GardeningGnome's Gorilla Glue, Jack Herer, Critical & Northern Lights: Coco & LED, 2020

I agree with Preston and Nivek and I don’t use a foliar either so I can’t speak on it and use MegaCrop like Nivek and follow the suggestions of that nute line from the start.

Another vote for feeding the youngling today. Excellent @candycane !
Hydro, is hydro, is hydro. Same rules pretty much apply to everyone not in a soil based medium. I use highly diluted nutes even when soaking seeds in paper towel. My thinking, if a seed cracks in rich soil it will be subjected to salts from minute one. While rooting I use a 1/10 solution until some good root growth then slowly increase. I grow in rock wool and the only time I mist them would be while waiting for roots to pop through. Using only ph'ed water so hopefully forcing the roots to seek out a source of food. Once the roots find the mist from the propagator or a jet of water from my hydro system then no need for foliar spray, at least for feeding purposes. :meatballs:
Oh snap!

Then I salute you once more. Just to be sure I'm on your good side. :)
I've grown in coco since last year, but this is the first grow in coco that I'm taking names and kicking ass. Nothing left to chance and all problems/issues addressed. Already gotten a tremendous amount of support, encouragement, feedback, and advice from others following my grow. Again, amazed by this community...

Hope you can give a needing fella some input when needed... (Wait... that sounded dirty.... You know what I mean.... )

Perhaps I should take the opportunity and ask you about something now @Preston9mm :
It is regarding feeding for the Jack Herer that sprouted the first pair of real leaves only three days ago.

Jack is standing in coco and perlite. I've given it foliar-feed with Formulex several times a day, kept the humidity high and been very sparse with feeding it, only small amounts of nutrition (Formulex) at 1/4 strength. I have a "root stimulator" (GreenFuse Root) that is made for early stages and design to work well with Formulex. Both nutrients come from Growth Technologies. Now my question comes; Should I go for a good soak of the Jack today, adding the root stimulator? Or should I keep foliar-feeding it, and let the roots fight and grow to seek out nutrients? What is your experience for early stages?

And; @shottafire @candycane @GIjose @Modest grower @Killerbudz @DonkeyDick @bluenoserjoe @MrSauga , why do you think?

A penny for your thoughts!

Forgot to add you amongst the coco experts @DrCannaCanadian ! I'm sure you will have something insightful to say on the subject.
Hydro, is hydro, is hydro. Same rules pretty much apply to everyone not in a soil based medium. I use highly diluted nutes even when soaking seeds in paper towel. My thinking, if a seed cracks in rich soil it will be subjected to salts from minute one. While rooting I use a 1/10 solution until some good root growth then slowly increase. I grow in rock wool and the only time I mist them would be while waiting for roots to pop through. Using only ph'ed water so hopefully forcing the roots to seek out a source of food. Once the roots find the mist from the propagator or a jet of water from my hydro system then no need for foliar spray, at least for feeding purposes. :meatballs:

Muchas gracias for the feedback @bluenoserjoe , very interesting to hear a "pure-soilless" experts way of dealing with the very first time of the young plants life. Hydro is, as you say hydro, coco might be described as a close relative to it, and how it handles. Nevertheless, your input is much appreciated.

It got me thinking, that I'll slowly reduce the foliar-feed for the Jack and even completely skip it with a few of the upcoming seeds and follow in the footstep of your, @Preston9mm and @candycane.
I like that approach, a man after my own heart.
Combining the "strong silent type" with handing over the experts.

I tip my hat to you, good sir.
Rule #1 about helping people is don't talk out your ass. You have plenty of good growers here with a range of knowledge. When I see something that I can help you with I'll be the first to speak up!
Oh snap!

Then I salute you once more. Just to be sure I'm on your good side. :)
I've grown in coco since last year, but this is the first grow in coco that I'm taking names and kicking ass. Nothing left to chance and all problems/issues addressed. Already gotten a tremendous amount of support, encouragement, feedback, and advice from others following my grow. Again, amazed by this community...

Hope you can give a needing fella some input when needed... (Wait... that sounded dirty.... You know what I mean.... )

Perhaps I should take the opportunity and ask you about something now @Preston9mm :
It is regarding feeding for the Jack Herer that sprouted the first pair of real leaves only three days ago.

