First Grow - 340W CFL Tent

Sorry for potato rotatet picture, I only got my cell :/
All the other pictures are blury :(

figured im come check you out!!

man the bag seed pic a saw on the first page looked great ..

here is a leaf deficiency chart for u to go by..


u can look in my signature for other helpful links ...
figured im come check you out!!

man the bag seed pic a saw on the first page looked great ..

here is a leaf deficiency chart for u to go by..

u can look in my signature for other helpful links ...

How nice of you to come by :D That bag seed plant was looking so awesome :D Too bad it was a boy. But the other (Repot) who is also a bag seed. Looks like a nice sativa dominant type (Im saying that with minimum knowledge) its tall and lanky. Ill post some pictures of the two remaining plants today :)
looking good . time to sit back and watch them streeeeetch..
Here are a few pictures of the progress so far :D

I got a question aswell, tried to google but ended up with so many mixed answers. I now use two 45w cfls at 4000k, the two you see haning on the sides in this picture. I wonder if I should buy 2 more, is it worth it? Worth it as in do I get some extra bud for it? :p

OG kush


This one could be JH from a old grow a friend did.

looking good . i dont know much about cfls sorry !!
yes, more is always better - as long as it doesn't push the heat up too high. higher intensity should give you bigger and denser buds.

that said, a while back, someone posted a chart on CFL efficiency showing average lumens per watt... the result was that many 23w bulbs would give you better results than fewer 45w (or higher)... given the same end wattage, the outcome should be greater using the smaller (23w) bulbs. part of the reason being coverage area - more bulbs should equate to fewer dark spots on the plant, plus you have the overlap effect where the light emitted from one bulb overlaps the light emitted from another.

initial startup cost would be a little more, as you'd need more sockets, splitters, etc... but maintenance costs should be a bit less over time as 23w bulbs are considerably cheaper to purchase than 45w (or higher) bulbs.
they are looking great . next week they will be covered in white pistols!!! i love the flowering stage!
always set your goal's high.. that keeps u striving for greatness .

i read everyday on different topics so i make sure i do better every harvest .
those girls look great so soon into flowering!
those girls look great so soon into flowering!

They started making flowers within a few days after i flipped, I thought it would take several days until I saw some change other than stretch. The buds on the Jack Herer have started to merge and are now ca 8cm long :D The whole plant is 60cm ish.
The OG Kush is about the same height, but much smaller buds and maybe a bit more crystals.
Only Thing I did with the OG kush was tie it down so the Jack Herer who was germed from seed could catch up. I fim'ed the Jack Herer pretty late, but with what I will call good results :D

Picture of the whole OG kush
After a good watering with half a tea spoon with blood meal.
Added that since some of the older leaves turned yellow. I only feed half strength BioBizz nutes every third watering, messed up a bit last time and added nutes after just one watering with pure water :p But now im on track :D Next watering will be with half strength of nutes.
it feels so good to see great results so damn fast!!

i dont see any evidence of burnt tips . u didnt hurt them ..

does your nutes call for water,water,feed?

do know your ppm going in?
it feels so good to see great results so damn fast!!

i dont see any evidence of burnt tips . u didnt hurt them ..

does your nutes call for water,water,feed?

do know your ppm going in?

It doesn't say anything about feeding schedule.
It's organic so ppm won't work, or that what's the biobizz site says. But I do take readings and the last runoff was 100ppm with 69ppm tap water.
A few pictures of what I think is some nitrogen def.

Whats do you guys think it is?
22 days since I started 12/12 I did start feeding bloom nutes the day I flipped, maybe I should have given it veg nutes a few more times?



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