Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Nice! Regarding sexline outdoors, is it because you can rely on there being better ambient light and light penetration?

That’s it exactly. I also let more of the secondary and tertiary stems go.
Small update for today:

My bottled nutes have arrived!

Is it too early to start feeding the seedlings? 2 of them have just about developed their first set of true leaves. They are just about due for a watering so I might feed them 1/2 or 1/4 of the recommended dosage?

After some thinking about training methods, I think I'll top them later rather than sooner. This will buy some time for my lights to arrive. I could top them again if I want to buy even more time?

It will also give me a chance to decide which node I want to top at. I'm a little bit worried about them stretching right now due to the winter light cycle. I'm thinking if they do end up stretching, I could top down to one of the lower nodes if too stretchy?

One reason I can think of to top higher for the really stressful training methods is do allow the plant to develop more root mass before the snip.

Fantastic, thank you - I totally overlooked this aspect. It's very much aligned with one of my current strategies.

Since, for now, the seedlings are dealing with winter light (which I can't help until the LEDs come), I'm trying to focus on their root systems' development instead, which I feel I do have some control over.

Keep in mind that flushing a plant with the slow release balls in it releases more of the nutrients!

Oh my. I didn't think of that :laughtwo: Good thing I haven't flushed her yet.

My mentality right now with her: she's an old girl; she's had a pretty hard life growing up the way she did; I just want to get her to harvest and keep her as comfortable as I can. There's not much more I can change/do for her now. I don't think the toxicity/burn is major, and I hope she is happy enough as she is.

Thanks for stopping by Shed. Your thoughts are much appreciated!
Small rainy day update

Work has been super stressful this week YUCK.

Thank goodness I have these babies to distract me. I repotted one of them which was still in the crappy soil (into the new better soil), and repotted another which had too much stem above soil (thanks @CraCraCarl11). I also fed them all for the first time, at 1/4 strength (thanks @FelipeBlu).

Still a bit worried about them stretching because they don't get a full day's sunlight. Wondering if I could "hack" them using node-spreading, which apparently helps to keep the inter-node distance down. Any of you have any experience with this technique? I'm intrigued.


And old mate over here, Hatty. I've given her what I think will be her final haircut. I'm also waiting on a macro lens for my camera so I can provide non-crappy photos of her trichomes. Local post is all stuffed up so things are taking awhile to arrive. Her trichs are mostly cloudy as far as I can tell.


Won't be long now until the smallest harvest ever! :goof:

Another question - if I were going to decarb and infuse in oil, do I still need to carry out the whole drying-curing process?
I node-spread all the time by blowing down into them. It seems to work.

Yes, you need to dry and cure to get the excess water, chlorophyll, and other products of growing/dying out of the final product.
@syenite nothing wrong with experimenting I got my 1st grow with none bag seeds and will do a little. 2 of the autos I may top though some say don't top an auto. 2 others I will lst and the last 1 just grow. The fems that came through 2 I will top, 2 I will try to get clones from. All 4 I will lst with maybe a little hst with the actual bending but not snapping. Instead of the gentle pull down of lst. The 2 random 1s I'm up for anything. They are reg seeds and would like 1 female so don't want to freak em out too much. I was just saying slow down but still try things. Again I'm no pro did a few indoor and outdoor grows years ago with bag seeds like you. So certainly learn from this time cause I know now you drop $9 a seed almost after shipping you stress. I got the issue where I live right now rain. I can't get a dry cycle in yes only been a week but still need to start feeding autos soon. I'm debating drilling holes in the planters since they ate 5 to 7 gallons with tiny plants. So shouldn't touch roots. Just how many holes and how big? So going ask on here in a few. Just have fun we all need a distraction. I started this grow for 1 because I remembered the stressful peace lol it gave me to grow.
Also by "hacking" if you mean topping wait a little bit they ate too small. Wait till you at least have your 1st set of full 5 pointed leaves. If you want to clone let it grow out some until it has some good stem to dip in cloning powder. If you got no powder cut at an angle then scrape a little of the bottom outside stem and put in water. I had 1 in 3 work doing that. If u just wanna top best way is when new top growth just starts pinch it by digging your dumb nail in till it comes off. Don't yank it if you have to do same from other side. You can try I believe fimming? Sorry been a long time. When new growth appears get so sharp shears or scissors. Cut just little over a half if the new growth before it opens. It's possible to get 4 colas. 2 of em the original main 1s will be missing part of the leaves. What happens when u do it right which is tuff is u snip about half of main 1, part of 2nd underneath it, then in recovery time the 2 that would be side branches catch up. Just very tuff to do and you need a good eye with steady hands. Also you can use scissors for simple topping I just prefer my thumb. I like to be as involved as possible.
Also you can top lower branches but I'm sure you know. Best to lst if you do as I said I love lst. I always start it early while stem was still flexible. I even used paperclips bent into a u to make young 1s grow that way from get go. Then added plant ties attached to twine then a stake or something weighted when they grew beyond planters. Makes almost ever cola a top. Then I would top certain branches n trim even just the ends off certain leaves for light, even growth, etc. Gets me excited to think bout n I hope my babies come thru. They are all healthy bout week in just some signs of too much water which I can't stop rain. I can't move em inside either I got an odd situation I may explain sometime from the covid thing. Anyway good luck and have fun. Experiment and have fun. Then when you can buy some good seeds. The experience you're being will help trust me.
Thank you again @FelipeBlu and @CraCraCarl11!

