First Serious Grow & First Time Growing Autos

It's too easy to do. Lol
I totally get it, you want to give everything you can to your babies. But think of it as a bubble kid. If they don't get exposed to some adversity, how will they figure out how to overcome it and become stronger?

It took me toooooooo many plants early demise before I took K.I.S.S. to heart.
(Keep it simple, stupid) lol

I will remember K.I.S.S
Day 5 Update

Auto Super OG(Keshia)
Auto Special Kush#1(Candy)

Light Cycle:19/5

Still Haven't watered yet Stuck my finger 2 inches down still moist both pots

I added 2 CFLs Total of 38watts(5000K)

Mars Hydro still 30' away from plant

The temperature was 73 degrees with the light off isn't that kind of cold? And the humidity was 58

Currently the temperature is 77.7 and humidity is 43 with the lights on

And are the CFL to close???



73 is ok lights off, I like to put a little dome over them when they are real small, like a plant sleeping bag!

Cfls can be super close, go as close as you can as long as the heat they put out isn't stagnant around your plants
Cool will do out of like a 2 liter soda bottle and do I poke holes in it ?
Yep a lot of people will use a pop bottle, or plastic solo cups! You can poke a couple small holes in there for sure, just enough for a bit of air exchange, then pop them off in the morning when the lights come on or when your room hits a good temp!

Overall your conditions are pretty good so you don't have to worry about this too much, just a small help to your plants!
Plzzzzz everyone who's subscribed I need help!!!! So here is my SITUATION I have to leave out tonight and I won't make it back in the house tomorrow all day and night I will be gone as well I'll make it home Sunday don't know what time of the day

Now here it goes you all know the pots are almost dry but not do you think I should water them just a bit on the side or do you think they will survive until I get back my feeling is the won't help me plzzzzzzz
I would go with water mostly in a 6" ring around the babies but a small amount in the middle. I'd be wary of just going with outside ring in case your medium doesn't have the capillary action to draw the water to the root in time for it to help! They are too young to make them work too hard for water. You don't want wilt at this age.

Get other opinions here as well. I don't mind being overruled!
I would go with water mostly in a 6" ring around the babies but a small amount in the middle. I'd be wary of just going with outside ring in case your medium doesn't have the capillary action to draw the water to the root in time for it to help! They are too young to make them work too hard for water. You don't want wilt at this age.

Get other opinions here as well. I don't mind being overruled!

Thank you I was going to use a bottle this size and spilt it between both of them so It would be just enough water but not too much

I've never grown in anything that small so all I can say is use your best judgment! Are you saying you're gone all day Friday and Saturday and part of Sunday as well? Tough call because they can get dried out in that time. You have to balance not drowning and going 3 days without water under the lights and the fan. Hard to know what that is based on how compact the soil and how fast it drains.

If no one else chimes in with a better feel than I have, and they're dry now, I'd say get the outside pretty wet and the middle something just short of soaking. Wishy washy enough for ya?
Lol yea I think they will be fine with that bit of water almost day six days in and they still have a bit of moisture I'm leaving tonight and will be gone until Sunday evening
I'd give them a bit of water, worse that happens is they get slowed down for a bit. If you don't water them and they dry out they just die so weigh the risk.

Try to feel the weight of the pot and give them just enough to last till Sunday and water just before you leave
Day 8 Update

Super Og(Keshia)
Has become bigger

Special Kush(Candy)
has become taller and is growing a bit more

Picture of my set up

Soil is still a bit most remember I have it a little water Thursday night before I left I just came home today

Current Temperature:82.8(Fan on Low)


Haven't added any nutes

Light still 3' High

Still have my 2 CFL lights in there that equals to 38 watts

How are they looking?

Do I need to add anything?

I been gone for a few days now I'm back can't wait to hear from you all
How was your time away?

They look happy, just try to get humidity up a bit, aim for 65 to 70 right now .
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