First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

thanks for the comments, this is the ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, id love to grow a decent sized plant off this, it grew well from day 1, so all been well ive got 2 clones rooting so they will be used but their not in veg room yet as their still small so in the smaller veg room,

ill try and put some pics up of the buds i harvested, if it lets me that is, ill see what i can do, i just hope if i veg this ak47 in a normal pot then it should give me a decent yield, but all depends on the smoke report, is it a winner or not, ill be finding out very soon

here are some pics anyways, if they work that is


ill put more pics up later, ive taken a picture with a 2ltr pop bottle behind it so you can actually see how big it is, let me find that pic and ill show you how big this main bud turned out
wet weight is 73.5g, and i got that from a 2ltr hempie 12-12 from seed, should give me over an oz, and considering i vegd my first 2 plants for 7 weeks and just got over an oz, so in less than half the time i have ended up with more off this hempie than i did off the plants i give a long veg to,

So now veg 2 has started,
my clones are growing like crazy now, the kush clone is about 1ft tall now and i have another kush a few inches tall but both taken at same time, i also got 1 x nl x bb clone and i got the delicious fruity chronic juice seedling in veg now, not decided yet if i want to soak another seed and do more hempie, i probably will but i wont need to give them a long veg so i got a while to decide,

my 2 autos are in the veg room, the g13 poisen dwarf is done but im leaving to till its mostly amber, the auto bomb is in flower, no trichs yet just loads of white hairs all over the place,

all these are under GLR schedule, im trying this to keep costs down and see how the plants react to it, ill take some pics of my veg grow and post them shortly so you can see what i got going on, im going to have a look and see what seeds i have got and then i can have a think what i want to do, i am going to do another hempie grow, possibly 2 this time,
thanks kush, im so chuffed with the results, its amazing i got that 12-12 from seed, it has give me more off that than it has growing autos, so in theory if autos always gave less than an oz then it would work out better to go 12-12 from seed, but i have seen autos that grow more than an oz, so its hard to say whats best, but for a hempie 12-12 from seed im so amazed at what i got, hoping it gives me just over an oz when dry, might be hoping but sure hope so,
Great job with your harvest, nice fat ass bud :) I would guess you'll get around an ounce since you trimmed it up yesterday and you didn't weigh it then so I'm sure it lost a good bit of weight since then... That's what I got on my larger Purple Kush 2L so I'm thinking anywhere between 3/4-1 ounce for the 2L DWC's would be typical, granted it's healthy and had no problems. I'm sure it would be possible to push them to a zip and half. If you continue to have problems with your res temps I would buy some 29% or higher H202 (Hydrogen Peroxide). It reduces/eliminates any algae and will also oxygenate the reservoir.
thanks for the info teSmp, i think my temps got high cuz i have a small space under the board the plant pots sit on and i have my ballast under their so it dont heat the whole room, so im thinking this had something to do with it, i have enough wire to the bulb from the ballast so ill move it outside the room all together next time round,

i am going to do another 2 x 2ltr dwc hempie, not sure what to do it with yet, im thinking veg for a few weeks then flip the hempies to flower, my clones are getting big now, one is really big and all are showing signs of monster cropping cuz the growth is crazy, i got branches growing out of branches and all this while the branches are very short, so it looks like im going to have loads and loads of branches on these plants, is this going to increase yield, not sure but will soon find out.

ive got to admit the clones look a lot healthier than the mothers did, these clones are growing like crazy, not sure whats different, but im using the hps and not cfls, so wonder if this is making the huge difference,
Nice harvest bro,
You usually get 10% of wet weight dried properly, I only got 25g off my AK and that was vegged for 3 weeks.
the hps and not cfls, so wonder if this is making the huge difference

Sweet buds!! I would say yes to the light. I can't wait to see what you do now!!!
thanks everyone, @Curso, did you know you can flower auto's under 20-4, i only had them under 12-12 due to the other plants needing 12-12 to flower, so now my auto's are under glr, im harvesting my g13 tomorrow some time.

on my last 2 harvest i ended up with just over 1/4 of the wet weight when it was dry, i can see i have got more buds on this hempie than i did off my other 2 plants, the weight of the other 2 was slightly over an oz a piece so im hoping for the same, but the hempie smells so much better and its covered in trichs, a lot more than the other 2 plants, so im hoping this is going to be some nice smoke, i got a couple of the small buds drying a bit quicker so i can have a sample, only a small amount, but it smells so nice so this strain is something im going to work with in the future as long as it smokes as nice as it smells,

thanks for all the kind words, it means a lot, i done well to get what i did and it was all the help i had that got me to where i am now, i got loads of help off a lot of growers on here, so onwards and upwards and just by looking at my clones i think im going to have great results second time round, i dont think ill be taking any more clones of the kush for the northern lights cross big bud fem, but it all depends what happens this time round, my kush monster clone looks amazing and is growing quicker than anything i have ever seen so i might change my mind during veg on what clones to take,

