First Time Grow - The Incredible Bulk Feminized

Day 91 From Seed - Day 21 of Flower

Took these pictures at lights on just there...

9 Girls Have Now Become 8...ish

To my horror I discovered what looked like a male pollen sac, upon closer inspection I found another, though tiny, had already opened and burst all over my fingers as I picked it off. They were the only two I saw and so I was in to check every hour after that... no sign of further sacs. There are slight purple streaks on the stems so stress appears to be evident, I know the reasons that it could be, I also know the things that it is not, unfortunately I can't put my fingure on which one caused it. This is not quite like the last hermie which was showing new sacs almost hourly and in concerning numbers, lights are out just now but I will be at the door waiting to inspect at lights on. I felt my heart sink when I saw this, very sad and makes me worry more about the others, I have a bad feeling.
That suxs coolspot. I grew out hermie seeds that I may myself (not on purpose) I would get a 1 hermie for every 4 plants. Last run I done with them I started with 6 and ended up with four... time before that was 8 plants and 1 hermie... maybe 2. Sometimes you get some sacks that are small and on the bottom stuff and aren't growing by the hour. But sometimes you get ones that burst sacks like crazy, all over the plant. Hope you don't get anymore
Not a lot going on with my clones apart from the obvious sad looking ones, I expected them to look terrible for a good while as that was a common description among growers who were doing it, I'm guessing yellowing tips and redness in stems is a good thing as it shows life holding on. No loss so no worries.

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