First Time Grow 1200 Watt

Add a scrog net to spread out my girls let me know what u guys think ...??
Try to keep threading her through the netting while the stretch is happening then allow vertical growth. You will need to watch out for poor airflow beneath the net too. Maybe defoloiate the big fans a bit which can help with humidity. Scrogging for me is better done prior to flowering so u can fill all the gaps ideally but spreading the bud sites out for more light to them is never a bad thing. Looking good mate.
So do you think i waited to long to put the scrog net over them ?? I know the stretch is about 4 weeks or so and its only week one I was thinking maybe threw the stretch i could train them the first 2 weeks weaving them then letting them do there thing after let me know what you think about that
Try to keep threading her through the netting while the stretch is happening then allow vertical growth. You will need to watch out for poor airflow beneath the net too. Maybe defoloiate the big fans a bit which can help with humidity. Scrogging for me is better done prior to flowering so u can fill all the gaps ideally but spreading the bud sites out for more light to them is never a bad thing. Looking good mate.
Not too long just won't be as controlled or planned out. Ideally you don't just want a plant support which is easy to end up with. They allow each main its own space but for me it is about getting light to the whole branch if you have room. Following my first crop after 10yr break failed at flower stage ( met as did years before) all because an electricity cable wire in an unrelated room burnt out leaving me no juice for 2 days. So following root rot loss of entire hydro I flowered a mother plant of super iced grapefruit. She had 600w hps and half a grow room scrogged out. I managed nearly a magical 10oz in scrog from her . Love the twchnique if height is limited. Dont worry . You are doing good and i am not sure about a 4 week stretch period but let her grow vertical as soon as she finished stretching.
Not too long just won't be as controlled or planned out. Ideally you don't just want a plant support which is easy to end up with. They allow each main its own space but for me it is about getting light to the whole branch if you have room. Following my first crop after 10yr break failed at flower stage ( met as did years before) all because an electricity cable wire in an unrelated room burnt out leaving me no juice for 2 days. So following root rot loss of entire hydro I flowered a mother plant of super iced grapefruit. She had 600w hps and half a grow room scrogged out. I managed nearly a magical 10oz in scrog from her . Love the twchnique if height is limited. Dont worry . You are doing good and i am not sure about a 4 week stretch period but let her grow vertical as soon as she finished stretching.
How would i know when the stretch is over ??
How would i know when the stretch is over ??
Usually when you notice her female hairs start to show themselves and bud sets forming . This is usually 2 weeks from the flip , 4 week stretch is not one I have heard before. The buds build in length and girth so increases plants size but that is buds not stretch related. Do you have any white hairs yet or buds forming ?
Usually when you notice her female hairs start to show themselves and bud sets forming . This is usually 2 weeks from the flip , 4 week stretch is not one I have heard before. The buds build in length and girth so increases plants size but that is buds not stretch related. Do you have any white hairs yet or buds forming ?
No I just flip them this Monday.. should i be seeing bud forming already??
No I just flip them this Monday.. should i be seeing bud forming already??
No don't panic. I wasn't too sure as you said about stretching for 4 weeks. 4 weeks stretching would be a 1st for me to witness . Usually in the NEXT 2 weeks keep feeding the growing tips under the net as they pop up through the holes. Use the stretch to completely fill the net out. Might be a good idea to remove anything that won't see light below the canopy(LOLLIPOPPING). By this I mean leaves and tiny sprouting growth. Once the net is filled or you see the 1st PISTILS( Long white hairs at NODES( bud sites)) , you can then let her start growing up through the holes. You should start seeing them in about a week or so time now. The purpose of scrog is to allow light to the forming buds so any visible will stack up and produce worthy ones and not small loose and virtually pointless once dried POPCORN buds. There are lots of excellent diaries of scrogs to look over on here for clarity and I have highlighted words often used in them so they make sense to you if you read any or hear the terms. All looks well for you with the pics so please don't worry and enjoy your grow. Things will get very interesting from this point. prepare to be amazed at how your ladies change and form. With you all the way mate. Peace
Hey guys wanted to give you an update so its day 10 and I am seeing the pre flower starting to form I am really excited about it and hope it all goes well here are some pic of the ladys at day 10 in flower


