No Way! Don't close the your Journal Goldengoose7
The average is about a 115 pages are so. What I'll do after my current growl is finished and chopped I'll close it and start part 2.
Your furnishing to much valuable info to stop. You probably have a hundred lurkers a day that never say a word. We old timers are learning from you too!
WOW you guys! I really wasn't expecting this much support with just a mention of possibly stopping my journal entries!
Thanks for your great comments and words of encouragement MedMan! Again, when you hear stuff like this from guys in the field that I really respect, it really does make a difference in my own perception of the importance of my own contributions and THIS journal!
If there are 100s of other people reading it that I don't know about, I feel kind of dumb for even suggesting that no one would notice if the updates stopped.
Thanks, GT! +REPS to you for covering me!
+ reps from me too, don't shut it down, keep on the PM issue
Thanks OG!
I appreciate the rep and you taking the time to add your vote of approval to what I am doing here!
Okay, okay!... Lets consider the case closed! This Journal WILL CONTINUE as long as I have the ability to perpetuate it going forward!
One thing I would like to ask you guys though... IF you can, PLEASE POST a comment after an update. Even if it is just one line, it will bump the thread back up to the first page where more people can see it.
P.S. Regarding the primary topics of my recent update.... The PM situation seems to have been totally eliminated from ALL of the previously contaminated plants. Compared to Roses and Cucumber plants that I have had to treat for the same problem, MANY, MANY times over the years, the Cannabis responded to the same anti-fungal solutions far quicker than I have seen before after both infections I have had to deal with, and apparently NO SIGN of a reinfection.
Still... As we get closer to fall and our humidity levels outside begin to rise, this incident has given me pause as to what could possibly happen to the outdoor plants come October when conditions for PM outside will be far higher.
Man! I SURE HOPE that I can get those plants to harvest without a massive PM infection taking them all out! PM is in the air here, like it is everywhere, so I am a bit concerned about late September/October outdoor conditions.
Guess we will just have to wait and see!
I will probably post a few updates during the week this week since the BBKs are heading towards week #8 and harvest this coming weekend.
Stay tuned and thanks again to EVERYONE who took the time to voice their positive support of keeping this journal going even after my upcoming BBK harvest!