First Timer, Any Suggestions?

Here is a little update.

First here is my Super Lemon Haze it has finally started to flower. The only issue is I am getting a lot of yellowing in the leaves. It seems I have one hole branch that has turned almost all yellow. Not sure if I should cut this branch off or if I should let I go and see what happens. I was thinking it was not getting enough water. I'm not sure about that now. The top and the rest of the plant looks pretty healthy. Any suggestions would be helpful. Take a look.

Super Lemon Haze Week 2 Flower.

Super Lemon Haze Finally showing some flowers

These next two are two Super Lemon Haze I took out of the indoor hydro to make some room for the seed experiment. The first does not look too hot but its alive and has some new growth. Not sure it will make it but its trying its best.

This Super Lemon Haze seems to be taking and has really started to grow..
I think this one might make it..

Here is my Papaya2. Its mom is the one I just harvested. It seems to be going ok. I did find some mold on two of the bud sites. I did remove it and hopefully it will be OK. I check to Humidity outside today and it was around 35%. I did not know that mold was going to be an issue with such a low Humidity and the plants only get water through the dirt and do not get any direct water to the leaves or flowers. I guess I was wrong. Also I am trying something a little new on this one by feeding in some fish emulsion 0/10/10 for flowering to see if I can get some bigger, tighter buds than her mother. Anyway hope it all turns out. Take a look.

Some Papaya Flowers.



Here is a picture of the colloidal silver female seed experiment. What's kind of funny is the plant on the left is the one I am spraying every morning and its supposed to get stress and it does show a little sign of that in the leaves but it is growing way faster than the other two. Anyway have been spraying for around 2 weeks now. I am going to have to decide what to do next. Should I just put it in 12/12/ or scrog it. Not sure, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I think the scrog would be good practice for me since I have never tried it. And also I could easily pick which buds to pollenate.

Thanks everyone for taking a look and for any suggestions you might have..
Ive been following this one too. I am about to endeavor on my first grow and I have been LOVING all the journals here. +rep if I can.

Thanks for checking out my journal and good luck on your grow..
Looking great! + reps

On the yellow branch - Do you have any soil borne pathogens where you are? If that plant were in my veg. garden, I'd worry about something spreading, so I'd cut it off.

Might just be a regular deficiency though - don't know enough about it to know why only one branch would be affected though. Maybe the plant is pulling nitrogen from the lower parts and for some reason thinks that branch is the lowest?
Looking great! + reps

On the yellow branch - Do you have any soil borne pathogens where you are? If that plant were in my veg. garden, I'd worry about something spreading, so I'd cut it off.

Might just be a regular deficiency though - don't know enough about it to know why only one branch would be affected though. Maybe the plant is pulling nitrogen from the lower parts and for some reason thinks that branch is the lowest?

I was feeding it N up to last week so unless I was not feeding it enough I don't see why it would need to pull it from the lower leaves. This plant is way bigger than any of my others have gotten so you could be correct. And maybe I have not been feeding it enough. The smaller ones got most if not all of there food from the teas and soil. Maybe since this one is much older and larger it needed much more than I and the soil was providing. That makes a lot of sense to me. I am not sure about the pathogens but I would think it would affect the whole plant. Thanks so much for stopping in and the comments. Gave me something to think about for sure..
Some yellowing is pretty normal. Not sure if you can prevent it on big plants. Plant is putting all its energy towards the top branches where the sugars can get to the buds easier. At least that is the theory that someone told me. I just leave them on. It's only happening to 3 of my plants in one garden so that makes me think there might be some sort of deficiency also playing a roll. I also have one whole branch with a lot of buds looking like it will die off. In this case there is some sort of problem down towards the trunk where the stem is turning black.

I decided to put one of the three plants back on nitrogen and hold back on the phosphate to see if that makes a difference. I know if you use to much phosphate you can get nitrogen lockout. Also over watering will make lower leaves turn yellow but it is hard to overwater an outdoor plant in this weather.
Some yellowing is pretty normal. Not sure if you can prevent it on big plants. Plant is putting all its energy towards the top branches where the sugars can get to the buds easier. At least that is the theory that someone told me. I just leave them on. It's only happening to 3 of my plants in one garden so that makes me think there might be some sort of deficiency also playing a roll. I also have one whole branch with a lot of buds looking like it will die off. In this case there is some sort of problem down towards the trunk where the stem is turning black.

I decided to put one of the three plants back on nitrogen and hold back on the phosphate to see if that makes a difference. I know if you use to much phosphate you can get nitrogen lockout. Also over watering will make lower leaves turn yellow but it is hard to overwater an outdoor plant in this weather.

Thanks borntorun, thats some good info. It almost seems like the more you know the more confused you get. I don't think I am over feeding them, its possible but I have been feeding the plant the same as all the rest. The problem is its 3 times as big so I would think I was under feeding it. I don't know I'm just getting more confused the further I get along. Thanks for the advise, comments and stopping in...
Been a while since I dropped in Sonzor. Nice tree. I don't know if any of you foliar feed outside, but its worth a shot if u get it done in the morning. I'm suggesting this based on very little outdoor experience. +reps sonzor I feel u on the more u learn the more confusing things seem. Attaining the knowledge is the easy part. Sorting the good from the bad and the application is often the challenge.
thats a bad idea foliar feeding outdoors causes burns and that SLH looks like a christmas tree
Been a while since I dropped in Sonzor. Nice tree. I don't know if any of you foliar feed outside, but its worth a shot if u get it done in the morning. I'm suggesting this based on very little outdoor experience. +reps sonzor I feel u on the more u learn the more confusing things seem. Attaining the knowledge is the easy part. Sorting the good from the bad and the application is often the challenge.