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Looking abundant there. Lots of tops and space for them to bulk up for the best part. Have they stopped stretching too ?
It all looks an ideal,manageable canopy too. Now it's all about "The Dark" . Make sure that no light at all reaches them once lights out comes. This HAS TO include any POWER lights on sockets /extensions or electrical items. People have "hermied" their crop from such a simple oversight. Cannot stress this enough to you. It MUST be pitch black. If you do anything during lights off , you have to use green filtered light and not a torch as even this could upset them enough to cause problems. Healthy looking ladies, how many weeks is the flowering period on the strain ? . This figure will be " the usual" cycle but cannot be taken as a definite, to the day, harvest time. This can also change the end result by a whole heap if not taken serious enough. It is vital( in my opinion) to have a scope to check the trichromes for the "sweet spot" to harvest. Well worth investing in one and most grow shops sell them.
Also now is the time to start lowering the humidity to about 30%. This will encourage resin production and also avoid mould/mildew issues. Airflow is very important now too so for me , any big fan leaves go and any leaf blocking light to a bud sight too. With your scrog, you need to strip out below the net once they start forming buds on the canopy. In veg is usually when you can "lollipop" them to do this as anything below the canopy won't get enough light but will take energy and resources away from the "real" buds for pointless "popcorn" buds. Have a read into this for clarity too. Enjoy your farming
Thanks for the info..I really appreciate you taking the time out to help me . Iam going to let these girls go 65 days into flower it said that they are a 8-9 week strain and its doesn't look like the stretch has stop maybe in a few more days but thanks again for all your input .. O yea one more question how long can i lollipop them up to what week ??? because i need to clean the bottom of my scrog but I dont wanna shock the girls..
A pleasure to be able to help mate. With lollipopping , it is only the underdeveloped and never going to reach the canopy growth that needs thinking out. If you gradually nip out the new growth on low branches and stem while they are "bud setting" u should be ok. Remove all below canopy growth if you cannot see light from where it is , reaching it. Remember your canopy will get crowded with fat juicy( light hungry) buds , so any energy trying to maintain and develop " popcorn buds" is a loss to the main buds. If you have any de-stress nute s ( revive,superthrive etc.. then maybe a folier feed could help them weather it. U can defoliate up to the 4th week of flower but any time after could affect the energy from photosynthesis without any leaves assisting. Leaving a couple of fans( leaves) that don't block light can be helpful too. It is surprising how much these ladies can cope with but in flower they are a lot more sensitive so slowly can avoid any issues. Nothing off after week 4 flower !. , and good airflow below the canopy too. There are some excellent defoliating articles and journal's to view. If you look at my viva sativa,breast milk grow( in my signiture) you could have a look how it helps with getting best light to buds.
Riding along is enjoyable too for me so keep up the good work. Your doing great
Hello folks its day 15 in flower and the plants are looking so and so to me.. I seen some deficiency I thought but after reading and researching I figured i had a lock out so I flushed the 3 plants with 6.3 ph water and the run off came to 6.2 and hoping they bounce back
..Here are some pics


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Looking ok from here. Lots of heads flowering. What is the so so you mean ?. Just have to make sure all the buds can get to light , so any that won't ever get light,low down near the base, need taking out. If no light reaches them they won't develop into anything worthy of the nutes but your mains will benefit from their sacrifice.
Holy shit fella. Respect. She is a beauty. This points more at a Hermed seed from the ones you had used. Must be pollen in there. Was there not "nanas" showing anytime during preflower ??.
I love the lemon strains . Did a super iced grapefruit in soil ,scrogged and pulled nearly 10 oz from her. Similar circumstance to yours( crop got pythos after power loss for 2 days !!) Had to flower the intended mother who had been bushing for months. Am impressed by the monster from previous grow.
Safe is better than sorry mate but seeing your previous , you cant lose out !. Good luck
Looking ok from here. Lots of heads flowering. What is the so so you mean ?. Just have to make sure all the buds can get to light , so any that won't ever get light,low down near the base, need taking out. If no light reaches them they won't develop into anything worthy of the nutes but your mains will benefit from their sacrifice.
What I mean by saying so and so is that they could look better ..
Hey guys I ran into a problem I think I have some sort of lock out because my plants are showing signs of a deficiency but it cant be because i feed them once a week on schedule and ph at 6.2-6.5 So i decided to test the run off ,so I ph my water at 6.2 and then when the run off came out it tested at 5.3 how can i fix this i heard to just raise my ph in my watering untill my run off is between 6.-6.9 also do you think i should flush there are in day 18 of flower i dont want to stress them out


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Try water in 6.8, 6.9 max and never higher. See what the water out ph looks like.

A quick glance makes me think magnesium deficiency but also something else. What's your ppm look like for water out? If that number is too low, could be you need to feed higher.
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