First Time Indoor/Outdoor Grow Bag Seed

Plants looks great. Increase P and take cover.

Thanks Twelve12 Sonya is about 40 days into flower. the rest are about 30 and one of them is about 20. when should i stop feeding them to get the smoothest smoke?
Where are you located approximately?

Reason I ask is because it looks like you have at least another 4 weeks to go for the plants in those photos, (last post on previous page) possibly longer.

Any latitude north of say Sacramento Ca. not close to sea level may start to be too cold for Cannabis to finish in mid-October early November.

Sorry if you already gave your location somewhere in your journal. ;)

Hopefully you already know your harvest date and know that your local climate will remain in the habitable zone for your last weeks of flowering. :thumb:

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Where are you located approximately?

Reason I ask is because it looks like you have at least another 4 weeks to go for the plants in those photos, (last post on previous page) possibly longer.

Any latitude north of say Sacramento Ca. not close to sea level may start to be too cold for Cannabis to finish in mid-October early November.

Sorry if you already gave your location somewhere in your journal. ;)

Hopefully you already know your harvest date and know that your local climate will remain in the habitable zone for your last weeks of flowering. :thumb:

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner

we live in zone 3 and is about even with middle california. there is a 50/50 chance of frost in the next 4 to 5 weeks but even with frost there is plenty of warm weather until late december. I have a tarp to protect from frost . I do not know the harvest date because the seeds came out of some mid grade bagseed. when i got the wild hair to grow i never thought any of this through.
I really didnt know of finishing times or amber trichomes so i guess i have learned another lesson in cannabis cultivation. I have read articles on humbolt county growers an they start there crops early under temperary green houses why couldnt i do the same for harvest? Just a thought:peace:
I noticed one of my clones has started to exibit some slightly pink pistols. I hope i luck out and its fresian dew or something else colorful.
it does smell skunky! :yummy:
Thanks Twelve12 Sonya is about 40 days into flower. the rest are about 30 and one of them is about 20. when should i stop feeding them to get the smoothest smoke?

For outdoor grow with plants unknown finish time check out their trichome after 50-75% of the white hairs turned colors (any colors but white). Reduced nutes to 1/2 strength when you see 50% clear and 50% cloudy. Then continue feeding at 1/2 for 1-2 week and then flush for 2 weeks with just plain water, then when harvest time cut the plants during dark hours. Doing this will allow your plant to cure fast and have smooth smoke.

I have to agree with Goldengoose7 with the flowering time may require additional 4-6 weeks. Check the trichome for amber, when a few appeared it's time to flush and harvest in 2 weeks. End of October is a good time to check for them. Good luck these will provide pounds!
For outdoor grow with plants unknown finish time check out their trichome after 50-75% of the white hairs turned colors (any colors but white). Reduced nutes to 1/2 strength when you see 50% clear and 50% cloudy. Then continue feeding at 1/2 for 1-2 week and then flush for 2 weeks with just plain water, then when harvest time cut the plants during dark hours. Doing this will allow your plant to cure fast and have smooth smoke.

I have to agree with Goldengoose7 with the flowering time may require additional 4-6 weeks. Check the trichome for amber, when a few appeared it's time to flush and harvest in 2 weeks. End of October is a good time to check for them. Good luck these will provide pounds!

YOU SAID POUNDS HAHA HEHE! I would be beside myself if i got one pound of smooth smoke. that would be enough for me for a year or more. but anyway everything you said is right on with what i have read i just always like to get good reinforcement from all you guys. I love to hear everyones opinions and methods here at 420. :thanks:
They look great dude, I wish I had the ability to be able to grow where there intended to be by mother earth. Kinda jealous, hopefully some day I will have a nice plot of land and be able to do as I please. Good luck I will try to tune in every now and then.

Hey man thanks for the kind words. I am truly blessed to have such ground level privacy. However i still have to worry about the eye in the sky and the meter reader and my parents and............. small perpetual grow within the legal limits sounds pretty good on my side of the fence too. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my grow!:thanks::peace:
well guys here is a small update to start with. this is a ten day update of sour sonya's cola. first pic was taken on the 21st and second pic was on the 10th . not much of a change but its been cloudy and raining for the last 10 days or so.
I didnt get to take any pics today, but i will tomorrow. I did get to spend some time with them In the sunshine. no signs of mold or mildew no new bugs just the same pistol eating grasshoppers. Now i know why they call them GRASShoppers. they look and act so stoned you can just pick them off without a struggle.
I also found a good dro shop that saves me a lot of driving. I picked up a 100x lighted scope and some ff tigerbloom. After looking at the trichs most of them were cloudy no amber. I have smoked some purple haze and loved the high it gave. perfect meds for me. with this said should i still wait until the trichs have turned amber or should cloudy be enough to give me a long lasting up high. I know it has a lot to do with the strain so
i will probably wait until 20% - 30% are amber.
Hey miwa thanks for stopping in. I assume your commenting on a previous post. When your making comments on a page other than the last page of a thread make sure you click on the quote icon at the bottom right of a the post you are commenting on so i know which photos your refering to. you are probably right i ended up using epsom salts and lime. so it could of been a mag issue or a PH issue i dont have a digital meter so im not sure.but never the less it worked great. Thanks again :peace:
hahaha...i realized my mistake...can't see how i missed you you being on page 8 with these eyes...yep could have been a ph problem too...anyway i'm glad it got saved..i'm finish with 1st outside 8 in the ground...chromes are all cloudy...i pulled one yesterday..they been in ground since march..all bag came up with red pistils..kicking myself in the butt for not cloning my grow...good luck with yours...peace
hahaha...i realized my mistake...can't see how i missed you you being on page 8 with these eyes...yep could have been a ph problem too...anyway i'm glad it got saved..i'm finish with 1st outside 8 in the ground...chromes are all cloudy...i pulled one yesterday..they been in ground since march..all bag came up with red pistils..kicking myself in the butt for not cloning my grow...good luck with yours...peace

Hey dont feel bad the only reason i knew how to do that is i made the same mistake, oh well we will figure this forum thing out eventually lol! The plant we were talking about it ended up doing the hermie thing bad i went out yesterday to check on it and it had exploded with pollen sacs i decided to pull it today and harvest what i could off of it. I might get 9-10 grams off of it. :peace:
dammm...pollen u have a photo of them sacs...i might have one hanging...i pulled one of mine seen what look like seed pods...she was really stressed...i had it tied down too tight and one of the growing shoots broke...last week a storm came thru and laid my plant on the had such big colas it couldn't stand so i pulled it the chromes were all cloudy
here you go
dammm...pollen u have a photo of them sacs...i might have one hanging...i pulled one of mine seen what look like seed pods...she was really stressed...i had it tied down too tight and one of the growing shoots broke...last week a storm came thru and laid my plant on the had such big colas it couldn't stand so i pulled it the chromes were all cloudy
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