Thanks BayArea, I foliar fed all my other outdoor plants with compost/worm casting teas. This on did get foliar fed in for the first couple of months. Its flowering now so I am not sure that would be such a good Idea at this point. I stopped foliar feeding this guy cause I kinda got lazy. I think its helps with the bugs and some extra feeding it worked very well on my first few plants.. Thanks for the advise and stopping in your comments and suggestion are much appreciated..
thats a bad idea foliar feeding outdoors causes burns and that SLH looks like a christmas tree

I think and remember I am very new at this that if you foliar feed with the correct stuff like a tea you don't have to worry too much about burns if done with the correct stuff and at the correct time like early morning or late afternoon. It worked pretty well for me on my first plants. Not sure how much it benefited the plants seeing it was my first grow, but it did hurt them. Thanks you so much for you comments and stopping in SouthernOnt.
I was thinkin more along the lines of foliar feeding to with Nitrogen to help with yellowing.

If the problem is just a nitrogen issue, I think I will just let it run its course. I will feed the plant with the compost/worm tea with my flowering nutes and I think the plant should make it through flower. Anyway thats the plan and If I am wrong I think I will just have a few more yellow leaves than I planned. And there won't be any major issue. Cross my fingers.
Leaves tend to yellow during flowering naturally. From my experience with the nutes I used, the manufacturer suggests cutting the grow portion (which contains the bulk of the N in my feeding regimen). What i've learned from watching others on this site is that incorporating N into the bloom formula keeps things green with little to no ill affect. Look at the 3 plants dubbed the triplets in my journal. That's the greenest plant I've had this far into harvest. Woulda been greener if she hadn't got a dose of high PPM nutes. This is what I was basing my suggestion upon.
Makes a lot of sense to me. It just gets a little confusing cause some people say cut out the N other say keep a little. I think since I use the compost/worm casting tea I do get some N in the teas and also the compost I put into the soil must have a little N. Maybe not. This plant has been in the ground so long it is possible that all the N has been used up. I think I might start giving it some fox farms bloom and tiger and see if that fixes the issues. As much as I have tried to stay away from that stuff in my outdoor grow. I do have it for the indoor. So I might as well give it a try. Thanks again for all you help.
No prob. U make ur own compost/tea?

Yes, I make my own compost and compost teas, At the start I would use guano in the teas with high N for veg and high P,K for flower. I don't think the flowering tea was the greatest we will see when the Papaya2 is finished I started to use fish emulsion on her with a 0,10,10 and it already looks like her buds are going to be a bit thicker. Time will tell. Thanks for stopping in and your comment and suggestion are always appreciated...
thats a bad idea foliar feeding outdoors causes burns and that SLH looks like a christmas tree

I foliar feed all my plants twice a week and have never had a problem, the plants love it and it's a guaranteed way to get the trace minerals to the plant rapidly. I've never had a plant get "sunburn". Not sure I buy the whole "droplet acts like a magnifying glass" argument. I've seen it happen on squash plants. If it is true, you would have a whole lot of sunburned plants in Hawaii where it rains and then immediately changes to hot sun.

I'm going to try and get a fan leaf to burn today. We have a couple days of intense sun coming up. I'll let you know. It may be that I'm too far north to cause any sort of burn. But I've also grown in the South where it is common to get a thundershower in the middle of a 90 degree day and no negative results.
Just a little update, no pictures for now, some on Sunday or Monday. Went to the Hydro store today to get a few supplies and started talking to a person who worked their about my bud rot issue and what would be good for it. As I was explaining my issues another person who worked their over heard my problem and told me that it was not bud rot but it was bud worms. I new I had some worms but thought they only ate a few leaves and that was all. She told me that they multiply pretty quick and eat all the buds leaving brown decimated bud that crumble when touched. Thats what I have. Those little what I like to call Lucifer worms took out my strawberry cough and are trying to do the same with my Papaya2. Anyway she pushed me to an organic solution thats stops the worms from being able to eat. I hope it does not mess with the quality of smoke or smell. And I hope it works. Some bud is better than no bud. I know someone in here and I should go back and find out who it was and give this person credit said they thought is was not bud rot but some insect was correct and I am sorry for not listening. Taking that persons advice would have saved myself a lot of issues with the new plant. Anyway we will see how it goes. You know if you have been following this journal I hate to use anything that I have not made myself that is as organic as it gets, but I am now seeing that sometimes growing outside you have to buy something that someone else made and trust it is what they say it is, and hopefully does not effect the final quality too much. Thanks for stopping in and reading my rambling ons'. Any comments or suggestion are always appreciated..
Never heard of these worms

These are worms? Not caterpillars? What country and region are u in? Never heard of or seen a budworm. Please take pics of the damage (good macros). I know its painful to keep looking at unless u cut it out. Glad to hear ur making some progress. Keep us posted.
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