Fudo Myoo's Organic, LED Homegrown Journal

Moving along to transplant. The Neville’s had a nice growth spurt and looked ready. She was ready for sure but when I looked at the PH/M roots I was a little disappointed in the growth. It wasn’t too bad so I went ahead and did it anyway because I have the time. I’ll give the CC awhile longer.

I put a layer of manure in the bottom of the Neville’s container per the Rev. I’ll be using this instead of lobster compost this run. The NPK looks solid. I’ll also be keeping the river rock wet in an attempt to raise the humidity. Have a great day.

Figured I might as well add the river rock to Neville’s. Another thing worth mentioning are the purple stems. All throughout my last grow the Neville’s had purple stems. At first I thought it was genetic but now I’m not so sure. Ever since the first transplant she’s been getting greener…
I'm not seeing any other signs of deficiencies so I'm thinking the purple stripes are just a phase it's going through!

Nice roots. :thumb:
Hope so, time will tell. I already top dressed with HF 6-4-5 all purpose the other day before I up canned her. I’m going to try and keep the P and K levels up more during veg and see if that helps.

I topped the longest branch on the Neville’s and tied her down to even her up a little on Wednesday.

Neville’s today

The Purple Haze/Malawi is looking good and the Crystal Candy’s are ready for transplant.
Yep nice plan! Goeflora will give you frosty results!
Yeah Otter I believe in the stuff. Couple grows ago, I mixed a half bag between 3 10 gal bags for bloom and left them at a buddies house. He said he used water only. I journaled it. I’m done trying water and tea only, it’s too frustrating. Hats off to Rev, but until I get the right water I plan on cheating lol. The stuff they got out now is so good it’s hard not to.
I gave it the ol college try, F it. :laugh:
Did a little LST on Neville’s to even up the canopy and up canned the Crystal Candy. When I was done they all got a sprinkling with cal-mag and Recharge.

They’re about ready to be topped. The CC’s node spacing is super tight. I think that’s node 5, got to count again.

Have a good weekend! :blunt:
Nice plants Fudo, did you top several nodes on the Neville’s or just that one to even the canopy?
Just the one. The mom’s lowest node, once I topped her, went nuts. It was the longest branch. This one of course is doing the exact same thing, so I topped it. Once the other side catches up I’ll top it too. I’m going for 20” or less sized colas. I only topped once last time and I had about 10 3 footers and a bunch of little stuff mixed in. Not really what I was looking for. This plant grows fast.
Just the one. The mom’s lowest node, once I topped her, went nuts. It was the longest branch. This one of course is doing the exact same thing, so I topped it. Once the other side catches up I’ll top it too. I’m going for 20” or less sized colas. I only topped once last time and I had about 10 3 footers and a bunch of little stuff mixed in. Not really what I was looking for. This plant grows fast.
Yeah I seen that growth explode. She gonna be a big gal
Yeah Otter I believe in the stuff. Couple grows ago, I mixed a half bag between 3 10 gal bags for bloom and left them at a buddies house. He said he used water only. I journaled it. I’m done trying water and tea only, it’s too frustrating. Hats off to Rev, but until I get the right water I plan on cheating lol. The stuff they got out now is so good it’s hard not to.
I gave it the ol college try, F it. :laugh:
It's all good Fudo. That soil you have you're working with is going to be magic with what you're doing! Yep almost ppm free water is the most important component in his recipe I'm thinking. He says it's right up there in importance.

They look great today brother!
Could you hear Neville laughing at you as you tied it down? I could! :laugh:
Sure could. Took all of about 15 minutes before she turned back and reach for the light. By this time next week she’ll be up canned and in the net.
Good morning. The Purple haze/Malawi and Crystal Candy are 25 days old. How long I veg solely depends on Neville’s and how fast she grows. She seems determined to not let the others get too big. Now’s a good time to start keeping track, have great day.

Day 25 of veg

Neville’s Haze


Purple Haze/Malawi

Crystal Candy
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