First Harvest Storage Jar Questions

He said he was reaching into the Tupperware to pack bowls. That suggests it's dry to me. I was under the impression he was using them for storage.
Possible but I keep seeing the comment that he cut them down last Friday in the msg he posted on Thursday.

After loosing a pint jar or two after drying in a paper bag or hanging from a string I notice when others mention what sounds like it could be not enough drying time before storage.
That suggests it's dry to me
Got a regular Sherlock holmie up in here, yes my first sample harvest was cut down 4 weeks ago. down to my last few grams :(

not enough drying time before storage.
Eh as fer that one, pretty keen also I guess, only having them hang fer like 4-5 days, were pretty moist still, so been having the tupper open, but upside down on the lid with out the containers, in what I call cake form. They did get to 64% humidity yesterday. Then I added the buds that were still drying slowly on the trunk of the plant, that I just let dry out whole, I dumped out the nutrient solution last week and just moved it into the drying closet after chopping her. And it brought the humidity up to 70% so opened the lids and waiting for it to drop back down. It is at 68% humidity as of just a few minutes ago. Nothing strange so far visually or olfactory wise. Sampled a bowl yesterday morning, was much better then the sample bud last month after a week of chop. Closet temp is 64.5 F
Wonderful morning 420 growmies stay fly
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