Hello all.
There once was a man who could hardly ever decide
Soak cucumbers in vinegar or buy a pickle?
He'd fret over this choice time and again
His name was Mr. Fickle.
I'm still trying to formulate Phase II plans. However, the CL's recent movement has me thinking of a new direction.
I think I'm going to take some cuttings from the CL and then she will be the one I take to my buddy to be grown outdoors. (That is assuming I can get some clones [or a clone] to strike prior to the time for the move.)
Since this is a somewhat "edgy" experiment for both of us, I feel better about starting a larger plant outside rather than one of my babies. Plus, the babies have given me no problems, while the CL has been quite obstinate. If any of them "deserves" to be the subject of an edgy experiment, it's the CL!
So these will all stay at home:
And Blinky will go offsite:
You may notice that I had to "book" one of the Phase II babies. The Godberry (middle) is staying way short while the Fat Kid's Cakes are moving up. A few days ago the tallest FKC started to buckle under the intensity of the light. She was getting too close to it. So I had to raise the light and notch up the intensity a bit in order to keep the FKCs happy. So the GB needed to be elevated by two books (and she could probably use a third) so that all will be at roughly 32 DLI.
So anyway, that's my current "plan." If anyone has an opinion about this please feel free to bite the pickle and send a note to Mr. Fickle.
My mind is made up about this...
I think.
Thanks for your time.