First Grow of Many

Picture time I know its a little early but there is a good amount of change since the last update.

Little one is looking really nice it is a week and one day old
Hmm I am starting to think my KC45 is under sized for 3 weeks while yes there is what I would assume is good height foliage wise I feel a lack of it also there are only 3 or 4 nodes is that what you guys would say is an under sized plant any and all help is accepted and is very much encouraged!
hiya flex
as for lights,that's an age old question,many run 24/7 a lot run 18/6 or 20/4
and to be honest i think different strains react differently
yours look healthy and growth, which is also highly influenced by strain looks strong
i personally use the 18/6 at present but have also done 24/7 and 20/4
i think i like 20/4 best
you can change the light schedule to anywhere within the proper range and will see little
if any change or damage, but i do think it is better to find a system you like and stick with it

as for size i currently have 3 different strains started we will list them as A,B and C for now

all 3 started germ on the 5th
A, broke open first followed by B about 6 hours later, C did not open and i left it in the paper towel while
planting A and B
next day (6th) i put C in the medium
by the 9th, A, popped surface,on the 10th B broke the surface and finally on the 11th C surfaced
9 days later and B and C have far outgrown A even though it was ahead
all in the same grow medium and environment, i chalk most of this up to being different strains
planning and reading are good but experience is where it's at
anyway looking nice, keep up the good work
take care and good luck
Thank you Jammz and nope no moisture meter. The soil around the plant was watered yesterday morning before pics and as for the outside of the plant no need to water atm I feel as though there aren't any roots that far yet so no need for watering just soil lol
O and I haven't used any string or anything to get the plant trained like that its all been by light moving of the stem every few days which seems to be working light can get into each node level as far as I can tell and the bottom of the stem is getting thick like the upper level of the plant
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