Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Just let those roots grow, mate. It’s a good sign you’re getting your wet and dry cycles right now.
If you try to transplant her before she does get a bit rootbound you risk damaging her between pots. You just need enough of a root mass in there to maintain a bit of structural integrity. If you use the sandcastle method to transplant you get the hole ready in the new pot - sprinkle a tiny amount of myco in there - then ease the plant out of her pot. If that root mass then changes shape in your hand it isn’t going to fit cleanly in the hole and you’re going to have a bit of a moment.
The good thing about a soil grow is we get plenty of time around some of these decisions.

Thanks DD. Makes perfect sense.

She's still taking a few days to dry out the pot, so I don't think she's in danger of being rootbound yet. And I can pop her out to check her roots if necessary.

Here's a very bad/blurry pic of the drainage holes!

Switching lanes for a sec, fam.

I've spent the past couple of months poking around and digesting more and more about the history of strains/cultivars and chemovars. I have also been listening to various talks and roundtables featuring contemporary breeders, as I've been interesting in getting "on the ground" perspectives on the state of the industry.

I thought I'd share my favourite discussions.

Cannabinoids and terpenes

Terpene profiles and their therapeutic/medical applications

Ethan Russo talks about specific terpenes (as well as CBD, CBG and more), and critiques the bias towards high THC numbers and myrcene (i.e. OG Kush and descendants/derivatives)

Contemporary breeders, breeding practices and trends

Recent trends in the US and EU are discussed. TLDR; they talk about the Haze family and hash in Europe and OG/Cookies/Cakes in the US

Adam Dunn interviews Katsu Bluebird about the origins of the Bubba Kush, and more

Humboldt Seed Company's 10,000 plant phenohunt

Kevin Jodrey sits down with Nat Pennington (Humboldt Seed Company), Mean Gene (Mendocino), Freeborn Selections, and Jason Mathys (Equilibrium Genetics)

In general I have found this channel, Future Cannabis Project, to be an amazing archive spanning many topics. It largely features members and issues from the West Coast community. A great place to get a finger on the pulse, as the West Coast seems to be one of the major hubs of innovation right now.

I’ve been enjoying listening to Ethan Russo. He's a smart cookie.
That second vid in your post is where they unfold their vision for a network of breeders all participating in a collective for databasing chemovars against every lab test they can do. Much like the Israeli gummint does.
It’s a world changing idea and someone needs to get on with it.
Thank goodness for passionate people!
I’ve been enjoying listening to Ethan Russo. He's a smart cookie.
That second vid in your post is where they unfold their vision for a network of breeders all participating in a collective for databasing chemovars against every lab test they can do. Much like the Israeli gummint does.
It’s a world changing idea and someone needs to get on with it.
Thank goodness for passionate people!

Amen to both sides of that:

a) centralisation of free and accessible information about cultivars and chemovars to increase transparency, accountability and tractability; and

b) collectivisation of small cultivators and breeders to have any hope of holding ground against big ag/pharma

.... us here in NZ taking notes in case of legalisation :nomo:
Baby BK, day 20

Happy baby! Lost a bit of time to the "incident", and while I'm in no hurry, she seems to have gone from 0 to 100 overnight.


Nice recovery. Lookin good now.
Switching lanes for a sec, fam.

I've spent the past couple of months poking around and digesting more and more about the history of strains/cultivars and chemovars. I have also been listening to various talks and roundtables featuring contemporary breeders, as I've been interesting in getting "on the ground" perspectives on the state of the industry.

I thought I'd share my favourite discussions.

Cannabinoids and terpenes

Terpene profiles and their therapeutic/medical applications

Ethan Russo talks about specific terpenes (as well as CBD, CBG and more), and critiques the bias towards high THC numbers and myrcene (i.e. OG Kush and descendants/derivatives)

Contemporary breeders, breeding practices and trends

Recent trends in the US and EU are discussed. TLDR; they talk about the Haze family and hash in Europe and OG/Cookies/Cakes in the US

Adam Dunn interviews Katsu Bluebird about the origins of the Bubba Kush, and more

Humboldt Seed Company's 10,000 plant phenohunt

Kevin Jodrey sits down with Nat Pennington (Humboldt Seed Company), Mean Gene (Mendocino), Freeborn Selections, and Jason Mathys (Equilibrium Genetics)

In general I have found this channel, Future Cannabis Project, to be an amazing archive spanning many topics. It largely features members and issues from the West Coast community. A great place to get a finger on the pulse, as the West Coast seems to be one of the major hubs of innovation right now.

Awesome some new stuff for me to learn.
Switching lanes for a sec, fam.

