GDB's Fairy Tails

Sorry I’m late. I had trouble finding a suitable outfit… then I couldn’t fit in my car, so I had to get Melville to strap me to the roof of his car!

Is Azi here? I’m busting to pee, and I’m not gonna fit in the ladies room. I am gonna need someone to help me manoeuvre a SIP stat!

Hello grow gang.

Thanks to my open-door policy -- and to some of you -- I've mostly got the :straightface: face.

I'm just gunna hang on the corner and see how Curtis does
Ha! You're gonna' find this hard to believe Chris, but my last name actually is Ave! :)
If you'll have me, I'm gonna pull up my toad stool 🍄 and have some infused butter popcorn and bongs... :popcorn:
Nice to have you @BeccaBuds! You sound chill. Mel and I have a nice spot in the back where you'd prolly fit in! :ganjamon:

Heya GDP!! I'm pulling up a seat and packing my vape for this one man!! Roll that beautiful bean footage!!! Happy Thursday. It's getting crowded in here. Plus someone in here smells like reefer!!! Hand over the doobage!!! 😎✌️🎶
Welcome Scottay! Enjoy the weed aroma. The potential alternatives around here are somewhat malodorous. :straightface:
Hey Tassie if it's OK with Carmen you can squeeze in on the couch with us.
Uh, Ramblin, I don't know what you're trying to do but whatever it is, it's not allowed. :straightface:
Yeah sweet, I'm only skinny, I'll fit in the middle! Would be happy to share my popcorn 🍿 😋
I'd advise against it Tassie. I don't think he wants your popcorn. :straightface:
You'll fit right in.
I've warned you Ramblin. :straightface:
Yeah, we can make a Tassie sandwich with popcorn sides! ↓↓↓ :laugh:
Oh, no! Not you too Carmen!

Oh, well. I guess nothing should surprise me these days. :straightface:
That sounds delicious :rofl::yahoo:
And you! I welcome you into my grow and you walk in waving your freak flag!

Thanks to you Tassie, I've lost the room. Things can't get any worse.:straightface:
Is Azi here? I’m busting to pee, and I’m not gonna fit in the ladies room. I am gonna need someone to help me manoeuvre a SIP stat!
Did I just make a prediction? :straightface:
Hello grow gang.

Thanks to my open-door policy -- and to some of you -- I've mostly got the :straightface: face.

Ha! You're gonna' find this hard to believe Chris, but my last name actually is Ave! :)

Nice to have you @BeccaBuds! You sound chill. Mel and I have a nice spot in the back where you'd prolly fit in! :ganjamon:

Welcome Scottay! Enjoy the weed aroma. The potential alternatives around here are somewhat malodorous. :straightface:

Uh, Ramblin, I don't know what you're trying to do but whatever it is, it's not allowed. :straightface:

I'd advise against it Tassie. I don't think he wants your popcorn. :straightface:

I've warned you Ramblin. :straightface:

Oh, no! Not you too Carmen!

Oh, well. I guess nothing should surprise me these days. :straightface:

And you! I welcome you into my grow and you walk in waving your freak flag!

Thanks to you Tassie, I've lost the room. Things can't get any worse.:straightface:

Did I just make a prediction? :straightface:
The whole audience is flying their freak flags. We just wave it a little higher on the couch.
The couch is the place to be ya'll. I have a bar stool in the back of it, being the flag bearer and taking up the wafting vapors and smoke. On with the show!

OMG LC I love it! What a bunch of pranksters GDB has in his grow room.
Morning GDB, of course I believe it. My last name is st, it's pronounced just like it's spelled sssttttt. It goes back to the stone age, my family goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Some of us still have tails

Hell of a coincidence! :)
Hello growers.

I've got my first head peeking out this morning. The helmeted Sour G is the first to show!
FT 9-6-24 SG head up.JPG
FT 9-6-24 SG helmet.JPG

I hope I haven't repeated a mistake I often make. Sometimes I don't bury seeds deep enough and end up having to deal with a bunch of helmets. Time will tell.


Ain't been in here a whole day and it's already getting rowdy. Hell yeah I'm gonna like it here!! 😎✌️🎶
Don't encourage them Scottay. :straightface:
Oow nice! Got ma Freak Flag out! Nice breeze! I like a rocker. How bout next to the couch? Baby back ribs in the cooler, help yourselves!
Welcome Stone! Let me take those ribs and put them where they'll stay warm. ;)
The couch is the place to be ya'll. I have a bar stool in the back of it, being the flag bearer and taking up the wafting vapors and smoke. On with the show!
Have at it! Just clean up after yourselves, please.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the kitchen keeping Stone's ribs warm.
OMG LC I love it! What a bunch of pranksters GDB has in his grow room.
Said the Prankster-in-Chief. :straightface:
I hope I haven't repeated a mistake I often make. Sometimes I don't bury seeds deep enough and end up having to deal with a bunch of helmets. Time will tell.
Here's a trick that won't even make the lazy meter twitch. :)

Get a wooden stick. Like a shishkabob stick and take the point off.🙄
Decide how deep you want to plant and mark the stick with permanent marker at that measurement.:bong:
Align the seed as desired over the cube hole, and push it in to the mark on the stick. :) Every seed at same depth.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Here's a trick that won't even make the lazy meter twitch. :)

Get a wooden stick. Like a shishkabob stick and take the point off.🙄
Decide how deep you want to plant and mark the stick with permanent marker at that measurement.:bong:
Align the seed as desired over the cube hole, and push it in to the mark on the stick. :) Every seed at same depth.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Oh, keep the lucky stick for the next time. 🤠
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