First Grow In 15yrs, First DWC, Crown Royale

Oh ya? Glad to hear, never had this issue in the past (and never nute probs either, but I am chalking that up to changing nutes mid cycle, issues only started right at that point). Was also thinking it may be a bit of fox tailing, as it gets around 90deg at it's hottest some days (that should be sorted before next run, it's just cuz I have all the ducting inside the tent at the moment and that shit is pretty warm all the time, I'm sure that having it outside the tent will do wonders for next run).

The ones that are behind and still growing white hairs, some of them have signs of fox tailing as well, so it's probably all related haha
Yeah my issues started around week 9 of flower. I kind of thought it was using it's own nutes because I used so little. 300-400 ppms on average. Sounds like you know what needs to be done to get it dialed in before your next run.
I'm with you on the ppm's - they highest I've gone this round is about 750, but I just use tap water, which comes out at about 200ppm, so really, not too too much compared to many other growers pumping up to 1500+ that's for sure!
Yeah when I see other people's number that high I can't believe it. They must really know the strain and what they are doing with it. Anytime I try to jack up my nutes my ladies show signs of burn. Maybe I'm just inexperienced, that's probably the case. I wonder if you run nutes that high, does it give a better quality? More quantity?

Hmmm :scratchinghead:

That, I'm not sure of. I've never gone over 1000 in my previous grows, but some people swear by high numbers. I think the only really happy ones would be the nutrient manufacturers hahaha
Thanks, MrMedic! Honestly can't wait to try it out. Will probably press a bunch into rosin, as I got a concentrate pen thing (i got a yocan magneto for $35 canadian) and it's a fantastic way to medicate! I get basically the same amount of medication in a few hits from that as when I have a whole vape session. 30seconds vs 10-15mins is a win in my books!
I think the only really happy ones would be the nutrient manufacturers hahaha

Lol! I think you're right. I had that same conversation with another buddy of mine. Some strains may need those high numbers, I just haven't came across any yet. I have a feeling those yield boosters and all those other supplements are the same way. Lots of good marketing with little actual effects, if any. Maybe I'm just cynical lol.
Just for comparison I checked my nutrient solution. It's running at 1062 ppm for this phase of flowering.

I'm running them at 1/2 the strength recommended on the labels, so per 100l...
CALliMAGic - 50ml
Flora Micro - 132ml
Flora Grow - 66ml
Flora Bloom - 198ml
Floralicious Plus - 12.5ml
Liquid KoolBloom - 62.5ml

I decided to go with 1/2 strength as many of the sources I read made that recommendation.

The ppm will increase as you add more nutrients and supplements. It will also vary depending on the manufacturer or brand. With General Hydroponics products there are differences between the label instructions and what you find on the feedcharts. It had me confused, and I put together a nutrient calculator based on the labels. I haven't checked the ppms before today, but it falls within GH's recommendation for a full strength mix. I'm only using them at 1/2 strength, so going by ppm, it should be about half of what I'm reading.

Your grow environment and the strain will determine how strong your nutrient mix can be before you get the burn. I'd mix the nutrients based on the manufacturer's recommendations, and then measure the ppm. In a hydroponic system, I'd use this measurement when topping up the solution with water, bringing it back the starting point. In coco or soil, I wouldn't worry about the ppm, except perhaps as a sanity check to ensure I didn't do something way out there.

Your first grow of any strain, and especially your first grow will always be a learning experience. For your next grow of Crown Royale I'd adjust the nutrients based on what you've learned in this one. Keeping a grow log or journal such as this serves as a great reference for your next one.
Totally! Also, it's great to get advice from more experienced growers as well (I'm new to the DWC stuff, but I am really digging it!) And honestly, every grow is a learning experience! I learn something every single run :)
Took some shots with the sunglasses over the lens
Flushing has begun, I have surgery on Saturday, but hopefully Sunday will be harvest day!

Best of luck with your surgery.

I'll bet Sunday's harvest can't come soon enough for you. :goodluck:
Thanks! And you're 100% right hahahaha can't wait to sample the fruits of my labour, and since it's my first grow in many moons, I'm not expecting a huge yield of amazing quality, but I can't wait to adjust things for the next run, that's for sure :)
This made me think of of my grow mentors once told me green lights won't bother them...something along the lines of ..plants are green so they dont see green...anyone else heard of this?
Surgery was quick, but have a more invasive one lined up. Sigh.

Anywho, gave the ladies about 40hrs of total darkness, and finished wet trimming and chopping down this morning. Phew, that took a while!

Yield looks decent! Not amazing, but next run will be better for sure :)

Buds are all nice and pretty dense, super nice smell to them, can't wait to smell and taste after a quick cure (2 weeks or so in the jars once they are dry). Some are a little airy, but not many. I keep the popcorn buds and don't lollipop too much, as I use all the trim and popcorn for oils and balms, so nothing gets wasted.

Overall, great learning experience for sure, and the Crown Royale is a great strain for sure!
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