First Grow, Deep Water Culture, Northern Lights, Pics

Yeah i look at how big and bushy mine is and the type of setup i have and im just like wow i cant believe i actually went this far with it lol. Nice do you think maybe you can post that link in here for me to give a try?
Thanks! I'm not much of a drinker but I doubt I'll be able to get away with a couple of shots on Saturday when I'm going out with a group of friends. :P

What kind of tattoo did you get for you birthday?
yeah thats cool im the same way i dont drink every now and then i will have a drink but not really. Well i got the outline of CA state with a star showin where fresno is and my birthday inside of it on the backside of my upper left arm. Makes my 13th but its the start to my sleeve i just wanted it for my birthday though lol
That's cool. I like looking at pics of tattoos and shit but I don't have any myself. I've never been gung ho enough to get one. Want to be absolutely certain before I do that and all.
Yeah i would make sure you are ready dont get me wrong every one of my tatts either tells a story behind me or has great meaning behind it and when i do my two half sleeves they will be of my life but of course like i said it will take time to complete that as i have more to live lol.
Yeah sex had been determined just tryin take a look for bud sites which i am new also so im not quite sure where to look, but dont the pistols look pretty lol
yeah when i first seen it i was curious weather or not to get excited but after seein her plants show fem signs helped me determine my male
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I kept it pretty tame but did get a niceee joint sprinkled with kief with a head high like I've never had before. :yummy:

They're going to get a drain and replenish today. I think they're hungry for bloom nutes. Beast is hitting the lights although they're raised up all the way but I still have the crate to remove so that's also gonna happen today.







Your lucky girl cause i was about to tell you where is our update im using yours kind of as a time line now lol since were so close and all. You are lookin very good, now i still think if they are touchin the lights and after you remove the crate your still goin to run out of room you may need to start thinkin about maybe where else you can put em or just let beast grow into that light but she'll burn up her top in a day or two probably
Yeah, I know she is going to outgrow that closet. How I have it set up is the lights are on a bar you hang clothes on and I still have about 2.5 ft above that bar so sometime this next week, (when even the crate removal isn't enough) I'm gonna figure out how to suspend those lights another way.
yeah thats how my spare closet setup is but they just crazy outgrew that closet but luckily i got a whole spare room i just can get on comp after 8pm which is cool cause im usually chillen wit the fam at that time
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