Day 15 - July 8, 2018: Temp 80.4 and humidity was 33%. Also, I think I forgot to mention that after the transplant I raised the light to between 16-18 inches from the top of the plant. I realized that I did the conversion wrong from liters to gallons (I thought it was 2.2 to 1, when that is actually kilos to pounds) when watering yesterday. So today I watered her with 2.5 liters over a period of about 20 minutes. The goal of this was to increase the PH of the soil runoff because it was incredibly low yesterday. After it was thoroughly watered, the runoff came in at just about 6.
Honestly, I felt that it was too much water to begin with, so I didn't continue watering to increase the PH. I'm going with the hopes that the next time I water, the PH runoff will be perfect.
The baby herself looks healthy. Each leaf produces a delicious pungent aroma when you rub your finger on them. A friend told me that I will have to think about topping soon. I'm hoping it'll be ready before next weekend!
I will make decisions based upon her needs, but the general consensus I've gathered is that I shouldn't need to water her for another 3-5 days.