First Time Indoor/Outdoor Grow Bag Seed

Nice plants, thanks for posting all the pics especially of the male with the cluster of seeds. I really needed to know the difference visually other than some diagram. I wasn't sure if you said one of them was a hermie. Wanna know what those look like too...As if ya weren't told enough, :goodjob:
Nice plants, thanks for posting all the pics especially of the male with the cluster of seeds. I really needed to know the difference visually other than some diagram. I wasn't sure if you said one of them was a hermie. Wanna know what those look like too...As if ya weren't told enough, :goodjob:

Thanks for stopping in QTL ,

these are actually pollen sacs and when ripe they burst and let out their pollen on any female near by. If the pollination is successful then the female will have seed pods with seeds in it. so it is important to chop them down as soon as you see them.
when their on a raised stem and hang down you know you def got a male.

this what you want to see this a female 4 days into flower
AS FOR THE HERMIE thang mine started to produce female pistols and looked normal at first then out of the blue it had some male pollen sacs some people kill the plant im just going to carefully pluck off the male parts as i see them. YOU HAVE TO STAY ON TOP OF THE POLLEN SACS THEY DEVELOP VERY QUICKLY!heres the pics of the hermie hope this helps QTL.
Gittergreen--Thanks for the pics, they are a great reference for me. I am in day 5 of flowering and my plants look a lil like yours. I am seeing what appears to be pistils coming and new leaf growth. Since you are using bagseed like I am, how long did it take before you could actually tell sex? So far mine look to be all females but one I am not so sure about because it looks like lil balls are forming on the stem/stalk. Not like how your male looked. I have been trying to take pics of it from my cell phone but is coming across kinda blurry. I don't know if you peeped my gallery pics or not. If you can check it out and get back to me. Will be trying to befriend you...
To queentokelove. Hey i checked out your grow pics but i couldnt even begin to guess. A little too blury to tell but thats ok when they show you will know. I do not have a good scope so i had to wait until they started to flower. Some people can tell by using a scope on the preflowers. I had no luck seeing any pistols on mine early i guess it was not strong enough.
Hey gittergreen ^_^
Like to see how LST outside turns out. They will be greater than indoor for sure. Have you thought about outdoor scrog for one plant? Compare that with LST plant and see which is yield more outdoor. Control trail with clones from the same mother. I'm loving both LST and Scrog, it's great how evenly the energy gets distributed among the available bud sites.
Hey gittergreen ^_^
Like to see how LST outside turns out. They will be greater than indoor for sure. Have you thought about outdoor scrog for one plant? Compare that with LST plant and see which is yield more outdoor. Control trail with clones from the same mother. I'm loving both LST and Scrog, it's great how evenly the energy gets distributed among the available bud sites.

Hey Twelve12, Yes LST is a very easy way to maximize light penatration and distribute energy into multiple colas. As for outdoor scrog maybe later on but i have all i can handle right now. HERE IS AN UPDATE ON LST
Welcome Ganjatoker8! I am def keeping this one its the strongest out of all of them.
Thats cool info i didnt know, thanks i have been pulling off pollen sacs so far and have been worried it would self pollinate but not so worried now.
All right fellow 420fied brothers and sisters heres a picture update.
starting to form some visible trichomes, so cool to witness this wonderful plant grow its a very unique plant to say the least.
As my 19 month old son would say UH OOOHW!
start seeing missing pistols and leaves folded and webs i thought i had spider mites so i clipped a bud off brought it to my
kitchen under a good light started removing webbed leaves and black mystery clumps i almost had it completly trimmed when i saw something move it was this little destructive critter. I am about 4 weeks in flower what to do? Any body have experience with these catpillars?
As my 19 month old son would say UH OOOHW!
start seeing missing pistols and leaves folded and webs i thought i had spider mites so i clipped a bud off brought it to my
kitchen under a good light started removing webbed leaves and black mystery clumps i almost had it completly trimmed when i saw something move it was this little destructive critter. I am about 4 weeks in flower what to do? Any body have experience with these catpillars?

GG, sorry to hear!

Start reading Munki's journal from this page:

Munki's "Al Naturale" Autoflower Outdoor Escursion - 2011

(then you can go back and read the whole thing! - Munki's a good grower!)

GG, sorry to hear!

Start reading Munki's journal from this page:

Munki's "Al Naturale" Autoflower Outdoor Escursion - 2011

(then you can go back and read the whole thing! - Munki's a good grower!)


Thanks man i actually was reading part of his journal last night. I was so medicated i couldnt remember whos grow it was. i think it had some sort of screen built. anyway to many tokes of some fresh outdoor kush lol . I will def check it out again.:thanks::yummy:
getting plants ready for a week of bad weather any body got any ideas on how to protect outdoor plants from too much rain and moisture? :bong:
this is what i came up with. A tarp real D.I.Y huh? well i had the tarp, but i did camo it out.
It seems to be working ok just wanted to keep as much moisture off of them as possible dont want any mold issues.
wow im so glad i put a tarp up its raining ephalumps and woozals.
OK peeps here is an update. weather was not as bad as predicted we only had about an inch not much wind so that was great. plants are doing great the rest are starting to really take off . Im going to increase my dose on my nutes a little on my bat guano 1 10 1Here are some pics i took yesterday. the first one is my LST that was inside she was out of control with ph. I put her in the ground with some lime and an epsom salt watered in.
before photo
now photo
The now photo on the LST girl the top left colas are the original tops of the plant. I think its cool that the bottom of the plant thinks its in charge. I could only imagine what this plant would look like if it had not been put through so much stress. On the other hand the author of one of my books says some stress is good for a plant and increases thc strength. im not so sure about that . ( GROWING MARIJUANA BY TOMMY MCCHARTHY0

wow if that dont put a smile on your face you dont belong here hah! hah!:yummy::cheesygrinsmiley:
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