First Grow: Single Outdoor Pot, 2023




(those leaves at the bottom are upside-down, not faded)


I definitely spoke too soon re: the earwigs, they are still hanging around and seem to enjoy the fresh growth 😅 I'm usually relocating one or two per day... I don't think the damage is too much of a threat atm so just continuing to monitor. There are lots of other plants for them to eat!!

I did notice something a bit concerning though - the trunk has split...



It appears the weight of the new branches is a bit much. (Seems like she almost gave up completely on the formerly "main" stem!) It feels dry and solid. I actually noticed it a few days ago and it doesn't seem to have grown in size since then. I went ahead and wrapped it in a bit of electrical tape after these photos were taken, but I'm actually afraid of wrapping it up too tightly at this point and sealing in something unwanted... just one more thing to keep an eye on for now, I guess!



(those leaves at the bottom are upside-down, not faded)


I definitely spoke too soon re: the earwigs, they are still hanging around and seem to enjoy the fresh growth 😅 I'm usually relocating one or two per day... I don't think the damage is too much of a threat atm so just continuing to monitor. There are lots of other plants for them to eat!!

I did notice something a bit concerning though - the trunk has split...



It appears the weight of the new branches is a bit much. (Seems like she almost gave up completely on the formerly "main" stem!) It feels dry and solid. I actually noticed it a few days ago and it doesn't seem to have grown in size since then. I went ahead and wrapped it in a bit of electrical tape after these photos were taken, but I'm actually afraid of wrapping it up too tightly at this point and sealing in something unwanted... just one more thing to keep an eye on for now, I guess!
Girls look good my friend :welldone:
Good catch on the split.
Earwigs eat bugs aswell as decaying plant matter.
I've never had major damage from them.
Mites , aphids , gnats all give me grief though.
Are you spraying with anything?
Hope your day is going well.
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Looks good. Looks like she is coming out of reveg and should give you a decent harvest. Love that baby ladybug. That split will fix itself most likely. Be gentle when training a revegger, the branches are less bendy and often will snap if you use too much pressure.
I'll hang around if you don't mind.
Girls look good my friend :welldone:
Good catch on the split.
Earwigs eat bugs aswell as decaying plant matter.
I've never had major damage from them.
Mites , aphids , gnats all give me grief though.
Are you spraying with anything?
Hope your day is going well.
Take care.
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thank you! It's funny, right? I've certainly seen aphids and gnats around my garden, but rarely on my "more important" plants. The earwigs are probably helping me out along with the ladybugs and spiders, but they seem to have a taste for fresh leaf growth as well. Maybe they have fewer natural predators around so they end up doing relatively more damage?

I have been spraying occasionally with neem oil solution (that is, heavily diluted neem + Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap), nothing else as of yet. I feel like it must have helped, but I can't say for certain.

Looks good. Looks like she is coming out of reveg and should give you a decent harvest. Love that baby ladybug. That split will fix itself most likely. Be gentle when training a revegger, the branches are less bendy and often will snap if you use too much pressure.
I'll hang around if you don't mind.
Of course, welcome :) You're right, I checked out the split again and it seems to be filling in, slowly. I definitely made some questionable training decisions early on, but I have a better idea of how to do it for next time!
Up-potted again yesterday to a 3gal, probably the last time I'll be doing so. (And yeah, got a lovely stand that it doesn't quite fit into. LOL but it works) Pics are from today so I guess it went well.





I also noticed many of the tops are showing more pistils.




All looking good, as far as I can tell! But I am going away on vacation very soon, for about a week and a half. Just planning to give my "babysitter" some pointers on how to water and hope for no sudden turns for the worse within that time, ahah.
Thank you! It's funny, right? I've certainly seen aphids and gnats around my garden, but rarely on my "more important" plants. The earwigs are probably helping me out along with the ladybugs and spiders, but they seem to have a taste for fresh leaf growth as well. Maybe they have fewer natural predators around so they end up doing relatively more damage?

I have been spraying occasionally with neem oil solution (that is, heavily diluted neem + Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap), nothing else as of yet. I feel like it must have helped, but I can't say for certain.

