Fem Gelato & Bag Seed GSC

Yes that one was topped way more than the one on the right, I only topped the one on the right “GSC” once because she had root issues at first so I didn’t want to stress her to much but her roots r strong now, but I flipped to flower a week ago so I’m gonna let her go, I have clones of both though
This guy just made me shit myself almost, scared the crap outta me, he’s a fast little bugger
Here’s a few pictures of my GSC, I love this plant so far, awesome structure with minimal training and there is no mistaking that wonderful smell GSC has, it’s stinking already and there’s isn’t really any buds yet lol
Well she isn’t gonna b happy for a day or two, she was just getting to bushy so I had to take the hedge trimmers to her, I got a few cutting off her to play with, I just don’t have any room for them lol
You got all kinds of room brother. Put a couple in between you begging plants under the canopy , make sure some light is coming through but it don’t have to blare new clones like the light shaded a bit...
I didn't mess with him! Figured he was helping eat some gnats or mosquitos or spiders for all I know! Let the lil guys sun bathe, had to get some pictures of the celeb from kung Fu panda tho! Haha doubt they're harmful to plants I didn't look though tbh.
Yeah leave him be. I had one Chillin in the tent for a while. They are so cool!
I just took some fan leaves to get the light in there better, lollipopped a little also, I’m not gonna do much more to them the rest of the time other than fans blocking light, I wish the stretch would finish before the buds show up, it’s so hard to trill those lower buds off once they get growing lol
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