Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Hi @syenite. Your climate sounds very similar to mine. I'm following your off season outdoor ambitions with interest. You've got some great growers watching over you already

Thank you McRib! So appreciate having you and the rest on board. Based on your avatar, I'd say we are merely a small water body apart :p
Please don't think I was referring to myself when I said there were good growers watching. I don't know much...

If its the body of water I think you are referring to you might want these guys @DonkeyDick @Stunger to pop in and take a look

You know more than me I'm sure! Lol

Kiaora guys :p
Ow, ow , ow... ahh, kiaora au. My ears were burning. Have you seen the size of these things?! I wish I could’ve seen it. I must’ve looked like that guy you see in the distsnce sometimes. The one who suddenly starts dancing to music only he can hear. And you’re too far away to see the bees.
:welcome: to your new whare from whare.
Some of the best people i’ve (n)ever met right here. Tena koe.
Here to help if you need it cuz
Hey man. I am a outdoor supersoil/living soil sort of guy, still new at this too, indoor growing is unknown territory to me but plenty of experience in that here.:high-five:

Cheers for popping by! What will you get up to over the winter? Just chill and prepare for spring?
Ow, ow , ow... ahh, kiaora au. My ears were burning. Have you seen the size of these things?! I wish I could’ve seen it. I must’ve looked like that guy you see in the distsnce sometimes. The one who suddenly starts dancing to music only he can hear. And you’re too far away to see the bees.
:welcome: to your new whare from whare.
Some of the best people i’ve (n)ever met right here. Tena koe.
Here to help if you need it cuz

I love it, thank you!
Cheers for popping by! What will you get up to over the winter? Just chill and prepare for spring?
Aside from enjoying my recent harvest as it cures over the cold months, I will re-amend the soil in my containers so they get some time to cook and settle before use in Spring. I would like to be able to grow all year around, but indoor is not such an option at present. But being online here it is great to follow other people's grows and if I'm lucky get to pick up something. I'll no doubt be perusing some of the different strains available and be tempting myself with them. And of course boning up on the coming referendum and hoping it gets a Yes majority!
Aside from enjoying my recent harvest as it cures over the cold months, I will re-amend the soil in my containers so they get some time to cook and settle before use in Spring. I would like to be able to grow all year around, but indoor is not such an option at present. But being online here it is great to follow other people's grows and if I'm lucky get to pick up something. I'll no doubt be perusing some of the different strains available and be tempting myself with them. And of course boning up on the coming referendum and hoping it gets a Yes majority!

Can I ask how long you have been working with living soil? Was it an easy or difficult thing to get into?

I really hope legalisation goes through. It would fit this country perfectly. The national brand can easily accommodate it! Lol.

I don't know how people are gonna vote though - no obvious indicators yet.
I didn’t know until now that there was a lot of syenite in Middle Earth. Are you a geologist? Beautiful country!

I am not at all a geologist but I do love geology.

I hope it's not too long before New Zealand can welcome visitors again!
Hatty, day 120 (approximately)

Here is Hatty next to a lighter for scale, so you can see how truly nano she is. I'm holding that lighter level with her tops! :rofl:


I'm waiting on a macro lens for the phone so I can practice taking some trichome shots. At the moment, Hatty is showing mostly cloudy and some clear.

I will be happy if she yields me a bowl's worth. Over the moon if I get anything close to a joint's!

Hatty recently has recovered from an accidental re-veg, one of the first major issues I've encountered in my short time growing. After she'd been in flower for a couple of weeks, I noticed that she'd stopped producing new pistils, and the pistils she did have started to turn brown. I also noticed that she'd started putting out new single leaves. Even then, it took me a while to register that she'd probably re-veged. It only fully clicked when I looked out the window one night and saw she was awash in the glow of our interior lights.

Since then, I've ensured she gets 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness. After a week or so of this, she started to produce new pistils again, and her tiny buds have fattened up a bit.

While I continue to wait for my Canna Bio nutes, I've been prying her with banana peel tea every other day. She doesn't seem to be complaining!
Baglady and Desert, day 5

Typical winter day here. Started out miserable and cloudy, now crisping up with sun peeking through. As soon as the temperature rose above 10 deg celsius (lol), I rushed to get these girls outside. It's about 14 degC now.

I'm in the process of hardening them off, as they are used to the cushy 20-23 degC of the heat mat. They were outside for 2 hours yesterday, so I am going to leave them out for 3 hours today. They also seemed a little stretchy to me, but no surprise considering they've been living the windowsill life. Some direct sun will hopefully do them some good.

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