GDB's Fairy Tails

I think I see some excess skin left behind from the helmet. I'm afraid you may have to perform a circumcision
Or spray the shit out of it. A good misting will help soften that tissue and the sprout can get its Hulk on. Plus, it'll keep GDP's sausage fingers away from doing something he'll regret later. Well, not much later. Pretty much immediately.

He likes to sit on plants as a way of LST training, but there's little Low Stress in that method from where I sit. Granted, due to my late arrival I'm in the cheap seats so am watching with binoculars, but that's the way it looks from up here.
Or spray the shit out of it. A good misting will help soften that tissue and the sprout can get its Hulk on. Plus, it'll keep GDP's sausage fingers away from doing something he'll regret later. Well, not much later. Pretty much immediately.

He likes to sit on plants as a way of LST training, but there's little Low Stress in that method from where I sit. Granted, due to my late arrival I'm in the cheap seats so am watching with binoculars, but that's the way it looks from up here.
I've also had success with the membrane just putting a drop of tepid water on the coty with an eyedropper where the membrane is stuck. It softens and the coty's can open their mouth more easily. We want to see a big mouth in the grow. :laughtwo:

I saved you a seat Azi. It's closer and we can look stylish with our opera glasses watching the grow. ;-)
Hello growers and Happy Sunday!

I got the membrane removed from the Sour G but now the cotys won't open. It's clean -- no membrane remains. I can pry the cotys apart and open them up with a toothpick, but they won't remain open. :straightface:
SG 9-8-24 cotys stuck.jpg

That head may have been stuck together a bit too long to survive. This morning I tried topping her with some EWC per @Azimuth. Maybe that'll help.

And there's still no movement in any of the other rooters! What gives!? 😬


My home football team starts its season today. This year we have a new, talented young quarterback.

Typically, over the last few decades this team has been the place where promising young quarterbacks come to fail, get traded and then shine. And then we replace the young, talented quarterback with a washed-up, aged quarterback who was promising decades ago.

I hope this trend changes under our new ownership! :Rasta:

I brought Do si dos and shortbread cookies :D
Real shortbread cookies, Mel?

I hope I've got some milk! :love:
Did someone say SIP? I'm in. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh, and I brought one as a "party favor". The lucky winner will be determined by the note placed under one lucky seat. But no peaking until the end of the grow. GDB got one seed to pop so we're pretty confident they'll be at least one plant in this show! :thumb:
Welcome Azi!

Man you're gonna' be pissed when you find out why the SIP is needed. And I mean that literally!


Nice of you to bring a prize. But I wouldn't want to be the one who has to check under the couch. o_O


Unfortunately, that one plant might be a tease.

Why do I feel like a Wake & Bake is on the way?...... Danged snoring on the couch needs a muffler or two.
Wait, what? Snoring?

I've been in the kitchen. I didn't know.

Where was RottenCrotch? She's supposed to be responsible for waking up the snorers.

What? She was snoring the loudest!

Ridiculous. :straightface:

I've always been pro fanity anti fanity is just so negative
That's clever as shit! :)
I think I see some excess skin left behind from the helmet. I'm afraid you may have to perform a circumcision
It's a weed plant, Chris!

Or spray the shit out of it. A good misting will help soften that tissue and the sprout can get its Hulk on. Plus, it'll keep GDP's sausage fingers away from doing something he'll regret later. Well, not much later. Pretty much immediately.
I got it off Azi, but you're spot on in your description of what typically happens between me and membranes! 😁

We want to see a big mouth in the grow.
Look on the couch.


Thanks for visiting.

Hello growers and Happy Sunday!

I got the membrane removed from the Sour G but now the cotys won't open. It's clean -- no membrane remains. I can pry the cotys apart and open them up with a toothpick, but they won't remain open. :straightface:
SG 9-8-24 cotys stuck.jpg

That head may have been stuck together a bit too long to survive. This morning I tried topping her with some EWC per @Azimuth. Maybe that'll help.

And there's still no movement in any of the other rooters! What gives!? 😬


My home football team starts its season today. This year we have a new, talented young quarterback.

Typically, over the last few decades this team has been the place where promising young quarterbacks come to fail, get traded and then shine. And then we replace the young, talented quarterback with a washed-up, aged quarterback who was promising decades ago.

I hope this trend changes under our new ownership! :Rasta:


Real shortbread cookies, Mel?

I hope I've got some milk! :love:

Welcome Azi!

Man you're gonna' be pissed when you find out why the SIP is needed. And I mean that literally!


Nice of you to bring a prize. But I wouldn't want to be the one who has to check under the couch. o_O


Unfortunately, that one plant might be a tease.

