So, i promised updates on Saturday and here we are. I had planned on doing it first thing but life took over and i ended up staining my garden shed/cabin while the weather was good. That should keep the Mrs happy for a few days.

On to the girls, all seems to be going well. As far as my untrained eye can tell, they all look healthy and growth is beginning to pick up. I do think they’re a little smaller than i expected them to be compared to others but its my first time so the fact theyre still alive at all is an achievement for me (historically speaking, i do not have a good track record with plants). All 3 are drinking a lot more now and are on a regular nutrient schedule, ive taken to using the old lift your pot when its dry/wet method and i think im getting a good read on it. Anyway, the photos, what youve all been waiting for....

First up is Buttercup, she went a bit droopy earlier this week and i thought maybe she was thirsty, i was right as shes really perked up since. 3 weeks and 5 days since germination:




Next up is Bubbles, White Widow 2. She got a drench with nutes this afternoon. 3 weeks and 3 days since germination:




Finally, Blossom, White Widow 1. Also got a drench with nutes today. 3 weeks and 4 days since germination:




Just because theyre out basking today, and Herbie was feeling a bit left out, I thought i’d snap a group shot...

I hope the miss gets off your back, just look at that shed! It looks very “fresh” so to speak! (I don’t know, what ever those kids say now a days):laughtwo:

I love how you got pictures of your shed in the update! Your shed looks great man!

I think I’ve said shed too many times, I may have just summoned @InTheShed :rofl:

Your plants are looking very healthy! Look to have some nice growth.

Your in a coco mix right?

Herbie looks to be taking care of your power puff girls!

Also looks like you’ve got some nice weather! Why don’t you enjoy it eh!! :yahoo:
I hope the miss gets off your back, just look at that shed! It looks very “fresh” so to speak! (I don’t know, what ever those kids say now a days):laughtwo:

I love how you got pictures of your shed in the update! Your shed looks great man!

I think I’ve said shed too many times, I may have just summoned @InTheShed :rofl:

Your plants are looking very healthy! Look to have some nice growth.

Your in a coco mix right?

Herbie looks to be taking care of your power puff girls!

Also looks like you’ve got some nice weather! Why don’t you enjoy it eh!! :yahoo:

Haha! Thanks bro, to be honest i built it back in January/February this year and ive been deading the paint job but i have put it off for long enough now.. just glad its done! I didnt even mean to snap the shed in the background, you have a keen eye sir.

The weather is great at the moment and the girls are certainly loving it, just need to get them out in it for as long as possible each day.

Yes man, im in coco. Although i thiught i was in a super soil until BigD pointed out recently that i wasn't. Ive been adding the nutes i bought, biobizz outdoor pack, but i noticed recently that people use coco specific nutes. Is this something you think i might need to look in to? They seem to be doing OK on what theyve had so far!
Ok now I remember, yeah don’t be afraid to give them a good soaking, it’s pretty much impossible to overwater them.

What nutrients are you using? Some of the nutrients are coco compatible, but unless it says on the bottle or anywhere on there site that they are, I’m not sure if yours are or not. The nutrients I have it says on the bottle it works with coco and other hydro systems.
Ok now I remember, yeah don’t be afraid to give them a good soaking, it’s pretty much impossible to overwater them.

What nutrients are you using? Some of the nutrients are coco compatible, but unless it says on the bottle or anywhere on there site that they are, I’m not sure if yours are or not. The nutrients I have it says on the bottle it works with coco and other hydro systems.

Ive bought the biobizz outdoor pack, not knowing what i purchased but it seemed to be a good fit. Its contains 3 products, Fish Mix, Bio Bloom and Top Max. I just researched all 3 and they can all be used in coco so it seems ive lucked out :yahoo:

Need to do some some research on the fish mix and bio bloom during flowering as i swear, someone in that 10 minute rabbit hole i just went down, i skim read something about not mixing the 2 during this phase of growth. Back down the hole i go....
Ive bought the biobizz outdoor pack, not knowing what i purchased but it seemed to be a good fit. Its contains 3 products, Fish Mix, Bio Bloom and Top Max. I just researched all 3 and they can all be used in coco so it seems ive lucked out :yahoo:

Need to do some some research on the fish mix and bio bloom during flowering as i swear, someone in that 10 minute rabbit hole i just went down, i skim read something about not mixing the 2 during this phase of growth. Back down the hole i go....
Lucked out indeed. Onwards and upwards!

Ive bought the biobizz outdoor pack, not knowing what i purchased but it seemed to be a good fit. Its contains 3 products, Fish Mix, Bio Bloom and Top Max. I just researched all 3 and they can all be used in coco so it seems ive lucked out :yahoo:

Need to do some some research on the fish mix and bio bloom during flowering as i swear, someone in that 10 minute rabbit hole i just went down, i skim read something about not mixing the 2 during this phase of growth. Back down the hole i go....

