Rang3rDang3r's First Grow Ever

Ok, if the consensus is CalMag then for sure follow that advice. I said it myself - I'm hopeless when it comes to deficiencies :-) Only thing I know is to take it easy applying any cure, little doses, give plants some time and watch them. But I guess everybody knows that much ha ha :-) However I must admit, even knowing that, I feel the urge to water them with pure Canna Mono Ca when I suspect Ca deficiency just to help them quickly! Fortunately that urge loses the battle against my better judgement.
Ok let's see what they look like and we'll try and narrow things down

Here PW ...so sad story ... I accidentally knocked a top and broke her clean off ... and that one was the worse :-( ... I gotta be more careful in there ... but oh well already this is the trial run hahhaba
Everything is looking good so far ranger! I've been dealing with some deficiencies as well! Hoping to get through them and get these plants growing!
Don't be worried, up cal mag to 3 and feed closer to 6 and it should help uptake. I drift my feeding between 5.8 and 6.2 based on what it looks like they need! I use a chart like this to help me know what ph they want most
This chart is awesome big! This is saved in my phone as well
Hey guys sorry bout the lack of posts ... been feeling little under the weather.... not sure if it's all the stress from the impending holidays or being sick ... or the stress of my plants getting PM badly ... I think I finally got it under control somewhat ...
So a small update at last ....

Everyone has powdery mildew on about 50 percent of the leaves ... I've been using h2o2 and a paper towel to keep them clean but it's not been enough ... although I've heard I can just wash in a 3% h2o2 solution to wash it off after harvest


Not sure what else I can do now that I'm past 3 weeks of flower :-(...I'm just gonna super sanitize everything before
Not too familiar with the mildew... air movement is a biggie. And keep with the h202. Sorry to hear that bud.
I have 2 circulating fans running in there ... and I have low humidity... around 20 %....gonna have to get a more powerful fan next grow ....before I start my next run is there anything I can / should do to sanitize it ... wash it and everything down with 50/50 water vinegar maybe ?
Oh man, sorry to hear about PM! I hope you can get rid of this shit somehow!
If you have a minute, perhaps you could post a closeup photo of an affected leaf?
I'm on a constant lookout for PM with my humidity reaching 70% after watering, being around 63% otherwise, and perhaps down to 55% at night (lights off) when the plant don't transpire all that much water. But to help the situation I have 4 fans blowing on the plants 24/7 - 2 under the canopy and 2 big ones straight on the leaves Also, venting grow tent air outside of the house, not back into the room as I read that could be like asking for PM.
What's your humidity and air flow?
Ha ha You answered my question while I was writing it! Can you tell the future or what? Hey, can you tell me how many grams will I harvest this grow? ha ha :-)
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