@FelipeBlu - hahaha it will be very funny to dry-cure the nano yield I get from this plant, but it will also be good practice. I got a cardboard box ready and some Boveda packs for the curing.

@CraCraCarl11 - when I was talking about "hacking" I was referring to a technique I was reading about called "node-spreading" or node stacking, you can check out the thread here. It's pretty interesting! Yeah I LSTed that first plant of mine, just bent her over. Even though she's a pitiful specimen it was good practice to LST and I can definitely see the results of doing so. I have heard of fimming and might give it a try one of the seedlings when they're big enough! I've also got some tent pegs (for anchoring to the soil) and some soft plant ties for training. I'm following your thread now so interested to see how you go with the pots etc. :cool:
Ok fam, small but important update:

I've been notified that my lights are being shipped and I should get them next week!! :cheer::ganjamon:

This means I will finally be able to get a plant (maybe two) under proper indoor growing conditions. I'm really, really excited. I'm also happy that the seedlings won't be too far along before the lights arrive.

Fingers crossed it all gets through customs without too much delay.

Does this mean an end to the madness?

Nope! At least not completely. It's very likely that 1 or 2 plants will have to remain outdoors during the day. This means the experiment growing outdoors in New Zealand winter will continue in parallel to the indoor grow.

Thanks for those of you who continue to follow this journal. I know it's been like watching someone try to cross a bridge while the bridge itself is still being built. Oh well, nice to have a bit of drama sometimes for a little extra flavour, right?? :rofl:
That's great about the lights syenite. And good to check out different techniques like you're doing, it all adds to one's experience.

I'm debating drilling holes in the planters since they ate 5 to 7 gallons with tiny plants. So shouldn't touch roots. Just how many holes and how big? So going ask on here in a few. Just have fun we all need a distraction. I started this grow for 1 because I remembered the stressful peace lol it gave me to grow.
For what's worth I use 30L & 50L plastic containers for growing, and I have drilled out lots of holes in the base and up to about 2/3 of the sides. I did it on one after reading about the benefits of airpots then the next season drilled out all my containers. I feel it is a good thing but the pot will dry out a lot quicker than normal especially when the girls are in a thirsty stage of growth. Had there been airpots or fabric pots available at the time I probably would have got them, altho the plastic pots are perhaps easier to attach training wire to.
@CraCraCarl11 - when I was talking about "hacking" I was referring to a technique I was reading about called "node-spreading" or node stacking, you can check out the thread here. It's pretty interesting! Yeah I LSTed that first plant of mine, just bent her over. Even though she's a pitiful specimen it was good practice to LST and I can definitely see the results of doing so. I have heard of fimming and might give it a try one of the seedlings when they're big enough! I've also got some tent pegs (for anchoring to the soil) and some soft plant ties for training. I'm following your thread now so interested to see how you go with the pots etc.
I have hacked before I guess. I did that randomly years ago after 1st grow outdoors. Didn't think it was a technique now. Been outta the game while still being ahead at same time . I def remember saying wht not spread the cola open to get light to newest growth. I did and yea it helped. Just gotta be gentle I remember it folding back up and then putting too much force. Costing a leaf or 2 and stress. That's a def try on my autos cause low stress. Just yea as they say gentle with it.
I think we have a little mutant in the house :tommy:


The other two seedlings seem to be doing just fine. I top-dressed everyone with some diatomaceous earth for silica (thanks @FelipeBlu) and pest prevention.


Apart from that, waiting patiently impatiently, anxiously, restlessly for the lights to arrive. I think it's keeping me up at night :laughtwo:

Being in New Zealand right now I'm just very paranoid about shipments not making it into the country given the state of the world and how isolated we are.

At the same time...

NZ has, as of today, zero active cases of Covid-19. We'll be moving into "alert level 1" tomorrow. I wonder what "normal life" looks like now, eh @Stunger @DonkeyDick ?
I think the mutant looks cute and it adds charm to it. Try not to stress over shipping delays. I once grew using plain old CFL bulbs any light is good light until you get the 1s you ordered. I don't know if you ordered outta country or not I've only done within mine since pandemic. I waited 2 weeks for hand sanitizer and 4 days for seeds. I was happier when I got the seeds :p so a delay could happen. Just feed em as much light as possible
@Stunger I ended up drilling 1/2 holes about an inch apart near the bottom of each planter. I'm thinking of adding some smaller 1s a little further up. Just gotta do it soon cause don't want to damage roots. Should be good only week and half old in 5 to 7 gallon planters. Watering more Idc it's rainy now and maybe more work in a month but I want to be able to have dry spells and be able to feed em. If the soils always wet from rain doesn't help. It's easier to add water than take it away outdoors.
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