Jack is standing in coco and perlite. I've given it foliar-feed with Formulex several times a day, kept the humidity high and been very sparse with feeding it, only small amounts of nutrition (Formulex) at 1/4 strength. I have a "root stimulator" (GreenFuse Root) that is made for early stages and design to work well with Formulex. Both nutrients come from Growth Technologies. Now my question comes; Should I go for a good soak of the Jack today, adding the root stimulator? Or should I keep foliar-feeding it, and let the roots fight and grow to seek out nutrients? What is your experience for early stages?

And; @shottafire @candycane @GIjose @Modest grower @Killerbudz @DonkeyDick @bluenoserjoe @MrSauga , why do you think?

A penny for your thoughts!
The real advantage of using Coco is being able to feed the plants more than once a day. Multiple feedings is where you see explosive growth and if your using straight Coco you can't over water because coco has such good drainage. Make sure your pots aren't sitting in the run off and you dispose of the run off don't let it sit. Once your plant gets further along you will want to flush them regularly to remove and salt build ups.

If you wanted to go organic with coco I think biobizz has a line up you can use with coco.

Never used foliars myself with coco but that's not to say you can't.
The real advantage of using Coco is being able to feed the plants more than once a day. Multiple feedings is where you see explosive growth and if your using straight Coco you can't over water because coco has such good drainage. Make sure your pots aren't sitting in the run off and you dispose of the run off don't let it sit. Once your plant gets further along you will want to flush them regularly to remove and salt build ups.

If you wanted to go organic with coco I think biobizz has a line up you can use with coco.

Never used foliars myself with coco but that's not to say you can't.

Excellent reply! Thank you thank you.

I've prepared water for two feedings, added the nutrients and balanced the pH at 6.0. Moved it down to 6.5 yesterday from the sky-high 7.0 that I've been working with before. It is a wonder that I've grown quality smoke before with such high pH. I'll be testing in the near future if the other nutrients I've used before (blood-meal, bone-meal and Chicken manure) have lowered the pH in the past.

Thanks goes to to you @Killerbudz , @candycane , @nivek , @Modest grower and @shottafire for helping me get my ass in gear on this matter.

Only awaiting the temperature to drop on the water to feed the babies, then we are ready to go.

Since I'm seeing good growth on the two big GG's, I'm thinking of going up to twice aday again after dropping down to one after the repotting. They have bounced back extremely well and responded very well to the adjusted pH from yesterdays feed.

Using a blend of two quality coco's, one a bit finer and one with coarse fibers. Plus ca 25% perlite.

You are absolutely right @Killerbudz , drainage is essential. I'm always making sure they don't stand with wet feet. I've even implemented using a sort of fleece dishcloth to put underneath the pots after feeding-time is over. This helps to drain the pooling water, and the cloth usually needs a wringing and be put back.
Happy Sunday @GardeningGnome I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. Your journal has motivated me to get my ass in gear so thank you very much for that. Right now I'm focused on a deep cleaning (well beyond my 4x4 tent) and then back to tending to my ladies.

Also, your introduction was a major reason why starting today I will not be drinking. Without going to deep and hijacking this lovely journal I just wanted to say thank you for that as well.
Happy Sunday @GardeningGnome I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. Your journal has motivated me to get my ass in gear so thank you very much for that. Right now I'm focused on a deep cleaning (well beyond my 4x4 tent) and then back to tending to my ladies.

Also, your introduction was a major reason why starting today I will not be drinking. Without going to deep and hijacking this lovely journal I just wanted to say thank you for that as well.

Emotions create motion. Good emotions create good motions. You were one of the first to step up and welcome me to the family here. It warms my heart to hear that I could motivate and inspire you. Perhaps you are more alike me then I knew. I'm not sure if the 420magazine site allows to send private messages, but send me a message if the bottle ever is calling on you to partake. Fuck that noise. It ain't no friend, just a sheep in wolves clothing, luring you in. Since I've decided to stick with the grow, joined up here, started the journal and took the grow as serious as ever; the bottle is out of the question and haven't been on my mind once. For me fears, stress, bad memories, traumas, troubles, and worries are factors to "want to drink the pain away". But that shit never helps to get a handle on all those mind-ghosts I just lined up. It just feeds them, atleast mine. Finding a meaningful and joyful thing like growing not only cannabis but turning my house and balcony into a garden was an absolute game-changer for me. I'm happy you are getting back on that green track with me brother.

Happy Sunday @GardeningGnome I hope you are having a fantastic weekend.

Starting the day with caring for the green friends gave me a great start of the day, and I've been listening to some albums, doing some crate-digging, getting creative. Found a few diamonds in the ruff that will be interesting to see if they can be sampled into something new. Using an old and forgotten piece of music to give it new life. Great feeling. As Ice Cube said: Today was a good day. How is it looking on your end?