Of course, welcome :) You're right, I checked out the split again and it seems to be filling in, slowly. I definitely made some questionable training decisions early on, but I have a better idea of how to do it for next time!
As long as your using something on a regular basis. Neem is good.
I use Canadian tire bug spray wait a couple days then sns spider mite spray.
I alternate every few days just in case.
I checked earwigs will eat plant matter when other sources of food aren't available. :rolleyes:
So your right to get rid of them.:thumb:
Besides they are so creepy. :rofl:
Good luck my friend, talk soon.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hello again! I had an amazing vacation which was over too fast :) But it is nice to see her.



I came home to a fair amount of brown and yellowing leaves around the bottom of the plant. The tops are looking good to me though. I'm not sure, but I get a feeling the leaves coming off were mostly those that weren't getting enough light. These pics were taken after I cleared away the dead leaves (any that would come off easily without pulling).


Here you can see the split in the trunk mostly healed.


And here you can see the remainder of the buds/(empty) seed pods from June are finally coming off, lol. I cleaned these up a bit too, they are mostly dry thankfully.




I'm now trying a spot further out in the yard which should get a bit more sun and also hopefully be more sheltered from lights at night. That's it for now!




Wow, has it been 2 weeks already? I think the buds are coming along nicely! Well, for the most part... Two days ago after yet another rain, I noticed a couple of browned, mushy leaves on one of the bud sites on the outer edge, which I picked off as best I could. It definitely looked like a spot of mold/rot but I was hoping it was just a fluke as I didn't think I'd have to worry about that until at least September, lol. Now that it's sunny and dry again, I decided to try cutting it out. I thought I'd be able to excise it relatively cleanly, until I realized there was more on the other side, and it became more traumatic 😬 I hope she'll forgive me.

(before and after)


I didn't spot anything similar anywhere else on the plant. I will keep a close eye on it, and I would definitely remove more of the branch/flower if anyone more experienced would recommend doing so. I'm not sure if I'm under- or overreacting! Here are pics of the part I removed, under a loupe:



On a more positive note, I'm still impressed by how well the split in the trunk healed! The branches feel really strong, I had to stop tying some of them down because they kept breaking out of the twist ties lol.





Wow, has it been 2 weeks already? I think the buds are coming along nicely! Well, for the most part... Two days ago after yet another rain, I noticed a couple of browned, mushy leaves on one of the bud sites on the outer edge, which I picked off as best I could. It definitely looked like a spot of mold/rot but I was hoping it was just a fluke as I didn't think I'd have to worry about that until at least September, lol. Now that it's sunny and dry again, I decided to try cutting it out. I thought I'd be able to excise it relatively cleanly, until I realized there was more on the other side, and it became more traumatic 😬 I hope she'll forgive me.

(before and after)


I didn't spot anything similar anywhere else on the plant. I will keep a close eye on it, and I would definitely remove more of the branch/flower if anyone more experienced would recommend doing so. I'm not sure if I'm under- or overreacting! Here are pics of the part I removed, under a loupe:



On a more positive note, I'm still impressed by how well the split in the trunk healed! The branches feel really strong, I had to stop tying some of them down because they kept breaking out of the twist ties lol.

Hope your doing well.
I would put a ziptie on it just in case.
I had a bad one the other day.
Duct tape & zip ties.
I’ll find a pic.
Did you get rid of the other issue?



#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Those certainly look secure! Thanks for the pics :)



Oh man, it's been a bit stressful the last 2 weeks (again, really??) I've had to trim some leaves because of insect egg clusters (gross), plus a few more buds that were showing signs of rot. Not too many losses so far, but I'm nervous about it lurking inside the flowers somewhere, especially since we have another week+ of rain in the forecast. :/ I've started bringing the plant indoors on rainy nights and letting it sit in the porch with a fan running, so it can dry off overnight and avoid the morning dew (a suggestion I read from another grower in my area). I'll probably continue to do that. Though you do get stowaways, like the very happy snail I found nestled inside a bud one morning...

I also realized that since my yard doesn't get direct sunlight for the whole day, there's basically a whole side of the plant that isn't getting regular sun. So I plan to rotate it every day or so. I've also read about using a diluted peroxide spray or things like that to ward off mold, need to look into it more.


Other than that, I think she's looking pretty good, besides some yellowing - I think I need to water a little more often than I have been, so hopefully that, with "bloom" nutes should help. I haven't seen any more signs of rot in the last couple of days. Fingers crossed!




Also - the latest new (to me) bug that I'm seeing everywhere are these beautiful leafhoppers, love them!

