Fools Rush In: Newbie's Adventures In Suboptimal Conditions

Out of curiosity, do you tear the cover off the peat before you plant it? I highly recommend it.

I actually tear open the bottom before I drop the seed in to make sure the tap root comes out unobstructed, and then tear the rest of the cover off when I plant it.

Def the best way to go about it. Having it as easy as possible for the tap root

Ya, I've always removed the mesh, being very careful about the tap root.

This time, I didn't even use a jiffy pellet! The popped seed went straight into my mix, albeit in that stupidly small pot.

It might have to do with the post-transplant watering not being sufficient to ensure a merge. I only watered lightly, not to saturation.

The other possible explanation (that seems a bit far-fetched) I can think of is that the mycorrhizal amendment I sprinkled on the bottom of the original rootzone formed a kind of layer that the roots struggled to break through. I noticed that the myco powder formulation contains both clay and diatomaceous earth, and that when I did some top-dressing with it on the big plant, it formed a bit of a solid cap on the top of the mix. :hmmmm:

I'm not sure I'll ever know for certain.

One thing I do know, I won't be popping any seeds in those teeny-tiny pots anymore!
Baby BK: A thriller in pictures!



























Hi SY! Nice catchup... nice photo timeline montage :laughtwo: I dont know where you‘re at with that seedling but if it were mine I would not water it for weeks! I let them go until it feels like the pot is practically empty - as fully dry as it can get before the plant wilts and I have discovered that’s a lot drier than I used to think!

Things are otherwise looking up! Except for Desert, who wants to look up but keeps having to look sideways! :thedoubletake:




Hi SY! Nice catchup... nice photo timeline montage :laughtwo: I dont know where you‘re at with that seedling but if it were mine I would not water it for weeks! I let them go until it feels like the pot is practically empty - as fully dry as it can get before the plant wilts and I have discovered that’s a lot drier than I used to think!

Thanks Amy! Not watering until almost complete dry/plant droop is my usual tactic too. Just got a bit messy with the tiny container, the seedling's rootboundedness (someone please come up with a better noun?) and then the failed merge of the mixes during transplant.....

Just a comedic sequence of little things going wrong! :laugh:

I'm glad to be on the other side of that now.

Hey, I thought of you as I saw you say somewhere that you're behind a VPN and your bandwidth is often throttled. Sorry, I feel my journal is media-heavy!!

Except for Desert, who wants to look up but keeps having to look sideways!

I'm proud of raising one of the strangest little trees I've ever seen :laughtwo::green_heart:
Baby BK, day 20

Happy baby! Lost a bit of time to the "incident", and while I'm in no hurry, she seems to have gone from 0 to 100 overnight.


she's alive! look's like she's bouncing back brother
Desert, day 21 of 12-12

Stretch is just about over! She hasn't grown much taller in the last few days, and bud development has certainly begun.

Following @InTheShed's suggestion I lollipopped her. She was also switched to her flowering nutes last night.

There's still a bit of yellowing going on with the lower fan leaves. Seems a bit too early for a fade. But at this point do I still have to worry much about N?




Also, I have to say that she still barely smells like anything!

I like @DonkeyDick's naming of his bag seed strain, Isabelle.

I think mine should be called Angel Fart. Smells like sweet feck all! :laugh:

Baby Bubba Kush, day 24

She's doing just great. She smells DANK.

Last night and this morning. Sorry, not great pics lol.


I'm inching closer to a name for her, too. I'm terrible with names.

Hope you all are well! :green_heart::ganjamon::hookah:
The flowers look good, bud. A bit of trichome action starting up there already.
You can really see what she’s about now that you have stripped her. She should stack up nicely for you over the next month or so.
Promising smells to be coming from a seedling already :yummy:
The flowers look good, bud. A bit of trichome action starting up there already.
You can really see what she’s about now that you have stripped her. She should stack up nicely for you over the next month or so.
Promising smells to be coming from a seedling already :yummy:

Cheers DD!

Yes! And it confirms what Shed was point out about the apical dominance/asymmetry. Those lower branches just aren't being given anything by the plant. So as much as I enjoyed training this plant, I don't think I will be doing it the same way again.

Hmm, I can see the seedling's roots already through the drainage holes in the new pot. It's only been a few days! Should I be concerned? I popped her out of the pot and she's definitely not rootbound.
Just let those roots grow, mate. It’s a good sign you’re getting your wet and dry cycles right now.
If you try to transplant her before she does get a bit rootbound you risk damaging her between pots. You just need enough of a root mass in there to maintain a bit of structural integrity. If you use the sandcastle method to transplant you get the hole ready in the new pot - sprinkle a tiny amount of myco in there - then ease the plant out of her pot. If that root mass then changes shape in your hand it isn’t going to fit cleanly in the hole and you’re going to have a bit of a moment.
The good thing about a soil grow is we get plenty of time around some of these decisions.
Worry about too much or too little? Plants need nitrogen straight through harvest, as you can see in this chart of tissue analysis:

Thanks Shed! I'll keep an eye on the yellowing.

Might have to play with a combo of veg and bloom nutes if the problem persists.

Or call Canna for a yarn like I did last time, lol! :laughtwo:
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