It’s always nice to get lucky eh!! :yahoo:

Let us know what you find out?
Let us know what you find out?

Not a lot! Not sure what i skim read but people often use both fertilisers up until the flush so i will do the same and follow the biobizz nute schedule for now.

Just noticed im above the fourth node on Blossom. After another couple of days i could consider topping that one and starting some LST. Im not sure..... LST or not LST, that is the question! Does anyone on here have experience of low stress techniques on auto flowers?
I always learned that autos don’t like to be topped or trained, and like to just live their life. As an autos life span is much shorter then a photoperiod plant, I was taught that it’s not good to stress the plant out, as it’s only a 7 week start to finish plant, and doesn’t have time to bounce back from said stress. There’s someone on this site that has links to training a auto plant, can’t remember who it is so I can’t send you that way.

What you could do is go to the search bar on top right corner and search for auto training or something and see what comes up.
Here's a good LST thread.

Here's a good LST thread.

Nice! Thanks, I cant decide whether or not to give it a go. Being my first time im wondering if i should just see through a normal grow while im still learning and perhaps if i try again i can give it a go next time.

While im online, i know its only been a couple of days but the girls were looking glorious in the sun yesterday so heres a few shots for all to enjoy...





Buttercup (she got a feed this morning, she seems to be getting through a lot more water and nutrient than the two White Widows at the moment, despite being the smallest):


One question ive been meaning to ask, does anyone bother to prune the cotyledons? Theyre all beginning to turn yellow now and i wonder if its worth pulling them off to maximise energy going to the rest of the plant.
Thanks all, will leave them on for now then. They look pretty much ready to drop off any day.

Our heat wave is now over, ive been looking at the longer term forecast and its not looking good. Temperature drops right off over the next week couple of weeks. Not too worried about the white widows as they should be able to handle it but not sure on the Amnesia. Time will tell i suppose!
Plants are looking great, remember.. you could probably water every day and not harm the plants, (because your in coco). They love those nutrients! :thumb:

I thought watering every day just causes root rot? That link in my signature about how to properly water a plant says that they most enjoy a clear wet/dry cycle so wouldnt watering every day just keep them wet?
I havent yet, I did check the soil earlier and it could probably do with a good soaking, its been a few days. Its sunny at the moment though so was going to water this evening when i put them away.
It's always best to try to feed or water plants in the a.m cause the roots uptake that fluid during the daylight hours. It also Wont leave your medium soggy for potential root rot. My #1 rule is, if your gonna water/feed do it about a hour after they awake in the a.m :) :green_heart: :snowboating: :peace:
I thought watering every day just causes root rot? That link in my signature about how to properly water a plant says that they most enjoy a clear wet/dry cycle so wouldnt watering every day just keep them wet?
You dont go based upon days of watering. But what your plant/medium asks for. No sense in watering everyday. You will drown your plant and create a plethora of issues. Watering everyday is ONLY recommended for individuals whom are using a B grade medium. Or a medium that has no water retention. (Vermiculite helps with water retention in your mediums)

Root rot WILL occur if you water daily. Depended on your method of medium of course. But Your roots need air regardless.. It's always best to let your plants go without water juuuuuust b4 you start to see signs (in soil) . This way u are ensuring air flow to your roots. Which will help the growth and over all health/strength of your plants. You of course have to 'test' your plants over a few days to zone in the perfect watering time/amount, But I always let my medium go dry (at least 5 inch's down in my medium) before watering. Even if you can lift the pot slightly. You'll get used to the weight of when you need to fill or not :)

Hope all works out for ya. Keep us posted brotha!:green_heart::passitleft::green_heart:
I thought watering every day just causes root rot? That link in my signature about how to properly water a plant says that they most enjoy a clear wet/dry cycle so wouldnt watering every day just keep them wet?

Remember, you're in coco, not soil. If you go back and read @Emilya watering post, she's referring to watering in soil. Notice how she talks about the movement of "very fine soil". That's what happens in soil, not in a soilless medium. At least that's how I understand it.
Your watering schedule should vary with the ability of the media to hold water/nutes. Hydrotron gets water every quarter of an hour, same with glass wool because they don't hold much water. Good natural soil with clay minerals and organics, holds a lot of water and requires water less often. Choir as I understand it, needs nutes/water frequently(daily). Never used it, but it's a hydroponic media, not soil. I use peat/perlite media and it can go almost dry. I judge by lifting the pot. I flush well once a week with a changing nute schedule from GH, and water very little during the week. BTW, whatever you're doing, keep it up. The new growth looks good.
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