First Grow In Over 20 Years! Northern Lights Under 600W LED

Those are good hygrometers (if too pricey for me!) and can be calibrated. The problem with using boveda packs is that they're pretty slow to react and were never meant to be used for calibration. Salt method is easy, fast, and precise.

I also hate spending money I don’t have to but it was a highly recommended hygrometer and I really wanted to get my humidity dialled in and do a proper cure. I left it in a mason jar with the Boveda pack overnight so hopefully, that was enough time but now you have me doubting myself, LOL. Maybe I will try the salt test just out of curiosity. It has worried me in the past though using the salt test because salt is so corrosive I was afraid it might damage the sensors.
There's no salt in the moisture in the container.

I am of two minds regarding that because I know that if you distill something say brine the distillate would be pure water with no salt so I take your word that there is no salt in the moisture content but in my knife making forum I have read many times people say that if they live near the ocean their plain carbon steel blades rust from the salt air. I know those are two completely contradictory scenarios but I still worry despite knowing the vapor is probably salt free.
Well I can tell you that you will need a Hygrometer in the drying room for sure. My last grow I just used my tent as a humidor with fan and humidifier on a controller since is dry where I live. Darkness and cool temps are preferred, but not always manageable. Airflow is nice too, not a lot. Cheers man, you GOT THIS!

Don’t make me get my gaurd dog on you!
Her face may be cute but she’s a big gal!
*cough* DINK *cough*

I live near the ocean, and I can tell you the salt in the air near the ocean is from sea spray picked up by the on-shore airflow. If the salt water oceans created salt in the air from evaporation, rain would be salty!

I totally concede to your logic and it makes sense to me about sea spray and salty rain but it still worries me; I know my fear is irrational but I am still afraid to screw up my new toy. lol
Well I can tell you that you will need a Hygrometer in the drying room for sure. My last grow I just used my tent as a humidor with fan and humidifier on a controller since is dry where I live. Darkness and cool temps are preferred, but not always manageable. Airflow is nice too, not a lot. Cheers man, you GOT THIS!

Thanks, Wally for the tips. I found a few good threads on curing and I going to re-read it a few times before the time arrives.
No need to screw it up. I'm sure they did a great job of calibrating at the factory. But eventually, all good meters need to be calibrated (or at least checked for accuracy). The salt method is safe and most effective and recommended everywhere. Including here.

You have me convinced, I think before long just out of curiosity I will end up using the salt method.
I can tell you that even @Scientific, one of our most scientific members, would salt test the exact same meter you have.

And when you get to the cure, we will all be here to help you through it or not ;).

With a name like Scientific it is hard to doubt his methods, lol. Now you are getting me curious and I think I will have to salt test the darn thing.

I need all the help I can get so when the time comes bring on the curing advice. I read a pretty good article and it says curing may be the most important step for quality. It may not matter so much to me as I make oil as opposed to smoking but I would like to do it right. Before I started reading I assumed you just hung it up till it was dry, lol. What a young naive.
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