First Grow! Looking For Guidance & Advice Throughout This Journey

Decided to make some oil today.
Washed all my sugar trim in 99.9% ISO alcohol for 20 seconds, swished it around and strained it with a normal metal strainer.
Then I poured it through a 250 micron filter which got the small amount of leaves, it was actually the "work" bag from a bubble bag kit that I just use for its filter.
Then I poured into a glass dish and put inside an old humidity dome to get the temperatures up
Theres no green matter in the oil AT all, and this was made from all the sugar leaves that came off all of my LSD plants.



I put glad wrap over it first, but the decided to just let it sit in a humidity dome with the air holes open, Ill take a pic later.
Its only trim, VERY VERY little bud, so Im not expecting a big yield, but I did 2 completely full mason jars... So lets hope for enough oil to slick my evening joints for a few weeks haha
As @Featherleaf said be careful as they are fragile but if you mess up they can come back from alot of abuse and keep going. I have had my fair share of screw ups doing supercropping. Here is my latest blunder and what she looks like now.
Blue Cookies from CKS. When I went to SC her I snapped it almost completely off. It was literally hanging on by a few fibers. Took her about a week with her splint and cast on (tape and a toothpick) to heal up enough to remove it and she has come back with a vengeance.
After her cast came off.

What she looks like now. Everything in the lower 1/2 of this pic is above the cropping. So be gentle but don't be afraid as it really does take a lot to kill them.

Sorry for the late replies guys, but @Featherleaf and @Nick420Guy thank you for the detailed pictures and walkthrough!! i will surely be supercrooping as ya’lls plants look incredibly lush and thriving haha im inspired!! Also here’s an update of what she looks like today, she’s growing like a maniac now.


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Had a dream ast night that looking at the plant with my phone light during lights out will damage her, woke up and looked it up and found out it’s true, so wont be doing that anymore lmao. On the other hand since yesterday she has made tons of progress in terms of hight and new growth. Only concern i have is the twisting of that one leaf (as seen below). Is this bad? Not a problem? What are we thinking?


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You're gonna do just fine buddy :) try and put the CLF further away.
She doesnt look like shes burning, but she may be responding to the heat from the CLF, maybe put the light a little higher? Plants are designed to protect themselves, thats what THC is believe it or not, its to fuck up animals that eat it so they never eat it again. Your plant MAY just be protecting itself by turning the leaf away from the light, which is an easy fix just put the light a little higher
And dont forget to give her a quarter turn every day :)
And that is how you learn ;-). Making small mistakes. I cooked my first seedlings, they turned brown over night from the MH light being too close. And I practically poisoned my second grow attempt by giving some seedlings a full dose right after they popped their first 2 leaves LMFAOOOO
Supercropping is a good technique to allow your lower nodes to get light and to manage your canopy and allow your bud sites to grow vertically - you don’t always have to do it depends on your situation. In this picture I circled where I top’d and supercropped my plant. I supercropped it to allow the lower nodes to fill in he center of my plant for when I will be SCROG’ing them. Other branches I didn’t supercrop to make the branches more malleable for when I want to lay my plant flat to create my canopy into my screen. . It’s good to do your own research and see where and when techniques are best put to use.
I can get better pictures later tonight. If you look close the plant was topped and then topped again to create four top branches and then supercropped

I supercropped a few other branches on some of my plants. Another one on this plant to create light for the lower branches which are now up higher getting equal light. A good canopy will get the same light all the way through and I’m lollipopping so hopefully I’ll have no popcorn nugs
**UPDATE** Hey Ladies and Gents!! Here’s some new pics. I tried raising the light a few inches to remedy the twisty leaf but havent had any luck lol:hmmmm:. Otherwise the plant seems to be doing very well, no other signs of stress and she’s growing like an absolute champion. Take a look and tell me what you think!! Thinking about upping the nute level (on the nute bottle it gives a higher dosage for plants with 2-3 sets of leaves) but not sure as I don’t want to burn her!!


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Hey mate! Looking good, she appears to be growing true leaves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From this point on, every day you will notice a larger change.
Unfortunately, once a leaf responds to stress it rarely goes back to normal. It does however stop stress from happening to the other leaves :p so now that your light it higher, she should grow normally
If I were in your position, I would keep the nute level the same for atleast 1 week. It can be tempting to give her more, but until she is officially in veg, be gentle with nutes :)
I agree with feather. I usually wait until the plant is established and healthy before I start giving nutes and even then it's not full doses and if I noticed anything with the plant that seems like overfeeding I would just give ph'd water on the next feed.. Depending on the soil it should have enough to keep your plant going at first. I have swapped to supersoil so I don't add nutrients beyond what's in my soil.
Check out @Asesino85 he does what is called quadlining. He and others doing his method have had some great success so I am going to try this with the 3 Blue Cookies I just popped.
Hey man! Have you tried out the quadlining yet? I checked out his page and his shit looks insane so I definitely am interested, I’m just a little overwhelmed/confused on how to go about it, so I was wondering if you’d be able to elaborate before I go in guns a blazin lol
Hello again everyone, quick update for you all:

She’s looking great and has her second set of true leaves coming in nicely, and everything seems to be working for her, so im a happy stoner right about now. I also believe im starting to see roots make their way thru the bottom of the cup, indicating i should probably transplant within the next couple of days (right?). Today is her three week old bday so Im thinking she’s due to start veg phase rlly soon which is exciting cause that’s when she’ll really start shooting. I’m gonna go to home depot or some place they sell one gallon smart pots hopefully tomorrow and if she looks ready i’ll transplant. Kinda neevous about transplanting but im gonna watch some videos and do some reasearch before i try it out. If you guys have any tips or tricks feel free to share the wealth!


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Upped the nutes yesterday and she seems to be recieving them well, coco is staying moist so i’m still watering once a day.
Thinking about starting LST as some of the secondary growth isn’t getting as mucb sun as it could.
How do you guys think she looks?


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