First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Not yet Im waiting on everything to get here.. My tent comes in tomorrow I already have the seeds and yes it will be FFOF so holding off on the nutes sounds like the plan.. The strains will be auto blue mystic and auto bubbalicious.. I'll start one as soon as my setup is ready and my seeds pop[/

Your in good company! Nutes and when to use on autos is a great discussion. I am also using FFOF and have elected to wait until week 4 and then go 1/4 strength with FF nutes. DonPaul has had success with nutes early on but he does use BP. BP seems to be less harsh. ISmokes has some good advice as well as others on this forum. Glad your going with autos. Dont let anyone discourage your decision!
I was thinking about doing the same thing with some regulars too.. maybe veg them for a week or 10 days under 24/0 or 20/4 then to 12/12.. I'm not sure, we'll see :)!
Good luck with everything!

If you haven't read this thread, check it out - No Mercy 12/12 - 7harvests/ yr system

I may try it sometime. :)

Fluffy you have such an energetic positive presence everywhere I see you :Namaste: you seem like such a good person.

Not yet Im waiting on everything to get here.. My tent comes in tomorrow I already have the seeds and yes it will be FFOF so holding off on the nutes sounds like the plan.. The strains will be auto blue mystic and auto bubbalicious.. I'll start one as soon as my setup is ready and my seeds pop[/

Your in good company! Nutes and when to use on autos is a great discussion. I am also using FFOF and have elected to wait until week 4 and then go 1/4 strength with FF nutes. DonPaul has had success with nutes early on but he does use BP. BP seems to be less harsh. ISmokes has some good advice as well as others on this forum. Glad your going with autos. Dont let anyone discourage your decision!
I read alot on BP because donp and decided that this is the way to go for me I ordered some of that I also wanted to try some blackstrap because of how I see people swear by it and I found a place that sells it and it's relatively close.
Yep, BPN seems to do a good job feeding your girls. From what I saw, they're a lot safer to use with autos than more concentrated fertilizers. A lot of people (paul too i think) use BPN from week 2 (?). I think they start using nutes with the first set of true leaves with BPN or something. I should take a look at their line as well, the Fox Farm trio has no mercy on autos lol.
Yep, BPN seems to do a good job feeding your girls. From what I saw, they're a lot safer to use with autos than more concentrated fertilizers. A lot of people (paul too i think) use BPN from week 2 (?). I think they start using nutes with the first set of true leaves with BPN or something. I should take a look at their line as well, the Fox Farm trio has no mercy on autos lol.
Wow from week 2... I guess I'm on the right track so far... Anxiously waiting for my setup to get here.. but I'm so busy this week I probably won't get to put it together until friday
Hey Spring, that sounds so great! big bang autos ey? I see you're looking for that yield :laughtwo:
I was thinking about doing the same thing with some regulars too.. maybe veg them for a week or 10 days under 24/0 or 20/4 then to 12/12.. I'm not sure, we'll see :)!
Good luck with everything!

Fluffy you have such an energetic positive presence everywhere I see you :Namaste: you seem like such a good person.

Bless your heart Smokey, thank you so much :hug: . I do try and look after my friends so I'm glad it is working.

I've missed a lot of great stuff in a short time on your journal! These are great posts, thank you to you all for the information and thoughts. I reckon you would get a huge amount out of growing a regular alongside autos, the best of both worlds!

I'm so glad I've put my two little ones in ready to go. This is just so much fun that I want to do as much as I can with the resources I have. Loving every minute.

I always look forward to seeing what your girls are doing, and I am DEFINITELY going to get me a Diva!

So today makes Blueberry and Siberian a month old. Diva is at day 28 just 2 days behind.
Diva and Blueberry just drank 1 gallon of 1-tbs grow big and 1-tbs big bloom. I'm hoping they won't show any signs of burn. This is still considered a very dilute solution. It's about 1/3rd the recommended strength. It's already 2 days into week 5 for blueberry. If they burn, this is BS lol. We'll see..
I already see signs of nute burn. I'm sick of flushing. I only fed twice and I had to flush every time. I'm not doing it this time, I'm gona let the bottom leaves take the hit, they already look half yellow :-/.. This sucks with nutes.
I also caught a pollen sack on Diva :) lol.. I was looking for nute burn and spotted a male pollen sack. I took it off and threw it away. I thought about letting it mature a bit, then take it out, and then specifically pollinate a branch of the same plant to make some Diva seeds. Would they also be feminized if I do that? Self pollination? lol.. I don't know. Anyway, I tossed it.
I already see signs of nute burn. I'm sick of flushing. I only fed twice and I had to flush every time. I'm not doing it this time, I'm gona let the bottom leaves take the hit, they already look half yellow :-/.. This sucks with nutes.
I also caught a pollen sack on Diva :) lol.. I was looking for nute burn and spotted a male pollen sack. I took it off and threw it away. I thought about letting it mature a bit, then take it out, and then specifically pollinate a branch of the same plant to make some Diva seeds. Would they also be feminized if I do that? Self pollination? lol.. I don't know. Anyway, I tossed it.

Ouch! What does a male pollen sack look like? I have a few pistils looking a bit swollen at their base. Is this normal?
Ouch! What does a male pollen sack look like? I have a few pistils looking a bit swollen at their base. Is this normal?

I think as long as you see pistils you're fine. I'll take a picture if I catch others. You'll see them if they're there trust me. They look very different, pointed downwards instead of upwards too. The pair I found humorously resemble a human male pollen sack lol. :laughtwo:
By the way, the ladies seem to be adjusting to the nutrient level. I think FFOF is finally running out of goods. We lost a couple of leaves on Diva, for a good cause I guess lol? I don't want to obsess over the nutes situation. Let's see how it goes.
are these male pollen sacks or am I mistaken? I just found another one:

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