Fem Gelato & Bag Seed GSC

I think my light was a little to close, I raised it but it looks like a couple bud tops started to bleach:lot-o-toke:
Is there anything else that could b or definitely lights to close? I went back to work last week and it’s hard getting the timing right to get in there more than once a day while lights on unfortunately, but other than that all looks well
The girls r getting frosty and the GSC is a stinky girl but it’s so good lol the gelato is starting to show some color, the box under the gelato is my failed attempt to keep the canopy every, and it was after a week or two of stretche, but the GSC was having none of that equal shit, she wants to b queen lol
The best part of my morning was opening up that room and smelling her. I was so scared I lost the smell but as shes been curing its been coming back. I make my gf smell and taste test because honestly to me its not the same as the bags i would buy... I'm 1000% positive I will get better at that but in the meantime she says it smells like weed and tastes good nothing weird so yay...
So this was just sitting on a leaf this morning when I checked on my grow, it was towards the top so not sure where it fell from, but it this just a dead tiny leaf or a exploded naner? I looked all over but didn’t see anything similar anywhere else on here
And here is my GSC, I pulled a little bud off way down to get rid of it, and it was so juicy and smelly, kinda looks like some darker color is coming in, and for fun I threw in a pic of a clone from her that had a slight training incident yesterday, but she seems to b recovering well lol
I actually lost power last night but only a few hours, but all is well, it’s extremely stressful with DWC and no power lol I haven’t seen anything since so fingers crossed it wasn’t a naner, it was weird cause it was sitting on the middle of a fan leaf near the top
First two r GSC, and it really looks like some purple color is coming in on the buds if u can see it through all the trichs lol, the other two r the gelato and they r looking nice also, both so frosty, I think all my plants so far have been so frosty because I keep my house cool so the temps never get even near 80 and at night it says it’s gotten down to 61
The big GSC I Topped and just some lst to open her up, about 10 days into flower I put a box under the gelato to even the canopy out and I thought I was super smart cause they were perfectly even, but she showed me she will do what ever she wants, she is about twice as tall the gelato now lol
So I’m at day 47 of flower, it’s only my second run and I didn’t really flush the first one, so I’m gonna give it a go this time, I’m just unsure if I should start the flush now or wait a bit longer, any input is welcome :Rasta:
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