First Grow: Outdoor Autoflower Blueberry & AK-47 In Pots With Dr. Earth Soil

How long was your dark period..24 or 72?? Or doesn't matter? When do you do that again, before or after the chop??

I think 420 did 24 hours and I'm going for 48. But I have read that 72 hours is even better. There is def no consensus on 72 hours though. 48 seems to be the top of the bell curve. Oh, it's before the chop. After the chop, darkness is the rule during dry and cure.
I think 420 did 24 hours and I'm going for 48. But I have read that 72 hours is even better. There is def no consensus on 72 hours though. 48 seems to be the top of the bell curve. Oh, it's before the chop. After the chop, darkness is the rule during dry and cure.

Sweet!! Thanks bro. Only place I have to put it in total darkness is under kitchen sink in cabinet. No fan though. You think a fan is necessary? My gut tells me yes.
Sweet!! Thanks bro. Only place I have to put it in total darkness is under kitchen sink in cabinet. No fan though. You think a fan is necessary? My gut tells me yes.

You can fit the whole plant with the pot under your sink? You must live in a land of giants! Dunno how tall that Spear is but I doubt I could even get a 24" plant under my sink in a pot. What about the tent you were originally planning to grow in. Is it in use?

Fan would be a yes in any space, particularly one without ventilation.
Woww. Thought they were way bigger than they are. Still though, to my defense, the plant is only a foot tall. The "spear" is a joke. Lol. I'll be lucky to get a few grams off it. Still like watching it grow though. :thumb: I was going to use a closet, but wife changed her mind, so that's a no go. My tent I'll hope to be using this winter, is boxed up with nowhere to be used except my back porch. But it's 90's here, so that's a nogo too dammit. Lol. Meh, prolly just won't do it. Didn't do it last time, & I liked the weed I smoked. It was airy as shit, and reminded me of Rey's except for the high , which was great. Until I built up tolerance. Anyway. Peace out bro!!
Woww. Thought they were way bigger than they are. Still though, to my defense, the plant is only a foot tall.

I'm thinking cardboard box like the one I hang-dry in, with light baffles on the inside to block the light but allow the air to flow through. Ignore the crap in the photo and focus on the drawing. Though I am using the newspaper in there as a makeshift light baffle.

Then just point a fan at the lower holes from the outside and voila...sorted!

I'm thinking cardboard box like the one I hang-dry in, with light baffles on the inside to block the light but allow the air to flow through. Ignore the crap in the photo and focus on the drawing. Though I am using the newspaper in there as a makeshift light baffle.

Then just point a fan at the lower holes from the outside and voila...sorted!


That's a killer idea btw. Thanks for thinking of my situation!!:thumb:
Evening all. Haven't checked the Powerball numbers so I have no idea if I'm a multi-millionaire yet. In the meantime, I put Blueberry 2 in total darkness for what will probably be 63 hours or so (7pm Wednesday to 10am Saturday). I have no idea what to expect other than a lot less green! Most of the fans were yellow or brown anyway, but will the buds still be green?? Stay tuned for Saturday's update.

If anyone thinks that's way too long I can cut it down Friday night to make it 48 hours though. Thoughts?

I didn't have a box big enough to fit the pot in so I went made a container out of the reflective material in the CFL area and stuck a fan in with the plant. I used a towel for the top and made a chimney for exhaust, and I lifted the leading edge of the material with a 1x4 as air intake. I also put a fan outside blowing toward the intake.'s in a closed shed with only passive ventilation. We'll see...

How long was your dark period..24 or 72?? Or doesn't matter? When do you do that again, before or after the chop??

So 24 hr on my first one I plan on playing with the before chop length but total dark for the dry or as much as possible I don't want to start losing thc as it's drying lol
Another gray day in LA...seems like June Gloom again. No CFLs though (my poor sunless sprouts) as Blueberry 2 is still in the makeshift dark tent (see post #531 above). Air is definitely flowing up through the chimney and I have the door open an inch so there is fresh air being blown through as well. I'm trying to pretend my mold fears are overblown :)

I'm taking KingJoe's advice and waiting for more amber on the AK-47 (day 98!), but since there is amber on the upper buds, I am going to continue with a staggered harvest on it and take it off just above the circle in the pic below:


That will be done Saturday when the non-moldy Blueberry 2 comes down. May have to get another box for drying, though I am going to try low-and-slow on some of Blue 2 to see how that goes. It won't be much as I will have to hide the bag in the back of the fridge.

Blueberry 1 and the AK top are still drying in jars, and I can't get the RH down to 62% because the ambient RH has been too high here. Not sure I want to go with the rice balls again as that was a drastic reduction, but if it doesn't get lower by the weekend I may give it another go.

Here are the hygrometers this morning. The corrected readings are (from left) 67%, 68%, and 69% (the AK). I left the jars open in the shed again for the day.

How long was your dark period..24 or 72?? Or doesn't matter? When do you do that again, before or after the chop??
The darkness thing is all personal preference. I have and I haven't. Couldn't tell the difference.

You do it right before you chop though.
The darkness thing is all personal preference. I have and I haven't. Couldn't tell the difference. You do it right before you chop though.

I have been harvesting first thing in the morning (when I say "have been" I mean twice ;)) but this time I'm looking for that theoretical terpene boost. No difference would be fine too. Mold would not! I'll see what the RH is in the shed on the three meters I have sitting on a shelf with the jars, just beyond the "chimney," and see if it's looking damp in there.
I have been harvesting first thing in the morning (when I say "have been" I mean twice ;)) but this time I'm looking for that theoretical terpene boost. No difference would be fine too. Mold would not! I'll see what the RH is in the shed on the three meters I have sitting on a shelf with the jars, just beyond the "chimney," and see if it's looking damp in there.
I've thought about this a few times.
What if you, chopped middle of the night. I mean dead middle.
Thats when I have noticed the most growth, so maybe that's when all of the energy would be in the buds?

Lol now I'm just talking stoned lol
I've thought about this a few times. What if you, chopped middle of the night. I mean dead middle. Thats when I have noticed the most growth, so maybe that's when all of the energy would be in the buds? Lol now I'm just talking stoned lol

Only thing that gets me up in the middle of the night is picking my kid up at 3am from the after-prom party (besides having to pee of course). Not gonna happen for a harvest!
I don't know anything about growing dope other than what I've read and what I've actually done. I've read many many opinions of growers on both sides of the "X number hours of darkness before harvest" discussion, and yet I can't figure out who's right. So let me pass on my meager experience so far...for what it's worth:

Normally in the morning when I go out to the shed to move the plants into the sun, there's not a lot of smell, especially considering it's an enclosed space. At that point the lights have been off about 3 hours. Within 20 minutes of being in the sun, Blueberry is as pungent as ever.

When I got home from work today Blueberry 2 had been in total darkness for 24 hours. I went into the shed and it STUNK, I mean REEKED of dope. The smell blowing out of that chimney was so strong I had to move my nose aside!

I have no idea what that means (or even which part of the plant is responsible for the smell...trichomes, buds, sugar leaves, fan leaves) but it must mean something because it's a deviation from the norm.

That's all. Just wanted it out there.
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