need me some Fluff! kinda jonesen lately need a fluffy fix man.
you get better because without you I suck small mammals that I cant name very easy although they may be from this country originaly the have evolved into a grey area from the west side of the gaurd rail but that has nothing to do with the cream cheese in my coolaid
I think you know where I'am going with the pop tarts. just the corn ones .
you are all so wonderful! thank you, i actually cant see straight, am coming off two days of silly billy fever so please forgive me if I haven't pressed likes, you know you all rock and fluffy loves you muchly.
one winged too!
i couldn't let christmas go by without me sending you all the fluffiest hugs possible and all my love (minus snot), i reeeeeally miss you all! you keep me happily insane
the fluffy clan is still going, i will have pictures as soon as i can move. i hope the little ones are a bit hardy because i can't do very much.
may everyone have a fantastic (and gorgeously green) christmas
MORE JUICE oh fluffy one...and cod liver oil for the wounded wing
and bathe that arm in epsom salts! i dont care what anyone says, there is nothing better on the planet for soaking weary old muscle and bone that that stuff, i swear by it when i get broken ribs and also actually sucks toxins out of the body and blood...just something to think about =)