last years numbers and by the looks of them you should be doing just fine :)


Thanks MS! Based on the way everything is looking right now, I think I will likely outproduce my total yield from last year. This exceptionally hot summer has really given all our crops a lot of extra energy! :)

I will keep everyone posted as we head into the harvest season. Late September for the BC and likely the Harlequin and early October for the GDP, based on last year.

Stay tuned and thanks as always for touching base! :thumb:
Nice Update GG7! Plants are looking very good. I'd like to come spend some time on your back hill and just stand and smell... I bet it's lovely there, now that it's starting to cool off.

That Harlequin seems it's got some PM on it fro the forest around you already... Did it rain there recently? It's just on the fans though so far, I think.
Fantastic job, Brother! +REPS!

I'd sure hate to go a whole year without seeing one of your grows! :thedoubletake:

If you're overstocked, you can always send me your harvest! :)
Nothing serious I hope?

Thanks for sticking around for my last harvest for awhile! I have decided that I'm going to take a break next year and not grow a Cannabis crop. Based on my early yield estimates for this year, and how much bud I still have from last year, I am totally stocked for a good period of time. At least through the 2013 growing season.

It has been really tough to stay on top of all of these crops this year, and I am just not able to handle all the work involved. A vacation from growing sounds good to me right now, so that is what I am going to do.

I will end up with some good seeds for whenever I decide to plant a new crop. :)

I'm better now my friend. The Doctors gave me some bad pills and they did me in for a while. Recovering quite well now.

You know, I'm glad to hear that GG7. Take a year off and come back stronger. We all need to kick back for a while and you have been at it for a while. Just remember those trees out back will be even taller after a year off. :cheesygrinsmiley: Good on you my friend.
I'm better now my friend. The Doctors gave me some bad pills and they did me in for a while. Recovering quite well now.

You know, I'm glad to hear that GG7. Take a year off and come back stronger. We all need to kick back for a while and you have been at it for a while. Just remember those trees out back will be even taller after a year off. :cheesygrinsmiley: Good on you my friend.

Glad to hear it! I always check any new meds with the Drug Interactions Checker on the web. Can't tell you how many times I have found MAJOR interaction issues with a new med compared to what I am already taking. I tell ya...Doctors today seem pretty clueless about what to prescribe and seem to often fail to take into account what other meds we are already on, and what kind of negative reactions a combination can produce.

Glad you are OK now! I strongly advise to be proactive with any new med. Look it up on the web and make sure it doesn't pose any negative reactions with stuff you are already taking. ;)

As for the year break for next season...THANKS! I've been growing this stuff for the last several years now, and as I said, I have gotten so much product on hand that it is kind of silly to continue to grow when I already have more than I need for at least two years! Simply based on how much harder it is becoming to maintain everything. The old ticking clock of life you see... ;)

It will be nice to have a break and hopefully by the time the 2014 growing season comes around, I will be ready to give it another go with the seeds I am going to end up with after this harvest is done. :)
Nice Update GG7! Plants are looking very good. I'd like to come spend some time on your back hill and just stand and smell... I bet it's lovely there, now that it's starting to cool off.

That Harlequin seems it's got some PM on it fro the forest around you already... Did it rain there recently? It's just on the fans though so far, I think.

Hey Jandre!

Very perceptive! ;)

There is some early signs of PM on some of the back hill plants, but the intense sunlight burns it off during the day. Those photos were taken in the early AM before the burn off. I am keeping an eye on everything with regards to PM problems. Eventually, all of them are going to need to be treated with my milk/water mixture. Its just the normal situation up here at the end of September/early October just before harvest. The PM rarely gets into the buds because the trichomes seem to keep the fungus from getting a foothold, but I still spray them all down for the last few weeks before harvest just to make sure the PM doesn't get out of hand. ;)
Fantastic job, Brother! +REPS!

I'd sure hate to go a whole year without seeing one of your grows! :thedoubletake:

If you're overstocked, you can always send me your harvest! :)

LOL! Hey Mr. K!

I always wish I could share some of my harvests with all you guys! Maybe some day that will be possible. ;)

I plan to stay connected with everyone here during my downtime. I will be sending this journal over to the completed journal section at the end of the harvest. My plan will be to start a brand new journal the next time I decide to grow out another crop. :)
Minor Update...

Just got done feeding everything for the last time with FF Tiger Bloom, PHed to 6.8.

This will be their last feed of plant food until harvest. The next phase is SUGAR!

End of next week I give them one of two Molasses feeds a week apart. Then another few days of plain water until one week before harvest when they start getting my home made Clearex every other day for a week in between plain water until the big chop. :)
Minor Update...

Just got done feeding everything for the last time with FF Tiger Bloom, PHed to 6.8.

This will be their last feed of plant food until harvest. The next phase is SUGAR!

End of next week I give them one of two Molasses feeds a week apart. Then another few days of plain water until one week before harvest when they start getting my home made Clearex every other day for a week in between plain water until the big chop. :)

YOU'RE the one with the killer Clearex recipe! I want to personally thank you for that. You took liquid gold in a bottle and showed us how to use basic materials to make it for less. I liken this to arriving at their expensive liquid gold by transmuting other materials that cost much less. You have renewed my faith in alchemy my friend!

Purely comic relief, but that's how I feel. I am in the process of ordering the ingredients as we speak.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Okay, to be fair, 15 bucks ain't much, but if a simple recipe can make it for less, or make MUCH MORE for the same price... I'm all for that.

Question, for a hydroponic system, instead of Sodium Benzoate, could one use Sodium Metabisulfite(SMS), or Potassium Metabisulfite (KMS) as preservative instead of Sodium Benzoate? These are primarily used in wine making to prevent wild yeasts, bacteria and such, and to sterilize equipment.
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