im tempted to soak some seeds but want to keep numbers down so ill veg what i got then i see what happens in a couple of weeks,
hi, no not had chance to check on the out door plant yet, its been a couple of weeks so ill check on it either tomorrow or wednesday, im not really to bothered if its lived or not, last time i checked it was ok and growing so all been well ill be going back to a plant, but its no guarantee, ill take some pics if its still their, it should be its well out the way so ill go and have a look, thanks for reminding me, ill take the dog a walk their tomorrow if i get back in time if not ill do it the day after,

i harvested the g13 auto poisen dwarf today, not a huge yield and the buds are light and fluffy, so not to impressed but it was a problem from day 1, ill get it weighed tomorrow sometime, its super sticky though so hoping it smokes ok, my other auto is twice the size of the g13 and is now in flower so should give me a lot more back when the time comes.

as i took all my clones well into flower this has made them turn out as monster cropped, crazy growth everywhere, i think doing this would be good to make a mother plant for clones, cuz i could take about 8 clones now and im only just starting veg, it really has got that many branches, my biggest clone is growing like crazy, cant wait to see how they turn out, ill try and update some pics tomorrow sometime and show you all what i got going on in veg 2, not sure how long im going to veg for as it all depends on the plants and how quick they grow, im also undecided what to do with the hempie grow, i am going to do another but do i wait till i flip the lights to 12-12 or should i veg a seed for a while then flip it 12-12, not sure yet, if i do veg it would only be for a couple of weeks, i dont think any of the clones would be good to use for hempie as they would need loads of side branches cutting off so dont think ill be using the clones for the hempie, chances are ill soak a couple of fem seeds and use them as the hempies, but ill give it a week before i soak the seeds cuz i dont think i need to veg them as long as the normal plants
That'll be interesting to see how your next grow does, super cropped, lst and the 2l hempie, you've tried them all individually and had great results, so it'll be interesting if you get triple the response lol.

The g13 auto, was that just in soil? Did you manage to weigh it?
yep it was just in soil, not had chance to weight it yet, ill take some pics and post the weight, this time round ill do 3 x 3gallon pots, with the monster cropped clones, then ill do 2 x 2ltr dwc hempie this time, i dont think ill be topping or fimming as the plants look great all ready and have loads of growth so dont think its needed, the only thing i will probably lst is the side branches, as its monster cropped all the branches are really close to each other so as they get longer ill lst them and pull them towards the edges of the pot, but ill leave the main stem as the main cola site, i wont be training the main stem,

glr seems to be working great with the clones, they are growing like crazy, not to sure its working so well on the seedling, its not growing any quicker than it would under 20-4, as far as i can tell, but im going to stick with glr for the whole of the veg cycle,

the auto under glr seems to be flowering ok, no problems yet, if it does hermie then ill be happy with the seeds and pollen so i could make some auto fem in the near future, but for now it looks ok and is in flower,

so for now im looking at 5 plants in veg and flower,
2 x special kush, monster cropped fem clones,
1 x northern lights cross big bud femenised, monster cropped clone,
1 x delicious fruity chronic juice femenised seedling,

also in veg room is the green house seeds auto bomb, in flower but in the veg room under glr and im having no problems with it as of yet, but ill keep my eye on it, so im hoping this time round i have got no males to remove unless the femenised seeds turns out male as it can happen on rare occasions thats why they call them femenised and not female seeds, it sort of covers their back if it turns out male.

my ak47 cross uk cherry cheese clones are not rooting, not sure whats going on, they been in the clone room for over 2 weeks and looked healthy and their was new growth, how ever i noticed them wilting today and had a look and their is no sign of any roots coming from them, so both ak47 are no more, i have got 2 more seeds but they are regular seeds so the risk would be having a male, so i think this time round ill stick with the clones and 2 fem seeds, the fruity one i got in their all ready and ill soak another one for the hempie,
my g13 was in soil and only in a small pot, id say 1 gallon pot, it could of done with a bigger pot to be honest but i just left it so it might of got bigger, the buds smell amazing, really tangy and not skunky so im hoping it will be a nice smoke when dry, also the ak47 cross uk cherry cheese smells tangy as well so cant wait till its dried and cured properly,
here are the pics of my plants, this is the 2nd veg round and hoping i get more yields this time round, the plants are looking amazing all ready, they are so healthy and growing loads quicker than the parents did, cant wait to see how this turns out, just uploading the pics of what i have got in veg and you can see what i got going on and how crazy my plants are, give me a couple of minutes and ill have the pics up
sorry people, but im going to have to put these pictures up 1 at a time, my phone is my internet dongle so keeps crashing with the uploading so ill do one at a time and you can see what i got going on.

so below is the delicious fruity chronic juice femenised, it has been having bpn, will be put in bigger pot later today, looks healthy with no deformed leaf so thinking it must be a good stable strain,
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