First Ever Grow - LED Lighting - 4x4 Tent - OG Kush

400 gr on a first grow ! you should be proud of yourself , I did'nt even pass the 100 gr marks for my first round lol

Thanks everyone! And yeah man I am proud of myself, haha! I did a ton of research before I started and it really payed off I think! Hoping this time around I can do even better. I'll be working with less plants though and training them more. I have 5 in the tent in veg now this time in 5 gallon pots instead of 3 and in sunshine number 4 soil rather than promix. Can't complain about the promix but I like the idea of the sunshine having no existing nutrients in the soil. This way I know exactly what they are getting when I water.

I already see roots poking into site in the bottom holes of the 5 gallon pots! Crazy how quickly those roots spread. This time I will have the HPS running the whole time as well. Currently using a metal halide bulb for veg, plants seem to love the combo combined with the LED. Hoping I can get my temps in check better this time as well and run the HPS at 400 watts for all of flower. Last run they really only got like 3 weeks of HPS light and half the time it was set to 200 watts due to heat.

I have a much more even canopy this go around too. Lower lights will be possible!
So I'll be flipping my next round tomorrow. Training has really payed off. The 5 in the tent are huge, much bigger than last time at this point. So big that I need to remove one and only flip 4. I've been using a combo of lst and hst on them PLUS topping and the odd FIM. They're bushes this time, no more Christmas trees. Tops galore and thick stalks. Most already thicker at the base than my finished plants in round 1 and they're only just ending veg. Ordered a booster intake fan to combat high temps. Hope it works!

Hope to get some pics tomorrow. Oh, also picked up a nearly new 65 pint honeywell dehumidifier at a second hand store in town for 10 dollars the other day! Killer find! My old 70 pint crapped out right near the end of my last grow.
Yea.... I'm lurking here... Very impressed with the results on your first grow. I'm still in research mode myself and trying to have all in place before December. My research led me to believe OG Kush was a bugger to grow properly as a novice. Once again, I read the "book" only to find my mileage has varied. Good show Hoop!!
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

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