First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

LOL, well good luck with the shopping. Anything to do with shopping and I cringe unless it's online. Traffic in my area has increased ten fold over the last few years and the roads can't handle the traffic efficiently anymore. Thank god for the person who created online shopping!
Broooodieeeee, go see food is always welcome in his belly :)
I am! Can't wait to get going.
It is imbarrising yo send others to do my job. But my home yo be, needs at least a bed (queen) for now and a kitchen table and chairs
The rest i take care of later
I am! Can't wait to get going.
It is imbarrising yo send others to do my job. But my home yo be, needs at least a bed (queen) for now and a kitchen table and chairs
The rest i take care of later
Wow really? Nothing to be embarassed about at all. You are making an improvement in your life at any cost and need to do whatever it takes for your family to survive. I commend you on your strength in getting you to this point so far.
Nicely done Homer...Marge will be proud!

Thank you Mr Sauga and Marge is proud but I caught Bart trying to sneak into the grow room with a pair of sissors, lol.
They surely look happy Homer :bravo:

They really do look happy now and I am beginning to see what you mean by listening to your plants because she told me she needed to be transplanted by drooping. I will listen when they try and tell me something.
I felt bad but topped my 2 Northern Lights photoperiod today. I thought it was after the fourth node but it ended up being after the fifth. They are still looking pretty healthy and soon I will start the low-stress training.

They look like good candidates for topping, short and bushy. Topping will help open them up.

Thanks, Pennywise. When they were young I had my light too far away from them so they stretched and even fell over so I am pretty relieved how short and bushy they have become. Hopefully, you are right and they will open up from the topping.
They will, most open up during stretch but topping helps a lot.

Great!! I am really looking forward to how they turn out... Really rewarding hobby and I haven't even had a harvest yet, lol.
You'll get there soon enough just take your time.

Thanks, Pennywise. AngryBird told me to be patient and I told her I want to be more patient and I want to be more patient right now!!! Do'h!!
DAY 27

Thank you Birdie. I guess I will have to use tough love and do what’s good for her instead of what she wants, LOL.

I was surprised to see in the two days since I topped her she stretched a fair bit and I wonder if that is normal? I have noticed that people see things from my photos that I don’t know to look for so I was wondering what people think of this plant and if it is too stretchy or just about right or anything else that they see which seems wrong?

Looks fine Homer, stalks are starting to beef up too, but send some pics with the lights off since the colors are imortant in seeing problems. Enjoy your night.

Thanks, Sauga. I’m relieved to read that you think they look fine because I was afraid I was getting too much stretch. I never thought about the light being a problem so here are a couple of photos of the same plant with regular household bulbs. Have a great night too…


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