Flowerhead's 1st Ever - Cabinet - CFL - Grow 2016

It has hairs in them= pistils,which is good= female .. if you gently press one with red hairs, do you feel anything inside?
Good news first....the tips of my fingers smell amazing. Bad news, just gave a couple of them a squeeze, and BOOM...seed popped out. Every one i touched. I thought that the growing in the last week or so was a bit off, obviously concentrated efforts on making seeds. Okay, not the end of the world, what options do i have? Should i let them go? Harvest them? Kill them? Halfway through day 47.

☃ MJ
It might be a hermie, I am not an expert, only know what i have studied and seen so far.
I have to go and pick up the kids fro school, either post in question thread about it or ask any member GrizzWald/ Wieselcracker/MajorPITA for example to help you
really bizarre stretching coming from the top of my buds. Any idea why? I have already accepted that they are hermie, but this i can't explain.

☃ MJ
I did some more reading and foxtailing makes sense. The buds seem to be spending less time on fattening out and more on shooting these. I am going to cut them this weekend and begin again. I have learnt alot from this round, very disappointed with the result however, the only way is up.....

☃ MJ
I did some more reading and foxtailing makes sense. The buds seem to be spending less time on fattening out and more on shooting these. I am going to cut them this weekend and begin again. I have learnt alot from this round, very disappointed with the result however, the only way is up.....

☃ MJ

If those were heavily pollinated, you'd almost expect the flower to go weird. Just a guess though as I've never had one seeded like that.
Hope all is well in your world.

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We are sorry for your loss.

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