I've spent the past couple of months poking around and digesting more and more about the history of strains/cultivars and chemovars. I have also been listening to various talks and roundtables featuring contemporary breeders, as I've been interesting in getting "on the ground" perspectives on the state of the industry.

I thought I'd share my favourite discussions.

Cannabinoids and terpenes

Terpene profiles and their therapeutic/medical applications

Ethan Russo talks about specific terpenes (as well as CBD, CBG and more), and critiques the bias towards high THC numbers and myrcene (i.e. OG Kush and descendants/derivatives)

Contemporary breeders, breeding practices and trends

Recent trends in the US and EU are discussed. TLDR; they talk about the Haze family and hash in Europe and OG/Cookies/Cakes in the US

Adam Dunn interviews Katsu Bluebird about the origins of the Bubba Kush, and more

Humboldt Seed Company's 10,000 plant phenohunt

Kevin Jodrey sits down with Nat Pennington (Humboldt Seed Company), Mean Gene (Mendocino), Freeborn Selections, and Jason Mathys (Equilibrium Genetics)

In general I have found this channel, Future Cannabis Project, to be an amazing archive spanning many topics. It largely features members and issues from the West Coast community. A great place to get a finger on the pulse, as the West Coast seems to be one of the major hubs of innovation right now.

Had to bookmark all this. Thanks for sharing it.
Awesome some new stuff for me to learn.
Had to bookmark all this. Thanks for sharing it.

Cheers you two!

So much about cannabis is shrouded in either folklore or marketing, with varietals/strains one of the murkiest areas of them all. And ultimately, it's us, further down in the supply chain, who will suffer from the lack of good information.

It's nice to be able to leverage the insights of people who have worked in the industry for decades, who know the stories behind the folklore, and the logic underneath the marketing.

It's also cool to see what is happening on the frontier, what people are experimenting with and excited about.

:ganjamon: :nomo: :thumb:
Cheers you two!

So much about cannabis is shrouded in either folklore or marketing, with varietals/strains one of the murkiest areas of them all. And ultimately, it's us, further down in the supply chain, who will suffer from the lack of good information.

It's nice to be able to leverage the insights of people who have worked in the industry for decades, who know the stories behind the folklore, and the logic underneath the marketing.

It's also cool to see what is happening on the frontier, what people are experimenting with and excited about.

:ganjamon: :nomo: :thumb:
I think that's a great direction of interest that you're delving into there, so much mystery and promise to this wonderful weed that I can only urge you on! :hookah:
I forgot to mention @McRib too!

(I'm sure many of us are interested in these applications, so apologies if I didn't mention you.)

Worse than that poor bloke that got bit by a tick in that first video you linked?
Forewarned is forearmed. Thank you.

Sorry! I will be more conscious of this in future. That guy's story is.. beyond words o_O
Bubba Kush, day 25

Now that node 4 is out, she's no longer a baby. I decided to up-pot today. I could've waited a couple more fertigation cycles, but because I have such limited space (and therefore limited veg time), I felt it important to get her growing into her final pot early.

Also.. I've decided on her name.

I christen thee.. GRUB!


Grub's rootzone inspection this morning

I took @DonkeyDick's advice to ensure the establishment and stability of the root zone before I decided to transplant. I was pleased with how the roots looked!


Grub's new home - a low but wide pot to make the most of the space

Mix (Canna Terra Pro) was amended with the usual goodies: mycorrhizae, diatomaceous earth, and a bit of additional perlite.

I don't normally specify, but since we're all being reintroduced, I fertigated with: Protekt (silica), Flairform CMX (CalMag+Fe), BioCanna Vega (my base nutes), and Rhizotonic (Vitamin B1 + B2 + auxins).



Desert, day 24 of 12-12

Some morning shots, mostly because I wanted to capture her colours properly, specifically the yellowing at the bottom.

I think there's still an issue with the frequency and size of feeds. But I'm not overly alarmed. Will settle on 2 full, high-PPM feeds per week and see how that goes.


Buuuuuuds! Wow they fatten up fast.


:thumb: :cheer:
:ciao: Tena koe Grub!

That song slays me.

Hey, @Maritimer you’re one for smuggling your home made meds into the veteran’s hospital. You may want to have a look at this also. (You can ff the first forty minutes).


Thanks for sharing that track, DD! And ahoy there @Maritimer!

Arohanui (much love) to those of us who have been exploited and then abandoned by such systems. I served for two years in the military as a young man, and while I was never in active combat, there are things from that time that still haunt and possess me, and that I still need to overcome to this day.

I'm very grateful to have found this community. :green_heart::thumb:
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