For My Appreciation!

me ruffles...

Looking good in there!

Personally I would go with the numbers I posted. ;)
I wasn't saying I was going to change anything I was wondering if if it was okay to go over top of the others that I'm watered and fed with last time I ain't never changing shit you give me bro it's always spot on I would just making sure it was okay cuz it wasn't I would just give them water and then feed next time. Just trying to play it safe. But the numbers you give me is what will be in the bottle when I feed. And happy Saturday to you as well
lmfao yep that's my cloned butterfly bush again this is the 5th clone I tooken off of it! And her companion plant... I don't know how the hell is growing up the ass end like that I guess that seed ended up washing all the way down.. You know I'm really laughing my ass off...

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