Wait, what? Snoring?

I've been in the kitchen. I didn't know.

Where was RottenCrotch? She's supposed to be responsible for waking up the snorers.

What? She was snoring the loudest!

Ridiculous. :straightface:

That's clever as shit! :)

It's a weed plant, Chris!

I got it off Azi, but you're spot on in your description of what typically happens between me and membranes! 😁

Look on the couch.


Thanks for visiting.

Good luck with the team this year GDB, football is so much more fun when your team is struggling and losing most of the games. after 20 years of constantly winning game after game so many great exciting games uncountable amazing plays. but now I can relax and let everyone else stress over winning. winning is actually boring when all your team duz is win. GO red... err comrades ? companions , capitalist. oh well who ever Washington is, yay you. see how bitter sports can make a guy. when the pats lost ever year as a kid I was always hopeful . an hey we can ruin a QB as good as good you guys can 🏈
I saved you a seat Azi. It's closer and we can look stylish with our opera glasses watching the grow. ;-)
Why thank you Lady. That was very nice of you. I'll be right down. And by right down, I mean I'll start right down, but it's a long way and many flights of stairs. Rumor has it that GDB actually has check points I'll have to go through. Never got the password so I'll have to wing it.

I brought treats so hopefully the bouncers can be bribed bought off encouraged to let me through. Maybe GDB can call ahead and put in a good word or, better yet, add me to the VIP list. I know I don't really qualify to be on it, but I won't tell, I promise.

This morning I tried topping her with some EWC per @Azimuth. Maybe that'll help.
That's some good stuff. And just like Frank's Hot Sauce, and what @Lady Cannafan does with her THC Powder, I put that s**t on everything!
Wow! I finally got to the end of your last journal, GDB. Wow! :thedoubletake::slide::thumb:
And then there’s all those winnings in July! :woohoo: Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!! It was great fun to lurk my way thru your last journal.:high-five::bravo:

May I please join you on your newest journey? :dude-knocking::cheesygrinsmiley:
Hello grow gang!

This latest endeavor will be about growing weed from beans I've received from various 420 "fairies."

"Yes, they do exist." That's what I had to tell myself when I first got here and started seeing hints that beans were being shared among members. Before long I was lucky enough to receive a few. And not long after that, I received a few more. :)

I've got more than enough now to devote a grow completely to the largesse of other members! I'm more than excited about this selection of beans and being able to grow them.

I'll get into the details about the beans once I have sprouts (for obvious reasons). :)

Let the Fairy "tails" begin! :Rasta:

This is my basic germination set-up: Seeds in the shot glasses, seedling tray with a bit of distilled water in the bottom and rapid rooters soaking in distilled water. All sitting on a heating mat being kept nice and warm!
Fairy Tails germination station 9-4-24.JPG

This is in my 2x2 tent where there's a @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro waiting to jump into action when the time comes. Depending on the ambient RH, I may need to put a small humidifier in there. It's been a pretty nice place for starting babies.

I dropped 5 seeds yesterday at 11:45 am. As of noon today, all five had either cracked or were showing the onset of tails. A couple even had a small tail extended out.
New seeds 9-4-24 24hrs post-drop.JPG

The Seeds:

Upper Left: 2x Cap Junky
Upper Right: Sour G
Lower Left: Somango
Lower Right: Super High Life

As I said, I'll provide more about these once I have something green on the scene!


I hope you'll tag along for the ride. I plan to stay in my lane and within the speed limit! :Rasta:

i'm in if you don't mind, nice bean selection
I think I’m gonna bring my granny rocker and hide out in the quiet section! It seems the couch and the opera sections are full, maybe possibly even double stacked??? Egads do you have your hands/journal FULL! :woohoo:

But I’m still in time for the beginning seedling! Hopefully yours rises before mine do. I’ve been waiting long time now and I still have multiple seeds either being stubborn, or just maybe I killed them with kindness, the kind they didn’t like! :popcorn::reading420magazine::cheesygrinsmiley:
Don't try to pry it open, you could cause damage. It needs to do that on it's own. Give it time and let it do it's thing. Looks awfully wet.... do you think they are too saturated?
Oops! I read this post shortly after I pried her open! She don't look like she appreciated it either!

She is wet in the pic. I just squirted her in order to meld the EWC in.
THAT'S why the top of those rooter plugs looked so different to me. I did not know he had added those, I must have missed that part of a post. LOL
Not surprised you missed it LadyC. At the moment, plant-growing information does not appear too often. There's a bunch of other stuff that the peanut gallery needs to get sorted out before the grow can become the focus. 😁
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