First Attempt At A Journal

Well she's praying again so thats good. She's coming back around.

Ph: 5.9
Ppm: 272
Wt: 21.3°C
Tt: 70.2°F
Th: 37%-50%



She's still looking a little ruff but she's getting better!!!! :woohoo: :party::lot-o-toke:
Little update on the critical widow for you bro! shes doing great, still haven't change res yet figure I'll let it get real low but today I will change and use new nutes.. so i wanted a pic for before just in case and then the after...praying to the cannabis gods again today!! Mojo looking like a fighter!!!
By the way did a heavy defol and in 3days shes thicker then when I did the defol:yummy:


She's hanging in there. Still growing. Not really looking the best nor is she drinking any water since 2 days ago. I'm not sure whats happening on the i side of her but Argo Thrive really did a number on her.
So got home early today and decided to drain half her water and add fresh water and dropped her light 6in. Since dropping her light she's praying hard so I hope the extra light brings her out of her funk.

Ph: 6.3
Ppm: 241
Wt: 20.4°C
Tt: 20.8°C
Th: 38%


Well my last post was from last night but it didn't send so there it is again. This morning she seems to be doing better. She has more green and is standing a little bit taller.

Ph: 5.8
Ppm: 242
Wt: 21.3°C
Tt: 20.2°C
Th: 47%


Hey buddy I hope all is good other then your little lady.
Sorry to hear about the mishap and thus the downfalls of hydro.
It’s going great until it’s not. Been there and done that :(

Unfortunately lessons cost money/ time
and good ones cost lots.

It may or may not help at this point but any chance you can lift your light slightly. I know she took it like a champ when she was healthy but if possible maybe raise the light a bit just to let her get some wind under her sail and see if it helps.

Week 4 of flower makes her giving her energy to making flowers so you have your hands full trying to move nutrient around the plant without a full canopy of leaves.

Play safe and enjoy
Boom. Hope it helps and it’s kinda a slow her down to speed her up approach.
How do her roots look these days? Did they get messed up? No need to show them I’m just curious
Her roots are one big ball now from the constant flush but other than that they are all there. I know I lost some tiny but can't really tell yet with her condition. All in all though she's a tuff bird. Right on for taking notice my friend. :passitleft:
Her roots are one big ball now from the constant flush but other than that they are all there. I know I lost some tiny but can't really tell yet with her condition. All in all though she's a tuff bird. Right on for taking notice my friend. :passitleft:
Your 420 family is always here. Problem with this family member is I’m completely ripped 99.999% of the time so I miss a lot. Lmao.
Hey Josh! She looks like she's bouncing back, if you don't see a drop in your PPM soon if consider doing a slight drop manually (dilute) to get her feeding again. She might be putting energy into her roots right now?

Hey Josh! She looks like she's bouncing back, if you don't see a drop in your PPM soon if consider doing a slight drop manually (dilute) to get her feeding again. She might be putting energy into her roots right now?

Thats what I just did two days ago. I took out 1.85gals and replaced it with water. And guess what. She started eating again. Lol. :woohoo: :passitleft:
Well she's doing really good. Shes perked back up and is starting to get her green back. Here's her report and pictures.

Ph: 6.1
Ppm: 247
Wt: 21.3°C
Tt: 75°F
Th: 40%


She's still here.

Ph: 6.1
Ppm: 271
Wt: 20.3°C
Tt: 73°F
Th: 41%



I've not added any water nor nutrients and as you can see my ppm has rose. I know now that she is fixing to start eating and drinking. I've seen her do this many times. It's like she pushes all her nutrients out of her and back into the water. However after the ppm rises she always kicks it up notch. I'm hoping this sign is that she is feeling good.
Oh yeah she's growing again. Looking good this morning. Her pistols are almost all white again and she's growing new leafs to push the old and ugly off.

Ph: 6.1
Ppm: 271
Wt: 21°C
Tt: 22°C
Th: 40%



The next picture is of her new root growth.
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