First Harvest Storage Jar Questions

I'm struggling to get my humidity up into the 60s.
Pool Area_11_18_2019 4_15_12PM.jpg

What's it at inside the drying tent?
If you seal the tent it will be like putting all the plants in a jar. This will help give you an indication of how dry the material is. Unhook the duct from your fan and let it dump inside the tent for now. See what your humidity does. If it starts climbing good, the plants aren't too dry yet, if it goes over 60 fire the vent back up again on it's lowest setting and monitor. If you can hold it around 50-55% for a week you'll be in good shape.

Right now your drying it out pretty fast which can give you a grass smell.
I had to look that up- looks like the 60oz packs are the ones I use for everything.

There are plenty of places online that sell jars and you can find 1 or even 1.5 gallon sizes. Get glass screw-top jars. The snap-on ones can be iffy as far as sealing well, and the friction fit types that you push the lid onto (such as the 420 stash jars) definitely do not seal.
Yeah, true story. I bought 1 that didn’t seal hardly at all. I get them at Walmart so I started pulling up the sticker and checking the seal before I buy them. They have 3 sealing points on the jar, so if you find the good ones, they are much better than have to screw/unscrew jars in my opinion.
From what I understand, burping is so that the chlorophyll is released, therefore not ending up smelling like grass. Not to manage the humidity per say. I let them hang dry for a week+, jar, burp twice a day for two weeks, burp once a day for two weeks, and you’re good if the buds hold steady at 60ish%.

That method was provided to me by @InTheShed and J Cervantes. Lol!
If everyone that orders a flat of ball jars is put on a list that's a big ass list. I get what you're saying I was reluctant to purchase anything directly relatable to indoor gardening online until it went legal in our state. I still ended up ordering lights. But even without that the purchases are innocuous enough and have a plethora of other uses especially when it comes to storage stuff like jars or even hygrometers for that matter.
I thought you grew micro greens, then preserve them in jars.

Maybe add fruit pectin to the list to make it more believable. Lol!

Legalization is about the only good thing going for CO. This state is a mess compared to TX.
I'm in good company there! Burping allows fresh air to get to the buds to help fuel the breakdown caused by the microbes. It's an aerobic process.
He’s alive!!!!
Good to see ya brother. I saw your pipe earlier. I didn’t realize that was a cannabis trunk at first. Genius. Lol!
I thought you grew micro greens, then preserve them in jars.

Maybe add fruit pectin to the list to make it more believable. Lol!

Legalization is about the only good thing going for CO. This state is a mess compared to TX.

Exactly lol.

Legalization is still a joke.
Until it's decriminalized the poorest will still pay the price while a few at the top stuff their pockets.
I'm in good company there! Burping allows fresh air to get to the buds to help fuel the breakdown caused by the microbes. It's an aerobic process.

Does this fall into drying or curing? I was under the impression that a fully sealed and extended cure was better than long term "storage" in a jar that's frequently opened. I've not yet encountered any problems with harsh smoke, nor do I want to. I do leave the lights on low for the first day of drying which I usually leave for 10-14 days before trimming and jarring.

Edit: I guess neither lol it's "burping"
Burping is technically part of the drying process. I consider the cure to start when they're sealed at 62% for long term storage.

Is there a difference in the product from when you start burping to when you stop burping? Or do you just follow a timeline? I'm wondering if my burps are already rolled into my drying process or if I can still improve the end result. I burped my first harvests but after that the drying has gone well enough I have not "needed" to burp. So I didn't assuming the dry was done and the cure had started.
Nobody samples my weed until it's been sealed up for at least a month so it's hard to say, but in terms of timeline, I'm guessing that if you had a room that was 62% ambient RH you could just hang them in there for a couple of weeks and seal them up for curing. Most of the time the burping is to slowly get them to the correct RH for curing without short circuiting the drying process (of chlorophyll destruction!).
Nobody samples my weed until it's been sealed up for at least a month so it's hard to say, but in terms of timeline, I'm guessing that if you had a room that was 62% ambient RH you could just hang them in there for a couple of weeks and seal them up for curing. Most of the time the burping is to slowly get them to the correct RH for curing without short circuiting the drying process (of chlorophyll destruction!).

So yeah exactly what I do lol
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