First Try At LST With My Durban Poison Baby!

And just now my buddy stopped by and gave me an OZ of White Widow in exchange for one of my Durban clones....gotta love it!! Diggity Dank!!!
I was actually kind of embarrassed, because he runs about twenty autos at the same time. But he wants to go to photo I gave him a good veggin plant with plenty of colas to start cloning. So there ya go!
Sak Pas Sai and Welcome to the best community to date breaking the status quo everyday! Make sure you take the time to check out all our forums we have here from Soil, Hydro, to organic. I’ve been apart of this community for a while and enjoy everyone here. Always giving you advice, and support that you need being a Beginner Grower or a Grow Master just like I will become one some day! So start your Grow Journal when you get a chance so people can see all your projects. If you need help I strive to meet all our new members to help with any problems or questions. So by all means drop me reply and let's become friends!
Just a few pics of my mother plant...nothing special compared to others, but I like her!!
lol..good as can be expected...gave up on the nuts (except a little) since they scared me...the bat guana and worm casings seem to be ok for for her right now. Did do a good flush before I went to 12/12. I am a newbie, but she is looking good I think. Still, and always be learning and open to suggestions brothers!!
AND THEN...what you don't want to do..I used some of my wifes potting soil by mistake (had fertilizer in it).....the plant is a clone...but burnt a lot. She is still struggling on, but hates the nitrogen I think. But the clones from her are doing ok. Just gonna wait and let it go. I transfered her to a BIG pot with Fox Farms soil.
A few pics after defoilating a few minutes ago...all the colas are getting more light and got rid of a bunch of over mature fan leaves...looking good!!..(at least I think) I am a believer in defoilating myself.
I guess I am treating her like a tomato plant...In my opinion she doesn't need those big fan leaves using up energy when she can put it towards her buds. My opinion, but hey, I have been wrong so many times!
And I am budding her with four 60 watt cfls because I am using the led for all her baby clones that are vegging. But she seems to love the cfls, which I am quite surprised about. (using 2700k cfls for the flowering...supplemented with short stays outside in the sun!!)
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