But be careful not to get any 70% alcohol on any buds! It'll melt your trichomes where thc lives!
Looking great catkins! Cut any bud rot out with your trimming scissors one nug at a time. You don't have to remove a whole bud for just a nug or two. Then I hand spray the area with water to clean the area up. Saves buds.
Thank you both :) Fortunately, I haven't seen any earwigs in quite a while now. I'm glad I didn't have to take such drastic measures (I don't like killing things - but I HAVE also seen a proper infestation of them and it's bad 😅)

Cut any bud rot out with your trimming scissors one nug at a time. You don't have to remove a whole bud for just a nug or two. Then I hand spray the area with water to clean the area up. Saves buds.

Yeah, I might have made it sound worse than it was - so far I have only found it on pretty small nugs, so I haven't lost any big buds (though I might cut off a little bit more than necessary, I guess I'm kind of paranoid about leaving any behind since I only have the 1 plant lol). Oh, just plain water? I suppose that makes sense, as long as you don't let it stay damp afterwards...I'll keep it in mind!
Thank you both :) Fortunately, I haven't seen any earwigs in quite a while now. I'm glad I didn't have to take such drastic measures (I don't like killing things - but I HAVE also seen a proper infestation of them and it's bad 😅)

Yeah, I might have made it sound worse than it was - so far I have only found it on pretty small nugs, so I haven't lost any big buds (though I might cut off a little bit more than necessary, I guess I'm kind of paranoid about leaving any behind since I only have the 1 plant lol). Oh, just plain water? I suppose that makes sense, as long as you don't let it stay damp afterwards...I'll keep it in mind!
Some folks may have a hydrogen peroxide and water mix but I use water.
So...we're in another period of gloomy and humid weather, and I had to extract several more mushy brown nugs today from various places on the plant. I have to say, it's making me pretty nervous! It's at the point where I'm thinking about whether I should cut some down within the next few days, even though I'm sure it's too early. Maybe just take a tester or some of the more mature looking ones? I was originally planning to hang the whole plant whenever it was ready, but I'm honestly not confident that I can keep the rot under control for a couple more weeks, and I would like to enjoy some bud at least!

I have been planning to build a drying box with a PC exhaust fan, but haven't quite finished gathering the parts yet. I also need to plan how I will wash the buds when I do harvest (there's quite a bit of debris and dead flies stuck in the flowers).





It's wet from being spritzed with water with a bit of peroxide. I'll try taking better pics of the mutilated areas tomorrow when they're dried off.
Here are some crappy scope pics...





Not seeing much amber, and there are plenty of live stigmas still, particularly lower down. Perhaps I should try some other antifungal first? (I'm reading citric acid in some places?) I'd appreciate any thoughts!
Only found one questionable spot today.



Trying to show some of the damaged areas where I had to take the tops off. It feels weird having the "insides" of the flower exposed, is that something to be worried about?



I didn't find citric acid at my local stores, so I may order some in. I think my next actions will depend on how she looks on Wednesday (after another night and day of pounding rain. sigh)
Only found one questionable spot today.



Trying to show some of the damaged areas where I had to take the tops off. It feels weird having the "insides" of the flower exposed, is that something to be worried about?



I didn't find citric acid at my local stores, so I may order some in. I think my next actions will depend on how she looks on Wednesday (after another night and day of pounding rain. sigh)
Rain sucks I am dealing with it also.I can't be of my help qith the bud rot. I have a feeling I may be dealing with some rot myself but so far I am clean of it. Hang in there and your plant looks good.
Rain sucks I am dealing with it also.I can't be of my help qith the bud rot. I have a feeling I may be dealing with some rot myself but so far I am clean of it. Hang in there and your plant looks good.
Thank you, and good luck to you too! We'll just have to do our best...after the first few times, you get pretty good at spotting sugar leaves that have started to turn, at least 😅
Another weird thing today! This is the only bud I found with purple splotches on a few of the leaves 🤔


The plant has always had purplish tendencies, but it's been a consistent tint on the most sun-exposed areas, not like this. Now I'm worried because I was just reading on another thread that those lovable leafhoppers I posted before can spread a disease that looks kind of like this! I'm going to be so annoyed if that's what it is...hahaha. Hopefully not though because the affected leaves still look generally healthy to me.

Oh, and I meant to note, I haven't noticed any caterpillars, besides one little inchworm which I spotted and removed from the soil before it reached the plant. But, I should probably make sure I continue treating and checking for bugs since it sounds like they can cause or worsen a mold issue.
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