Right now I'm focused on a deep cleaning (well beyond my 4x4 tent) and then back to tending to my ladies.
Have I been a complete wanker and missed out on your grow journal?! What a dick move. I feel like I just sat on my balls. Queasy and confused... Add shame for missing it. I'll have a read right now my friend. Sorry for the language... My salty sailor language gets rampant when I'm put on the spot like this.
I appreciate the support @GardeningGnome No worries on the journal! There are so many good ones on here I'm just running a few autos while my photoperiod starts it's long journey.

Speaking of albums, I will have to dust them off and get my record player back up and running. The day has been great. Thanks again for the support!
Hell yeah, I can tell you pay enough attention to detail that you won't have any problem getting to the finish line with a nice haul.

Just don't get too complacent and not keep an eye on the pH. Things will get so routine that you can mix up nutes just by looking at it but just keep at it, I speak from past experience lol.

Hell yeah, I can tell you pay enough attention to detail that you won't have any problem getting to the finish line with a nice haul.

Just don't get too complacent and not keep an eye on the pH. Things will get so routine that you can mix up nutes just by looking at it but just keep at it, I speak from past experience lol.


I appreciate the support @GardeningGnome No worries on the journal! There are so many good ones on here I'm just running a few autos while my photoperiod starts it's long journey.

Speaking of albums, I will have to dust them off and get my record player back up and running. The day has been great. Thanks again for the support!

Oh, another vinyl listener! Nice!!

I snapped a few photos of a few albums that's been spinning here today.

Don't you just love some older album covers?

Btw, first record is a test-pressing from my close friend Prop Dylan. We've been slinging words and making tunes for over a decade now. Mentioned it in @shottafire grow journal earlier. Happy to say a few of my samples found by hours-and-hours of crate-digging made the cut and found its way to the finished album. Anyone enjoying boombap should give the artist and record a try.








Oh, another vinyl listener! Nice!!

I snapped a few photos of a few albums that's been spinning here today.

Don't you just love some older album covers?

Btw, first record is a test-pressing from my close friend Prop Dylan. We've been slinging words and making tunes for over a decade now. Mentioned it in @shottafire grow journal earlier. Happy to say a few of my samplings found by hours-and-hours of crate-digging made the cut and found its way to the finished album. Anyone enjoying boombap should give the artist and record a try.









big big tunes
Your a dead set legend GG. I’m stoked you joined the site. Let’s get you to the finish line with a bag full of robust and floral flowers.

Hell yeah, I can tell you pay enough attention to detail that you won't have any problem getting to the finish line with a nice haul.

Just don't get too complacent and not keep an eye on the pH. Things will get so routine that you can mix up nutes just by looking at it but just keep at it, I speak from past experience lol.


That will be no worries at all with your help!!
Thanks so much for all the encouragement and support.
I've found a new home here, and what a lovely home it is.

A little update on the ladies:
I gave them feed yesterday, with the pH lowered to 6.5 from 7.0. Got a few droopy leaves after feeding them and it was noticeable that they were not familiar with the adjusted pH.
This morning however, they looked healthier than ever.

I did the first feeding of about two hours ago. Today I added the GreenFuse Root stimulator to the nutrients and continued to lower the pH to a healthy 6.0. pH was lowered with lime-juice.
There are no saggy ladies at all today! All lookin' perky and healthy like a fit teenagers bosom.
And the nematodes have unquestionably done a good job already. Not a single one (knock on wood) insight in the grow-area. Only seen two lone flyers today, one looking for soil in the kitchen and on my massive Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa). Brilliant !!!
Believe it or not, many studies have been done on the effect of music and how plants react.
Perhaps a grain of truth in all of it?

Know this makes me feel good at least. Sure the ladies don't have any other opinion.
Do... do I see them swaying to the rhythm? Or is that just the fan.... :)

Time for photo-update AND an interesting question!

Please see this first photo, and how the middle of the new growth has a slight "rost" color.
Can any of you identify it? Anything in need of adjusting?


Other than that, it looks good:



Here is the other GG (Gorilla Glue), not having the same issue as the one above.
Both getting the same light and same feed.



Giving the stem a bit help with a soft wire attached to the side of the pot just to straighten out the tilt it had from the last pot. Worked excellently and the plant have even in quite loose coco (never want to pack it too tight) been stabalizing. Will remove the "fixture" within the next days.
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