First Grow of Many

ah right, sorry.... even I have the right to be over medicated on occasion.... I don't know a TON about autoflowers.... but I have heard that with cfl lighting a 20/4 schedule works quite well... While with high impulse discharge bulbs a 12/12 suffices... Tho I cant say with any certainty.... but it makes sense to me ;)
Yeah les no problemo I will do that as soon as my phone is charged and update on the whole light situation. I an move the lights to the corner of the cabinet and shine it on it from the sides which should put more light on it anyway.
Good good! I'm quite excited friend!
Pics for you guys here ya go les
You mentioned a "tent", but I only saw a cabinet in your pictures - do you mean the same thing? The plant on the left looks good, what is the length of the main stem? 1-2 feet I'm guessing. Is it showing continued signs of flowering?, if not , it may soon outgrow the cabinet. Also, has the other one started flowering? Over all looking happy and healthy though. :cheer:
I didn't mean to say tent sorry I meant cabinet and it is showing signs of flowering I believe what are the tell tell signs that is flowering? Also the shorter one The Tree of Life is a photo not an auto so no flowering. And KC45 aka The Great Red Wood is 23 inches tall.
Looking good in Flexville.
Everything's looking good, nice and green. :) Les is right, during flowering stage, (depending on conditions, strain, etc), many plants double their size. So if in veg, a plant is two feet tall, after flowering is done, the plant could be around four feet tall. Just a head's up. ;) Keep it green, MrFlex!

Just caught up. Nice work! I haven't started yet, but it's good to see a low budget grow working so well! I want to do the same for my first grow or two.
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