First grow - Sea of Green style

Thanks for the advise guys - I think I'll just stick w/ tying down for this grow.
I do have a question though. I've got this stuff that came w/ my light:

Do you guys think this is ok to use after force flowering, or would you pick up something else? And if so, what would you recommend using. Currently using fish emulsion (5-1-1) for veg.
That is a good product in my opinion. You may consider adding a bloom boster: Advanced Nutrients Big Bloom. Also I just used Advanced Nutrients "sweet leaf" on my last outdoor grow, and I plan to use it in flower for indoor, it did not disapoint, best tasting buds I ever grew.
realtalgrower said:
That is a good product in my opinion. You may consider adding a bloom boster: Advanced Nutrients Big Bloom. Also I just used Advanced Nutrients "sweet leaf" on my last outdoor grow, and I plan to use it in flower for indoor, it did not disapoint, best tasting buds I ever grew.
Thanks bro. I think I'm interested in trying that "Sweet Leaf" in addition to the bloom booster and the Bloom 0-5-4 that I already have. Just wanted to make sure this stuff was ok for a non-hydro grow. I'm always about best tasting buds.
^^^Yea I can get high on any weed. But I have to have that grapefruit citrus taste when I exhale. Man it just sets me free.
realtalgrower said:
^^^Yea I can get high on any weed. But I have to have that grapefruit citrus taste when I exhale. Man it just sets me free.
I get a rosey flowery type taste upon exhale with my current strain and I understand 100% of what your talking about with taste. It's almost as important as potency to me. Give me a pleasant tasting smoke over a knock your dick in the dirt smoke any day. Yes I like the stone, but if it tastes like crap I will pick the better tasting strain every time.

I agree with RD on the cropping and cutting of your babies. Tie them down, get the same results and avoid all the stress and lag time that happens when you top/crop. Point the energy towards the buds and not the
Day 43
Just transplanted them into new 3-gallon square containers.
Also switched light schedule to 12/12 to force flowering.





Transplanting into larger pots brought the plants closer to the light, and with the remaining space I figured it would be a great time to start flowering.


The 400W MH bulb was also replaced with a 400W HPS bulb. I'll continue to feed fish emulsion for 1-2 more weeks, then transitioning to Advanced Nutrients Bloom and Big Bud. Sweet Leaf will be added in a few days and fed that as well for increased flavor. Males will also be removed once they start to show sex.
The temp in the grow room reaches a high of 83 F every day, with the humidity at 55%. Humidity will be decreased later during bud growth to help prevent mold.
I appreciate all the comments guys. I figure I could help make up for my lack of experience growing this first time by researching a TON, keeping a neat & organized grow room, and listening to some proven growers (Urdedpal, RangerDanger, Andrew199). I just created my veg/clone chamber last night and will post pics today. I'll take my first clippings after they start to show sex. Just switched to 12/12 yesterday, but temporarily have to stick with the same MH bulb; had an issue with the HPS that the fixture came with, so the guy is exchanging for me.
Here are pics of my veg/clone chamber I built last nite. I used an old cedar chest that my wife used in college. I planned on building this now while my original seedlings are just finishing veg. This way I'll be ready once they show sex.






Three 1-inch holes are drilled beneath the fan for exhaust, with 2 passive intake holes drilled on the other side near the humidifier. The lights are temporary until I receive similar ones recommended by Madamecrash next week. These are borrowed from a friend who successfully used them for clones. I figured I should get me own stuff so I could just get these back to her.

Every hole I drilled is on the bottom, and it completely closes and locks, so it's pretty stealth. I will utilize this when I take my first set of clippings for my second grow in a separate thread.
Coolthanks we are so on the same page lol. I made my own *custom cloner" out of a steamer trunk we had.

Hey am I right in guessing that you drilled holes in the new planters then put them back on the rubbermaid lids? I think I will be doing this exact set up with my grow.
realtalgrower said:
Coolthanks we are so on the same page lol. I made my own *custom cloner" out of a steamer trunk we had.

Hey am I right in guessing that you drilled holes in the new planters then put them back on the rubbermaid lids? I think I will be doing this exact set up with my grow.
Thanks man - most definitely. You're right, I did put them back on the rubbermaid lids, but I'll be changing those lids to boot trays that I got from Menards for $2 a piece. They space the new planters (3 gallon wastebaskets) perfectly at 3/tray. I know, I'm picky.
How much did the wast baskets cost? And what lights are you going to switch to in the cloner? I am using 2 2' foot totato bulbs from walmart for my clones. seems to be plenty. (shhsshh don't tell anyone one but I cloned my kush plant couple days ago and the clones are doing great no wilting and none sucked air. They are nice and green and love there humidity dome.
love the parque floor in the billiard room btw. we have carpet in ours and it is constantly getting spilled on and ashed on. That is the room in the house where the crazy shit happens though so its ok.
realtalgrower said:
How much did the wast baskets cost? And what lights are you going to switch to in the cloner? I am using 2 2' foot totato bulbs from walmart for my clones. seems to be plenty. (shhsshh don't tell anyone one but I cloned my kush plant couple days ago and the clones are doing great no wilting and none sucked air. They are nice and green and love there humidity dome.
The baskets were $2 each. These are the exact lights I will be using:
Found some Great + Cheap little lights
Thanks to Madamecrash.
Do you think I'll still need a humidity dome with that humidifier I have in the chest? Congrats on the clones man....
I am using a humidity dome. not a big one though. Its a Jiffy Pot product. Has cardboard material init that hold my ready grow plugs very nice.
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